View Full Version : Had a mouse IN the tailgate

04-30-2003, 03:21 PM
This morning I loaded up the truck cover into the bed. I was too tired to put the cover on last night, so I let it sit.

After arriving at my destination, I pull the cover out of the bed and in the corner is a cowering lil' mouse. Cute lil' bastard. :cool: So I lower the tailgate, crawl into the bed, and he proceeds to scurry about. As I'm flailing around, the mouse runs between my legs and gets in the grove between the open tailgate and the bed. Of course, there are little holes located on the bottom of the tailgate. Mouse enters. "Dammit!"

Now the situation looks bleak. How am I going to get the mouse out? I couldn't drive around knowing the little guy is in there. I remove the tailgate, eye a potential opening, and go to work removing the latch panel. Can't see the bugger. He's in there somewhere, I can hear him sliding around as I've got the tailgate on my back trying to shake him loose (gently, of course). After 20 minutes I give up, but as I set the tailgate against the fence, I see two beaty little eyes looking at me. :eek2: Sneaking up on him, I try to snatch him, but he re-enters the blasted tailgate. By this time, I'm about ready to give up altogether but give it one last shake. Out comes the mouse, bounding along the fenceline to freedom.

Point: Don't let wildlife into those openings at the bottom of the tailgate. :nono:

04-30-2003, 04:03 PM
I'm sure that was very irritating. I had the same kind of thing happen to me once with a wild lizard my son picked up when we were in California.

I got a good grin out of your story and I'm glad it ended up well.


04-30-2003, 05:24 PM
You should have called on PR's Exterminating services:D

04-30-2003, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by L8 APEX
You should have called on PR's Exterminating services:D

LOL I had thought of just that, but then I wanted the little guy to live. More importantly, I wanted to salvage my tailgate and spare it from PR target practice. :)

05-01-2003, 01:35 AM

(would have just pumped some propane into the opening and flushed him out)

George G.
05-01-2003, 09:15 AM
I was just thinking of the same thing, but with a water hose at the other end...that'll flush em out.

05-01-2003, 09:21 AM
propane could spark to a fire...... but I would take my chances over having a rusty tailgate:twitch: