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View Full Version : Ennis Friday March 28

03-27-2003, 11:42 PM
I won't be there this week, Terry is performing some minor surgery on my girl Saturday.

I did want to post the Ennis Schedule for those that are going Friday night.

According to their printed schedule, it will be street night. "Pro" style lights(no yellows once fully staged), time/speed lights will not be displayed. Time slips will only show your time, not the person you race against.

Gates open at 8 P.M. racing from 9 P.M. - 2 A.M.

By the way...last week when I complained to the track prep guys about the ice rink traction, they told me that they where scraping the track last Monday, so the track should be prepped better this week.
Just hang towels off the front bumper to mop up all the water the morons will drag up the launch pad.


03-28-2003, 02:08 AM
Ron, did you happen to see those cool billet pulleys on f150? just thought id mention it because i think you might be putting on a 2lb upper, as well as a fluidyne right? youre a track queen, im surprised you didnt have those parts on their beforehand so you could make it.

03-28-2003, 02:58 AM
Hey Ron, when are you going to sell your truck, so I can buy some of those bad a$$ mods? LOL
I may go if anyone else does. I am still stock, but I'm going to try to best my 13.56 first run after dropping my spare,hitch,jack, and tailgate. It was my first time so I think with some experience,(drop my reaction time .997) lower the psi (ran 28, drop to 26) I will do better. May buy a K@N panel and throw some ice on the intake! Its going to be in the 40's tomorrow night so we'll see.

03-28-2003, 09:16 AM
I went faster with the hitch due to traction issues on street rubber.

03-28-2003, 04:20 PM

I saw those pulleys your talking about. I thought they were sweet, but I am going with an interchangeable upper...stock/2lb so I can use the stock for street, winter or as a sandbag when qualifying for bracket events. I am hoping that the Fluidyne heat exchanger Terry is putting on will remove a bit more heat so I can get away with more boost by keeping the heat down. My flip chip with the race program on it is suppose to be here any day now. Look out 11's...here I come:eek2: .

I will remember your request if I decide to sell, but i wouldn't count on it to soon.
Go ahead and drop those F1's down to 24lbs...keep out of the water...and heat them just enough to start smoking and no more. They will grip for you this way. I managed a 1.90 60' with mine and no trailer hitch, but Terry is right, the hitch weight helps with the traction some.
Oh Yeah...pull in both mirrors:D

Ya'll have fun tonight...I'll be having a blast pulling my upstairs toilet out to fix a leak...OH BOY, I CAN"T WAIT.


03-28-2003, 05:22 PM
wow Ron, i might have to cancel my trip to the track and come over to your place! jk ill be at the track with my buds

03-29-2003, 03:26 AM
Terry, Ron,
I will take ya'lls advice on the hitch. I took off the spare and jack, but my home tools are not on the up@up! Must have lost some over the years. What size socket are those hitch bolts? Man, they are on FKN tight. I couldn't budge them with a cresent wrench a cheater bar! It's cool since its behind the rear wheels I understand how it could help with traction, plus my buddy just got 2 more jet skies for a total of 4! It will come in handy this summer.:tu:

03-29-2003, 03:44 AM
Originally posted by HighVoltage
Terry, Ron,
I will take ya'lls advice on the hitch. I took off the spare and jack, but my home tools are not on the up@up! Must have lost some over the years. What size socket are those hitch bolts? Man, they are on FKN tight. I couldn't budge them with a cresent wrench a cheater bar! It's cool since its behind the rear wheels I understand how it could help with traction, plus my buddy just got 2 more jet skies for a total of 4! It will come in handy this summer.:tu:

I had mine removed while a shop was doing some other work. They had to use an impact/hammer type wrench. It looked like they struggled to get them off.


03-29-2003, 05:35 PM
yep the track had crappy traction imo. i was tryin to beat my 13.6, i kept getting consistent 13.8s. my female was racing her ss too.

03-29-2003, 05:57 PM
How did Rob do with that new torque converter Terry put in for him?


03-29-2003, 10:42 PM
I was at the track with Rob. The track was ok with slicks, with the drag radials could only manage a 12.95, the drag radials would'nt hook up till right before the 60 ft. Rob's first pass he had a 1.69 60 ft. then had to get out of it about the 1/8th mark because he thought he was detonating. Second,third passes ran right around 12.50's. The truck when it launches, the a$$ end pops up and the front end drops, the truck hops, then grabs traction no matter what rpm's he brings the truck up to. The truck gets good traction, but it hops is the best way to describe it. The front end never lifts in the front. He thinks the reason for it, is because the truck has been lowered (2/4 drop). Anyone have any opinons for the launching problem?

03-29-2003, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by Alpine
I was at the track with Rob. The track was ok with slicks, with the drag radials could only manage a 12.95, the drag radials would'nt hook up till right before the 60 ft. Rob's first pass he had a 1.69 60 ft. then had to get out of it about the 1/8th mark because he thought he was detonating. Second,third passes ran right around 12.50's. The truck when it launches, the a$$ end pops up and the front end drops, the truck hops, then grabs traction no matter what rpm's he brings the truck up to. The truck gets good traction, but it hops is the best way to describe it. The front end never lifts in the front. He thinks the reason for it, is because the truck has been lowered (2/4 drop). Anyone have any opinons for the launching problem?

Yeah...Metco Lowers... :nana2
Edit**** The more I read that issue...the more I think maybe it could be the lowering of the truck.
Is it wheel hop he's getting? I have a 2" rear only drop and my truck squawts in the rear on the launch and then again into 1-2 and 2-3.


T Hogg
03-30-2003, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Alpine
I was at the track with Rob. The track was ok with slicks, with the drag radials could only manage a 12.95, the drag radials would'nt hook up till right before the 60 ft. Rob's first pass he had a 1.69 60 ft. then had to get out of it about the 1/8th mark because he thought he was detonating. Second,third passes ran right around 12.50's. The truck when it launches, the a$$ end pops up and the front end drops, the truck hops, then grabs traction no matter what rpm's he brings the truck up to. The truck gets good traction, but it hops is the best way to describe it. The front end never lifts in the front. He thinks the reason for it, is because the truck has been lowered (2/4 drop). Anyone have any opinons for the launching problem?

I'm having that same problem. Bites real hard then hops up off the ground, only on a NOS launch. I know his is a Gen2 but it's still a truck. My truck has not been lowered. I was thinking it was because of three reason. 1. Cal-Tracs adj. too tight(Too much load) 2. Not enough weight transfer (need some drag shocks) 3. Too low tire psi (11 psi)If he finds out what the problem is. Could you let me know?


03-31-2003, 12:12 AM
Weight transfer is an issue.. We will try some differnet setups. We had 13-15 psi on Wed @ Kennedale and almost lost a slick off the tire. It was @13-15psi but the truck was hitting them so hard it would wrinkle and get w/ in .5" of the pavement:eek2: