View Full Version : Got the truck back and more troubles await >>>

04-10-2003, 12:22 PM
It has been quite the ordeal. I picked it up last night and have had a few problems since. I broke the acc. tensioner in half about 4 miles from the shop, but that's nother story. The more pressing issue is my tranny.

It doesn't want to shift out of first gear unless I get off the gas, it will run all the way through redline. Once I get out of the gas it will shift. It also seems to hunt for gears at times,and sometimes does a RPM sweep much like a manual car would with your foot on the gas and the clutch simultaneously.

I have a new chip that was reprogrammed by JDM for the long tubes and better AF ratio and this is really the first time I have gotten to run it, but it's supposed to be the same exact tune I had before minus a little AF tweaking to get me out of the 10's and the addition of the long tubes/cats. As far as I know no tranny stuff was changed.

I ahven't tried pulling the chip yet since I have a 6# pulley on there as well as the 90mm MAF etc. I'm not too crazy about running the truck at all without the chip because of all the mods. How long would I have to pull the chip for to see if that's the problem.

On the way into work this morning I noticed that my OD "off" light was blinking for about the last mile or so. I want to get the codes pulled on it and see what's up. Will any OBD II scanner work to pull the codes? or does it require special software? ie. can I get it done at Autozone? If not does anyone have a scan tool that will read the tranny codes as well ?

I'm finally back in the saddle and now the bull's trying to buck me off again :(



Mark #2
04-10-2003, 12:44 PM
You can pull the chip and run around all day long, just stay off the boost. I would certainly start by pulling the chip.

04-10-2003, 02:10 PM
Cool Mark, I was thinking that. Obviously for diagnostics it wouldn't be that long. I think the only issue would be it takes some WOT passes to make it have these symptoms. The worst part right now seems to be the inability for it to shift out of first unless I get off the gas.

I just took it out for lunch ang the blinking light has subsuded, however the 1-2 shift is still very late. I have my old chip too, maybe i'll throw it back in there and see how it reacts.

Reading up on it on F150 and over at NLOC it's pointing toward a rebuild. In most cases that have similar symtoms, the intermediate sprag seems to be the culprit, which is a cheap little part....jsut that it's in the middle of the tranny. it would make little sense to pay to get it torn down and replace tht part without rebuilding everythign else.

How much is a monster Box? If the prices are even close to comparable I may as well upgrade, as the future plans dictate the necessity of a monster box.


04-10-2003, 05:44 PM
Just went to Autozone and it didn't throw any codes. I don't know if it's because their tool isn't capable of getting tranny codes or if it's because the little OD "OFF" light wasn't blinking at the time ???

Anyone have a scan tool capable of pulling this code ??


04-10-2003, 06:04 PM
Doug just got a new scan tool, but I don't think he'll be back in town until this weekend or maybe first part of next week. :confused:

04-12-2003, 05:45 AM I hope you don't go through the problems I did.Mine was the intermedite sprag. Good luck to you!

04-12-2003, 08:11 AM
JD has a monster box and his sprag is gone as well:hammer:

04-14-2003, 06:39 PM
As was mentioned I have a Ford Scan tool.. If you like we cxan take a look


04-14-2003, 08:53 PM
I tryed a Ford scan tool it showed nothing. Now if you did it where you could use the tool driving down the road. We did not know how to do that. Could not fiqure it out. So instead I tryed everything anyone told me to try for about a mounth. Have you called Gregg?