View Full Version : anyone looking for a job?
05-03-2003, 02:50 AM
this is more towards young gyus i guess.
Valet job opening
Double Tree Legacy Towncenter
7120 Dallas Parkway
Plano, TX
full time Valet, job pays 5.50 an hour and you can make anywhere from 30 - 150 a night, depending on what day of the week. Come apply at Human Resources at the back loading dock. Dress nice, tell them that Nathan sent you. if you use my name, don't f'up. You have to deal with people in all kind of moods. If you want more info, pm me.
05-03-2003, 03:31 AM
Uhhhhh, I am sorry, I thought you said $5.50 an hour:roll :roll :roll
Ok, but I only park Ferrari's, Bugatti's, Lotus, McLarens and Lambos....but on the positive side, I will give them a performance apraisal after returning.:burnout:
05-03-2003, 03:39 AM
hehe. man, i wouldn't laugh, ive seen some valets leave with 250 in their pocket plus their wage.PLUS it is a job. i know most the people here are a little older and have a career. i posted this for younger guys and that don't have a job and need money. This is an executive hotel and their have been some really nice exotics roll through before. so, sometimes you get to drive some nice mchinery.
05-04-2003, 02:06 AM
see... right now I'm washing lettuce, pretty soon I'll be on fries, then the grill, a few years and I'll make assitant manager...and that's when the Big Bucks start rolling in!
$5.50 an hour? Cool, it will only take 100 hours to make my truck payment! LOL:eek:
05-04-2003, 03:32 AM
i didn't post this job so people can make fun of it. theres people with no work that needs to make money. :nono:
05-04-2003, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Natetrun
i didn't post this job so people can make fun of it. theres people with no work that needs to make money. :nono:
I can appreciate that. There's been times in my life when I would have jumped on a job like that. All you've got to do is be courteous and park/retrieve cars without banging into anything. Beats the hell out of bailin' hay or lugging blocks of shingles up a ladder in the blazing sun (have done both for way less $).
05-04-2003, 08:38 PM
yep, it hurts sometimes but you gotta do what you gotta do. thats why im stuck in a shityass job. but i make decent money. i just hate the job
05-04-2003, 11:11 PM
It could be a good part time job for me to pick up customers and some lonely wealthy ladies:twitch: :banana: You do those jobs for the tips not the wage.:)
05-04-2003, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by L8 APEX
It could be a good part time job for me to pick up customers and some lonely wealthy ladies:twitch: :banana: You do those jobs for the tips not the wage.:)
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