View Full Version : Can't Go Anywhere, Why Not Check the Plugs...DOH!

02-25-2003, 08:27 PM
Since there is nowhere to go, I thought I would go to the garage and check my plugs. Figured I'd check the passenger side, since they are the easiest to do and were the easiest to reach based on how the truck is parked. First plug (nearest the fron of the truck), check. Looks good. A little black on the bottom because I'm running a little rich, but looks good and gapped right. Second plug back, check. Looks good. A little black on the bottom because I'm running a little rich, but looks good and gapped right. Third plug back, check. Looks good. A little black on the bottom because I'm running a little rich, but looks good and gapped right. Hard time getting it back in, but managed. Plug coil goes on and I start to rethread the 7mm bolt. Seems a little difficult to put it, so I take it back out. BENT. SH*T!! I need a new bolt.

Then, sensability takes over: why leave that coil loose since it is rather difficult to get to. Why not leave the front coil loose and use it's bolt to tighten the third one down...then when I get a new bolt, just bolt into the first coil. Unthread 7mm bolt from coil one. begin to thread in coil 3. Going gets rough again. Take it out...looks fine. Thread without the coil...all is OK. Coil back on and start threading again...turn turn turn BREAK!!! Aw SH*T!!! Now I need two new bolts and need to get that busted bolt the hell out of the head. I've got about 2-3mm to work with.

Any suggestions? I;ve tried for a while to get that b*tch out with no success. If I can't get it out I may have to go to the dealer...it may be time to pull some mods, but knowing my luck lately I'll probably break a few more bolts and fry my computer...


02-25-2003, 08:38 PM
I anwser my phone, Emails practically 24/7, and help however I can:tu: Those sizes are 6mmX1.00 if I remember correctly. Wes Tarbox lives up there maybe he has a few ideas. Though getting around right now is a little trying..

02-25-2003, 08:55 PM
I know, Terry. That's why I called you first. I borrowed a set of locking pliers but I can't get a good grip back there to try to turn it out. I wat thinking to try to put a notch on top to see if I could use a screwdriver, but thought it is probably not a good idea. I may invest the $25-$30 for some of those Craftsman damaged screw removers to see it that will be my answer, but I don't know. I won't be taking the truck out until it dries up outside anyway, so I've got a little time. If I can't get it out I'm going to the dealer, unfortunately.

E-Mail me Wes' number and I'll try him tomorrow.


02-25-2003, 09:16 PM
Those stripped screw things are for screws with heads. Plus you have to get right on top of them. Maybe Bob Vilia has something else that will work. Next step would be to pull the fuel rail and get a top shot at it. Or weld a nut on top of it, not sure about cold welding one though..

02-25-2003, 09:51 PM
well me and Andrew had a similar prob, but it was just a stripped out head, and since we had all night we just jb welded a socket on the head and wallah! it came right out...but as seeing as the head snapped off you might have to use a n easy out if you can get it in there. if not then your probaby going to have to pull something off and drill it out, or maybe youcould drill it out with a dremel with a flex cable?

02-25-2003, 11:05 PM
VICE GRIPS!!!!!:tu:

02-25-2003, 11:28 PM
I'm going to venture out and get me a set of needle-nose vice grips to see if that works. The vice grips I borrowed are too big to help. I still need at least one new bolt, so I'll have to hit up the dealer anyway. Maybe I'll just zip tie the SOB in to stabilize until I can get to it! Thank God we got the third vehicle so I can park the Lightning for a while.


02-25-2003, 11:36 PM
Think of the hold down bolts as "spare parts" :D

02-25-2003, 11:44 PM
Believe it or not.... a huge pair of channel lock pliers can put in incredible amount of grip onto that little piece. I have a pair with handles that flex. They can really lock onto some crazy sh!t. Its worth a try.