View Full Version : Lightning is totaled
05-16-2003, 10:26 PM
I've been holding back and I need to tell y'all the lightning is totaled. We drove down to Mexico for a little fun at the Granparents and we went of the road and we hit a ditch and flipped. Everyone is alright thank God but The L is in bad shape. The insurance company hasn't even processed **** yet and are very slow. I will try to post up pics as soon as I figure out how to scan the onto the board. Damn I feel so bad but the great thing is that everyone is Ok. My G-friend and daughter were in the truck. My G-friend got some stitches on her arm but is ok now. All youo can say is that **** happens and always happens when youo least expect it.:( Damn I had never been in a bad accident. Ill still go on Monday to Hooters maybe i'll hitch a ride:crying: :(
05-16-2003, 10:43 PM
Damn, that is some really bad ****zle! I have All State insurance and they will not cover my vehicles in other countries. Do you know if you have coverage in Mexico?
05-17-2003, 02:27 AM
sorry to hear it least all the things that can't be replaced are alright.
05-17-2003, 02:31 AM
sorry to hear it, hopefully youll get your hands on another one.
05-17-2003, 09:37 AM
I feel you bad man. It makes me feel lucky I only hit a stopsign. Your family is the most important thing, but my L frequently gets more attention, and I am willing to bet Im not the only one. save the insurance money, buy an old POS civic and drive it for a year or so, and when the 2005 L comes out buy one. Thats my plan:twitch:
05-17-2003, 12:54 PM
I had insurance for Mexico it costs a little more but they are still backed up. And since it happened there it is taking longer. But it's ok there are a few lightnings out there going for a decent price. I still don't know what is going to happen. I don't know if i just have bad luck or what. It's like i've been throwing money left and right. first when my daughter was born the anesthesiologist was not in the plan of doctors or what ever and i paid out of pocket. The insurance only paid for like two sonograms we got like ten I paid @ $3-400 each. Now this and I still have to pay some doctors because I wasn't sure what the insurance in mexico covered.we used our insurance and the same ****. I few months ago my daughter had to get checked for acid reflex and the insurance didn't cover that. I have bad luck with doctors but i guess it will pass I hope. some times they send me bills for **** that I can't understand.Damn doctors now I know why they make a **** load of money.:flaming:
05-17-2003, 09:09 PM
Botttom line, the L is busted-up, but you and the occupants are "OK".
Look at it this way, they're alright and you're here posting here on TALON.
Take care!
PS: Hang in there w/the insurance companies!
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