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View Full Version : did someone want a stealth L

03-17-2003, 03:32 PM
I remember someone was interested in my laser jamming system that I have on my truck. anyways I found a few auctions for the same system that I use on my truck. Works like no other. No tickets, ever, but I have had plenty of baffeled cops. For anyone interested. MSRP on these are $300. I paid $250. Anything less than that is an awesome deal for an excelent product.

03-17-2003, 03:50 PM
Hmm, that is an old unit.. I have been carrying these for over 2 years and think I have sold two units. I think people have trouble believing they work. Then they wonder how I do 100+ anywhere I go, because I'm invisible and a little crazy:tu: My Blinder Page (http://www.performanceresearchonline.com/street/radar/lidar.htm)

03-17-2003, 04:07 PM
Wow, a fellow stealth bandit. I will witness the effectiveness to anyone who wants to buy one from you. I put mine on in Nov '02 and have had 3 successful jams so far. That basically equates to 3, 30+ over tickets. Yeah, yeah, I know the m-10 is the new wave.. blah, blah. my m06-hp works fine. I believe the only difference is the warning. Correct me if I am wrong terry. My v1 covers laser warnings for me in that department. Terry where did you mount the sensors? mine are in the stock grille on the bottom row, right above where the bottom and top bumpers meet. I have no plate so the sensors are right next to the headlights.

03-17-2003, 04:31 PM
I believe the laser jammers work. If you said it jammed radar i would have to say prove it to me. I have seen systems that work, but all of those were in the military. The FCC would have a field day with anyone producing a radar jammer that is actually capable of jamming at sucha frequency.

I would be interested in gettign one of the laser jammers....I got popped heading into Grapevine right before the mall. (yeah the big 6 lane highway with 300 yards between the sides, speed trap of 55 IMO) ...87 in a 55...the V1 went crazy but instant on is a mofo.


03-17-2003, 04:49 PM
there are "active" radar jammers that did work( to a very limited extent, and only the x and k bands) but they were outlawed by the fcc back in '92. Some of the models were the scorpion, arc, and phantom rcd (no, not the one from rocky mountain radar). You can still find one everynow and then on ebay, or on rare occasion at a pawn shop as a "radar detector". I had an arc($600), but they emitt so much radiation that my v1 was off the wall 24-7. Plus I was afraid I would turn into the incredible hulk with all that gamma leakage:banana:

03-17-2003, 05:20 PM
Laser detection is nearly useless. The beam is so narrow and fast I have seen headlights targeted and the detector never goes off. Besides only 15-20% of the beam penetrates glass windshields. Mine used to be in the lower grill. When I went billet yo yo I had to mount them elsewhere. I have an active Kband jammer also but can't post pics becasue it is top secret and shizzle:twitch: