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View Full Version : How Fast Do St. Bernards Grow?..you ask

04-16-2003, 10:48 AM
First picture is right after we got him, second is Thursday of last week...total of 4 weeks' growth = tripling in size :eek2: :eek2:



04-16-2003, 10:55 AM
Wow, you are going to have to keep him inside most of the summer. I think those dogs are too heavy furred for Texas summers.

04-16-2003, 01:56 PM
Holy crap.

04-16-2003, 02:29 PM
so how is the pup? no more seizures or anything?

04-16-2003, 03:33 PM
He's doing great. Growing like a weed and he's still in the chewing the hell out of everything stage! He had an ear infection that I had to treat and he's got a problem with one of his hind legs that I'm going to get checked out soon. Looks like he has a trick knee or is double jointed. This is probably not a good thing for a dog that will be his size, but he might mature and grow out of it. All in all though he is happy and very healthy. Now if I could figure out a way to stop him from crapping ALL OVER the yard!


04-21-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by tliss
Now if I could figure out a way to stop him from crapping ALL OVER the yard!

LOL! Brings back memories of when I lived in a house with a "normal" sized yard. You've seen my three mutts, and with that many dogs, including a Great Dane, if you don't keep up with it every single day it wouldn't be long before I was swimming in it. Consequently, I picked up every day, rain, snow, etc., etc. I was more faithful than the mailman.

Since we moved to our current place I haven't had to pick up a single time, as the mutts are bright enough to go out in the pasture to do their thing. I feel for ya', but I sure don't envy ya'.

As for the growth rate, yup that brings back memories too. Mulder was 30 lbs. when we got him at 10 weeks. Inside of six months he'd broken 100 lbs. He's at 165 now.

Summer heat? Buy a kiddie wading pool and he'll be living in it until October. Misters on the porch are also good way for the mutts to keep cool.

Mark #2
04-21-2003, 04:49 PM
I'm with Moonshine on the crap issue. We had a 90lb German Shepherd for 13 years in a normal size yard and I too had to keep up with it every day. If I didn't, the biting flies would get bad, on her ears and my back.

Miss the dog, Angel, she died, but not the maintenance.

04-21-2003, 07:53 PM
I just want him to pick a spot and keep it to that general area. Instead, he gets the itch once and craps on one side of the yard...next time on the other; like a freakin' crap tennis match! I have noticed he likes the taller grass under the trees. Must feel good on his a$$ when he squats :roll
