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View Full Version : Foglight replacement

03-25-2003, 02:15 PM
I remember seeing discussion about getting replacement foglights for the 99s from Dallas Mustang.

Do they keep them in stock? Which model Mustang was it?
If so, where are they located? I couldn't find a street address anywhere...

Thanks in advance,

03-25-2003, 02:21 PM
Dallas Mustang:throw: that is Crawford's favorite place:d I think one guy said Texas Mustang Parts in Waco. they should be in stock and are used on the 87-93 5.0's Whitebeast99 knows the deal.

03-25-2003, 02:54 PM
That's correct, and actually, I have one more question for Whitebeast99. When you order, they ask you about your car to make sure you get the right parts. What do you tell them in that space?

03-25-2003, 07:11 PM
I tell them I want the 93 Cobra fogs and I know they will fit a Gen2L

Part #E7RR-0015L203-L - it is the lens and bulb for 17.95 each.
Use the existing housing splice in a new connector on one terminal and your set.

Here's the link to Texas Mustang (http://www.parts123.com/PartFrame.asp?ZTM=cadeflca&GHOME=www.texasmustang.com/catalog.htm&TITLE=Texas_Mustang)

Put in "fog light lens" in description and "93" in the year and click on search button and you'll find what you're after.

They are not the crystal clear type lens that are on the 01's and greater but for the price it can't be beat- especially when you have to replace them every 6 months or so. I'm on my 5th set.