View Full Version : another battle scar
05-16-2003, 05:44 PM
Yeah, ended up going over a curb and into a stop sign. Anyone want to help me fix it.
05-16-2003, 05:45 PM
this too
05-16-2003, 05:47 PM
looks like I need a new rim
05-16-2003, 07:10 PM
Ouch! Hate to see that man, it hurts me. I heard today on the radio that there was a car on 75 that was under a gas truck and that the truck had to be drained before the car came out. Dallas can be crazy sometimes. Good luck man, I'm sure you will get it fixed like new. Did you cry?:crying: I almost did when my truck was doing 360s down I-20 at 65mph. I was very lucky!
05-17-2003, 01:55 AM
sad !!!:crying: I don't know who is going to beable to help "fix" that but a body shop.:confused:
I had a similar wreck when i was younger. I had a 95 black 4 cylinder Wrangler from hell. had 4 inch lift and i think 42 inch mud kings, Iron full frontal homemade wench bumper (no wench). I was driving from little rock and it just had rained on this curvy ass montain road and i just went taco bell. I was fiddling with my chalupa and look up and I'm in the other lane with an on coming car, I swerve and had no tractions with the stupid mud tires fished tailed side ways, ramped through a 6ft ditch in this guys front yard, took out 2 road sighns, a mail box (the jeep hated mail boxes for some reson) and crashed into a big pine coming to a stop. Luckily i had my seatbelt on. lost my chalupa somewhere and this old guy came running out in his yard. I had a pretty long traffic record at the time so there was no way in hell i was going to get caught. I cranked it up and ..WTF! i lost my exhaust . I hauled arse ramping through his yard and ditch again running open headers, 4 cylinder roaring out of dodge. I wouldn't have been that hard for cops to catch. Thing toped out at about 70 mph and gee, where can i find a loud POS wrangler with open headers? I drove 100 miles back home on open headers on freeway thanking my lucky stars when i got home. I was stupid back then. :hammer:
luckily i did all my stupid stuff along time ago and have a clean record now :D
05-17-2003, 02:17 AM
andrew, i know a few people who could give an estimate. come over sat morn and we will talk more then
05-17-2003, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by cpeapea
andrew, i know a few people who could give an estimate. come over sat morn and we will talk more then
check your pm's :) . I'm thinking about saying screw it and come over in the morning. I get off work at 7am:rolleyes: . Maybe we can do the steak thing for supper and grab lunch or something?
05-17-2003, 02:25 AM
damn man...sorry to see that :(
As far as the rim is concerned it can be repaired...don't buy a new one unless you get a great deal.
05-17-2003, 02:32 AM
pm's checked :tu:
05-17-2003, 09:18 AM
I think I may have had an ABS failure or something. I wish I knew how to tell. Even my room mate was wondering why it didnt stop. We find ourselves in situations like that frequently and he concured that my truck would normally have come to a complete stop before I got to the curb. I do funky stuff alot, but always within the limits of my vehicle. I was only going 30mph but my back tires were probabley going about 60mph and I had my wheels cut to the right hard when I mashed the brakes. Humm not too sure how that would have effected it, but my front bumper seems to think so.:D I am just going to pay to fix it out of pocket, thats why I want to do as much stuff by myself as possible.
05-17-2003, 11:44 AM
to start drinking heavily... LOL j/k
actually, given your driving style, I would say an upgrade to EBC pads and rotors would be the way to go IMO.. they have saved my butt a few times already compared to the stockers....
05-17-2003, 11:46 AM
If I have any $ left over after I do the repairs I think I will get some for my truck. Mainly I just want the airplane sound:D
05-17-2003, 11:52 AM
unexpected benefit... it was weird when I first heard it and thought it would go away.. but its still there.. but like I have said before, the first time I really hit them, I thought I was going to do a nose wheelie... :nana2
05-17-2003, 10:03 PM
D@mn, Sam ! What the hell happened ? Is there any "internal" frame, etc damage ?
At least your alright.
Showing up Mon. night at Hooter's/CC ?
05-17-2003, 10:54 PM
The ABS didn't fail some variation of this happend. The computer was responding to the input given. It sensed a ground speed of your stated 60mph. Then the fronts were sensing 30mph. If the wheel was turned then it was sensing a differential of speed between right and left It will release the fronts because it thinks the fronts are locking up since they don't match the ground speed indicated by the rear wheels.
Front wheels 30 rear wheels 60, cocked steering wheel sounds like shananigans:nono:
05-18-2003, 01:24 AM
terry, you are one smart dude. I would have never figured that out. That makes perfect sense. I have learned to "cool it" a bit. Gav and I (mostly me:D ) took off the bumper cover and straightned the under bumper a bit. Just a sidenote, on the way home I had a front tire blow-out at about 120mph. I little scary but I had amazing control over the truck. time for a fix-er-up session.
05-18-2003, 03:33 AM
Originally posted by microsuck
Just a sidenote, on the way home I had a front tire blow-out at about 120mph. I little scary but I had amazing control over the truck. time for a fix-er-up session.
:hammer: . How do you do all this damage man!? transmissions and all.
05-18-2003, 03:41 AM
what can I say, I am a very gifted individual:evil
05-18-2003, 02:32 PM
when I came back this morning to change the tire I discovered that some b!tch-a$$ muther-fcuker had stolen my headlight and foglight blackout covers. I hate thiefs:flaming:
05-18-2003, 03:48 PM
Do us a BIG favor and settle down a little behind the wheel.
We dont want to red about you getting hurt or killed in the paper.
The part that scares me is you wipe out a stop sign and the front end of your truck and that didnt knock enough sense into you to cool it for a few minutes... Instead to top it off "on the way home" you are going 120 in a broken truck with a bent rim, and you werent sure what else was wrong to make the ABS "screw up"
I think I may have had an ABS failure or something. I wish I knew how to tell. Even my room mate was wondering why it didnt stop. We find ourselves in situations like that frequently...
PLEASE - Take it easy...
05-18-2003, 04:10 PM
I know, I am way out of control. I dont know what to do. I keep buying faster bikes, why? so I can die quicker? I push my truck too far and more stuff breaks. Why, so can get there 2 min faster? It's stupid, but I cant stop. It seems like all I spend my money on is stuff to make my body move faster. I am going to start putting it into my 401k or something. Buying this stupid truck was the worst descision I ever made. I want to get rid of it. Its like a disease that is going to kill me. I can see why parents say that kids shouldent have fast cars or bikes. I didnt know till I had them. Hopefuly my kids wont be as stupid crazy for speed as I am. I am way too immature for this truck.
05-18-2003, 06:00 PM
Well, from my perspective, I'm glad I got the '02 L when I'm now 33 and "mature" :tu:
Step back, assess the situation and ease up on the right foot a bit.
See you tomorrow night!
05-18-2003, 08:43 PM
well im not much older than you andrew. i too have a facination with speed, but only in 1/4 mile bursts. andrew has a facination with top end i.e. the crotch rockets. just try to take it easy. i trick myself into thinking there is a cop around every corner, that tends to get me to act straight :d but age doesnt always directly correlate with maturity thats for sure.
one time my old man (r.i.p.) used to make his own gigantic fireworks. he used to love to drop them under bridges and under passes. well one time he meant to throw it our the window and missed, it bounced off into the back seat. the whole family was in the car. it was quite possibly the loudest bang ive ever heard. now that i look back its funny, but my mom says it was quite immature, even though he was in his mid 30's at the time
05-18-2003, 08:57 PM
My dad is was 53 when he got thrown in jail while attending the street races on the Erion CBR900rr. So maturity is not attached to age:rolleyes: It takes over 8 hours to get someone out of Sterret. Good decisions don't come free you have to earn them :confused:
05-18-2003, 09:42 PM
My only worry is that it keeps getting worse. Now I want a Z06, for the sole reason being that I want to drive at 200mph on 4 wheels. So stupid :hammer:. I thought it would fade off and that this new "testing my capabilities" would die once I had the truck for a while. but I find myself pretending that the more "hard-core" I drive the better I will be at it and then I can drive even more hardcore. Stupid logic, but I am pleased to know that I am not the only one that suffers from the danger disease.
Originally posted by L8 APEX
My dad is was 53 when he got thrown in jail while attending the street races on the Erion CBR900rr.
correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the 929 that was the Erion racing edition? I remember almost buying one a while back.
05-18-2003, 09:53 PM
nope. it was honda.. had a great team put together , great crew and they kicked much arse.
edit: I'm confused how did your dad have an Erion cbr 900rr. those were the most extreme bikes ever built. the rider constantly had those 200hp bikes on the rev limiter and unbelieveable handling. Was it a real one? Erion was an unbeatable team, they still around?
05-18-2003, 10:13 PM
honda does(did) make the 929 you silly billy:nana2
05-18-2003, 10:18 PM
Erion has made one for each generation. I had a 96 back in the day. I would reccommend focusing your desire to drive hard in a more productive environement than public roads. Run ER autocross events they are 25 bucks and held monthly. Or get a membership to Motorsport Ranch and drive until the brakes smoke and tires pop. Sign up for a Driver's Edge event locally. Get into events with other racers and it is a humbling experience. Driving hard on the street ruins proper competetive driving style. On the street you are driving around ignorant people not expecting your actions. You cannot control your surroundings, road conditions etc.. There are to many variables to push it on the street. If you want to get good go to driving schools and events, not racing around soccer mom's on city streets. Preachin off:beer:
05-18-2003, 10:22 PM
hehe. before the 929 there was a 900 and there was something they sold overseas in europe they wouldn't bring to the US call the fireblade. And i didn't know they made those bikes to sale to the public. damn, wonder if you can still find those. :confused:
05-18-2003, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by L8 APEX
Driving hard on the street ruins proper competetive driving style. On the street you are driving around ignorant people not expecting your actions. You cannot control your surroundings, road conditions etc.. There are to many variables to push it on the street.
tru dat terry. words of wisdom
05-18-2003, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Natetrun
hehe. before the 929 there was a 900 and there was something they sold overseas in europe they wouldn't bring to the US call the fireblade. And i didn't know they made those bikes to sale to the public. damn, wonder if you can still find those. :confused:
bling bling! i have been watching it for a few days now:twitch:
that was my first dream bike.
05-18-2003, 10:33 PM
Fireblades are basically a different sticker kit. A few guys went to the Honda dealer and ordered the Fireblade decals and swapped their CBR decals.
05-19-2003, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by L8 APEX
Fireblades are basically a different sticker kit. A few guys went to the Honda dealer and ordered the Fireblade decals and swapped their CBR decals.
Yep that is correct:tu: it just had a different name in Europe/England.. same bike though...
Mark #2
06-04-2003, 03:32 PM
I agree with Terry and Doug on this one.
First Auto-x, mineral wells is pretty open and fast, then track events, Hallett is a good one.
Believe me these speeds will catch up with you on the streets, and it is expensive to get out of jail.
06-04-2003, 03:41 PM
I have a get out of jail free card. j/k
looks like fun. I think track racing is too dangerous for me. I mostly just use my bikes to get arround town and to work quickly and efficiently. Im not into bike racing at all. I just have fast bikes. Everyone needs to watch out for the po-po, some more than others:tongue:
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