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03-30-2003, 04:56 AM

03-30-2003, 06:12 AM
that sucks man. although being plenty of alcoholics in my family and me being not one of them i can understand... i hate beligerents(sp)

03-30-2003, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by Natetrun
I have decided if i ever see any of these people that have threatened me or my family on the street where i'm not wearing my name badge, my suit, and putting up with their **** because i have to. If the oppurtunity is there - I'm going to fuk them off. After I'm done and I hear law suit, I'm going to hurt them some more. I'm going to hurt them until they beg for me to get off them. I'm sick of these people walking all over people just because they own a company. Drive a bentley. Spend x amount of dollars.

the end
With an attitude like that you are in the wrong job my friend. Swearing acts of revenge against drunk aholes is immature and unprofessional to say the least:nono: Drunks are like retarted people you just try to keep them from hurting themselves or other people. Just can't pay attention to what they say or threaten. You are going to die young of stress and ulcers taking your job this personally. Every one of your statements has some type of class envy in it. Just because they are drunk boligerants does have much to do with their accomplishments and social status. Middle class drunks talk pretty much the same smack. A job at PetsMart with cuddly animals is in order:tu:
Doug, can we get Nathan his own off topic forum? I think the need is self evident:d

03-30-2003, 04:26 PM

03-30-2003, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by L8 ****
Swearing acts of revenge against drunk aholes is immature and unprofessional to say the least

Doing so publicly is unwise, whether you're serious or not. Having posted your comments on the internet for all the world to see makes you suspect number one should any of those folks so much as stub their toe. Can you see this scenario - One of your drunks happens to see your post, and decides to jack with you a bit. He bashes in his own windshield and keys his car. Then he calls the local PD and says "No, I don't have any idea who might do this. Well, except I did have a little beef at a hotel last weekend, and I heard the guy I had the beef with was making threats against me on the TALON board." Guess who gets to try and explain that he was only venting? Will you get arrested and/or charged? Unlikely. Will it be a PITA to deal with, and a headache you don't need? Most definitely.

Not my place, but I'm going to offer you some advice. Learn some restraint! Making threats against folks is begging to get hurt. And don't kid yourself that you have some measure on anonymity by using the internet. My $.02, nothing more. Take it or ignore it, your choice.

03-30-2003, 10:30 PM

03-30-2003, 10:47 PM

To keep the Administration of this venerable web site from having to get emails or subpoena's from folks involved in this BS lets keep conversations like this OFF this board...

At least one of our number are Police Officers so lets keep it professional.


03-30-2003, 10:58 PM
sorry. thought this could go in off topic especially since the story was pretty vague. all i'm saying is most people are human. they would like to be treated the same way you treat them. i'm always nice to people off the bat. always.

I'm guessing no one could identify or have been in one of those situations. has anyone ever gotten pissed and got into so much as a fight here? I thought texans were mean all the time and like fighting and such.I'm pretty passive and takes alot to make me mad, but i think i'm a pretty nice guy. all i was saying is i'm tired of being the nice guy and getting steped on.

03-30-2003, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Natetrun
sorry. thought this could go in off topic especially since the story was pretty vague. all i'm saying is most people are human. they would like to be treated the same way you treat them. i'm always nice to people off the bat. always.

I'm guessing no one could identify or have been in one of those situations. has anyone ever gotten pissed and got into so much as a fight here? I thought texans were mean all the time and like fighting and such.I'm pretty passive and takes alot to make me mad, but i think i'm a pretty nice guy. all i was saying is i'm tired of being the nice guy and getting steped on.
Nathan, If you are intending on staying at your present job, listen to what MoonShine has to say. He has way more experience in that field you are in.
Otherwise, look else where for employment.

.02 worth

03-30-2003, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Natetrun
sorry. thought this could go in off topic especially since the story was pretty vague. all i'm saying is most people are human. they would like to be treated the same way you treat them. i'm always nice to people off the bat. always.

I'm guessing no one could identify or have been in one of those situations. has anyone ever gotten pissed and got into so much as a fight here? I thought texans were mean all the time and like fighting and such.I'm pretty passive and takes alot to make me mad, but i think i'm a pretty nice guy. all i was saying is i'm tired of being the nice guy and getting steped on.

Hell yeah, happens all the time in my business... you have to take the high road and remind yourself that you are are the better "man" because you did... I am sure that I am not alone on this one... or as was suggested.. find another line of work, or start your own business, then you can be the boss...

03-30-2003, 11:28 PM
Nate a BUNCH of us are in various support roles that put us in contact with customers just like the ones you describe.

I dont have people swearing at me but I have some of the richest folks in Dallas giving me a dose of thier attitude on a regular basis.
One of my currrent customers is still one of the richest folks in the country. 2 years ago he was in the top 50 richest in the world. He is a GREAT guy but some of the folks he works with are interesting

You need to figure out a way to get past it. Let it roll off you.


03-30-2003, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by Silver_2000_;)!
Nate a BUNCH of us are in various support roles that put us in contact with customers just like the ones you describe.

I dont have people swearing at me but I have some of the richest folks in Dallas giving me a dose of thier attitude on a regular basis.
One of my currrent customers is still one of the richest folks in the country. 2 years ago he was in the top 50 richest in the world. He is a GREAT guy but some of the folks he works with are interesting

You need to figure out a way to get past it. Let it roll off you.


Not to mention the number of a$$holes that you have to deal with on a daily basis that dont pay any money for access to a forum that you mod on and are not to shy about letting their feeling be known... hmmm

03-30-2003, 11:53 PM
i like my job and I'm keeping it. Like i said I control myself. Theres those days though. anyways. thanx for some of the advice.