View Full Version : Insurance!!
05-20-2003, 09:06 PM
I forgot to put in my other post one of the best things about moving back up here.
My insurance cost has quintupled! I was paying a little less than $1200 /yr in TX. My new bill: Almost $6600!!! :vomit: :eek2: :flaming: My insurance payment is more than my truck payment!!! Is that crazy or what?
I can see why 70% of the people up here drive without insurance...
05-20-2003, 10:30 PM
6600 ?? Holy CRAP
05-21-2003, 05:23 AM
What makes it so high? It's got to be something more than just your location. I have never even heard of insurance costing that much for an individual. I think I could insure a fleet of L's for $6600
05-21-2003, 05:52 AM
They are telling me it's location. Living in the city is killing me. And I shopped and shopped and shopped for a deal. That was the best I could find. To top that, I just got my renewal, and without any explanation, they want to raise the insurance to $7200 per year! What?! Just a renewal slip with a higher premium. Guess I'll be shopping again.
Car insurance in Philadelphia is among the highest in the nation. Over 70% of residents drive without insurance up here. (Gee, I wonder why?! Maybe if they lowered the rates, more people would get it?) They created a new law last year that if you do not have any one of the following: your driver's license, registration card or insurance card, they can tow your car on the spot. That's how bad it's gotten. They tow a lot of cars.
BTW, No tickets. 1 at fault accident and the other car had less than $1000 in damage. None to my truck and this type of accident isn't supposed to affect my premium. 35 years old. Single. 2 not at fault accidents, which, again, is not supposed to affect my rate.
Welcome back home! WTF!
05-21-2003, 02:46 PM
I am not sure how to put this, but I am a licensed agent here in TX. Please dont throw things...
I can tell you it is not your driving that is killing you, it's all the claims the insurance co's are putting out for others, whether insured or uninsured drivers (especially the uninsured ones). In addition, with that high of uninsureds running around you have to take into account the comprehensive coverage (uninsured motorist) is most likely taking an butt-kicking there, thats why the rates are so high. The money is pooled together, and if enough of one certain demographic has high loss ratios, then EVERYONE goes up, not just in that demographic. Its all relative to the amount of losses incurred by the insu co. Thats what drives the rates up...
Case in point, if you have Allstate auto and home you noticed that not just the home rates went up, but the auto did too. They are trying to recapture all the silly little losses people either falsify or insu shouldn't have to pay (ie-paying for a 10yr old roof with "hail damage", that has seen better days prior to the hail incident).
Same for health insurance...You have 10 people in a group from your small employer and the owner go's to get health insurance, and one of them has been diagnosed with AIDS, then not just that person, BUT EVEYONE IN THE GROUP has rates go up to a state maximun of 67%!
That is what stinks about insurance pooling...Noone profits, except the idiots who dont have insurance...
05-21-2003, 06:19 PM
USAA rocks :)
True Blue Aggie
05-21-2003, 07:23 PM
USAA most definitely ROCKS! Had there insurance since 92'.
05-24-2003, 06:02 PM
What is everyone else paying? Mine is about $3000 a year for full-coverage with state farm. I have only had 1 at-fault accident and that was 3 years ago. No tickets either, not one. It seems a bit high, wouldent you say so?
05-24-2003, 06:36 PM
Two blows.:throw: It's a crappy investment (can you even call it that?) from which you will never get your money back. Why is it that I pay my premiums on time for the past 10 years (totalling probably somewhere around $30-$50K paid to the insurance co) with no claims, but on my first claim of $300 my rates get jacked up? I've given them $50K and yet they can't pay $300 without jacking up my cost? What a bunch of :bs. If I didn't have to have insurance, believe me, I would save the $$$ I pay for the three vehicles in the driveway.
05-24-2003, 06:51 PM
Tru dat Tom. I have paid 10X more than they have paid for claims on me. I look at it this way; If I have to pay 3k per year for insurance, I am going to enjoy it and drive the hell out of that truck. Why drive it with kid gloves when you have to pay for madman behavior rates?
05-24-2003, 09:14 PM
Wow Andrew - That does seem a bit high for Texas rates.
I am shopping around before my renewal, and so far have found another company that gave me an inet quote for $4800 a year. Where were they back in Dec?! Oh well, I'll get in touch with them and make sure that's the real price. (Progressive also quoted me less before they jacked it up, so...)
I hear ya Tom. It is definitely a big losing proposition for people that pay for insurance. It's even worse up here, because the likelihood of being in an accident with someone that doesn't have insurance is high! And what happens to that person? Car is towed and a $600 ticket. Hmmm... that's a lot cheaper than $6600! Just kidding!!!!
05-25-2003, 10:39 AM
USAA raised my rates from 1200.00 to 3900.00 per year on the L that I sold.....USAA Rocks my ass...
ran over a ladder.....had one set of wheels stolen....1 ticket that I had my lawyer remove due to the fact that I attended DDS....the Judge removed it....
1 near miss that ran me into a ditch...900.00 bucks....and zero at fault accidents....
oh run away shopping cart at Frye's in Garland during a gulley big caved in door.....dent doctor fixed...100.00...and yes...this counted against my policy....
Thanks USAA...I wrote the TDI, Texas Department of Insurance....if your rates are low now....just don't have ANY claims.....NONE!
05-27-2003, 01:30 AM
Originally posted by OneRedTXBolt
I forgot to put in my other post one of the best things about moving back up here.
My insurance cost has quintupled! I was paying a little less than $1200 /yr in TX. My new bill: Almost $6600!!! :vomit: :eek2: :flaming: My insurance payment is more than my truck payment!!! Is that crazy or what?
I can see why 70% of the people up here drive without insurance...
Hmmm ... I donno who in the SAM HELL you guys have your insurance through but those are absolutely rediculous rates. You should call my agent. Her name is Liz at All State. She's very cool and gave us the best rate we could find.
State Farm wanted 2500.00 and wouldn't even give us renters insurance because they've lost their rear ends on carrying renters insurance in the last few years. Called our agent at State Farm and he said he couldn't even come close for the exact same coverage of 100/300/100. So, after both of us having State Farm after 15 years we went with All State.
Her number is: 972-519-0936 - Tell her Elaine Hayes sent you so she can add me to her Christmas Card list or something. I donno if they have referral type stuff or not.
We have both of our auto's insured with her ...
2002 Lightning
1995 Thunderbird
Plus renters insurance
Our insurance is 890 every 6 months. So 1780.00 a year for pretty much the best coverage you can get. Now, just so you know that's with no accidents and no tickets for both of us too. Not sure what the rates will be for 1 accident, but I'm sure cheaper than you're being told now.
05-28-2003, 01:26 PM
Man, I thought I was getting ripped off! I'm 25 and single and I'm paying $1900 per year for full coverage on the Lightning and liability on my Honda Prelude together for 100/300/100 coverage. I've had 2 major claims and 1 smaller one with no payout just because the prick that hit me called my insurance, and it's just now been 3 years since my last ticket that stuck. They did tell me though that if my truck were the only vehicle I had on the policy that it would be higher, so it's to my advantage to keep a cheap second car insured. I don't quite make the high risk group but I'm pretty close.
05-28-2003, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by MadMax
USAA raised my rates from 1200.00 to 3900.00 per year on the L that I sold.....USAA Rocks my ass...
ran over a ladder.....had one set of wheels stolen....1 ticket that I had my lawyer remove due to the fact that I attended DDS....the Judge removed it....
1 near miss that ran me into a ditch...900.00 bucks....and zero at fault accidents....
oh run away shopping cart at Frye's in Garland during a gulley big caved in door.....dent doctor fixed...100.00...and yes...this counted against my policy....
Thanks USAA...I wrote the TDI, Texas Department of Insurance....if your rates are low now....just don't have ANY claims.....NONE!
Well, I pay ~$2000 a year....
100/300/100 absolute full coverage on everything
'03 Nissan 350Z
'00 BMW 328I
'00 Ford Lightning
'93 300ZX Convertible
'92 300ZX TT
Comp only on this one while it's being built:
'94 300ZX TT
They have done nothing but treat me right. I even had a $3k claim on a rental that my neice wrecked before I made my first insurance payment to them. They covered it no questions, as long as I said she could drive the car.
05-28-2003, 02:31 PM
so unfair!:flaming: Mine is 3K a year just for the truck!
05-29-2003, 12:50 PM
WOOPS ! I didn't mean to start a new thread, just a new reply ... LOL
Anyway here it is ...
Hey Guys,
I talked to my insurance agent, Liz and told her that some of you might be calling. She said most of the rates you're paying are rediculous. She can get you a better deal.
Liz @ All State 972-519-0936
Just tell her Elaine Hayes sent you and you're with the TALON Lightning group.
By the way, it definitely makes a difference the more vehicles you have covered. So if you have really rediculous rates ask them about adding another vehicle to the policy or someone else's vehicle that lives with you. It's always a LOT cheaper when you have more than one vehicle.
05-29-2003, 01:07 PM
My agent told me that the premiums are based off the safety rating of the vehicle and that a Ford Lightning is the same as any F150.
05-29-2003, 01:22 PM
I use GEICO - have since I could drive. My rate is $87 a month = $1044 a year. Thats not bad, 26, single, one ticketon my record I had years ago has probably dropped off, had a claim last in 1996(fairly serious accident, no much damage to my truck but the chain reaction of 4 other cars hitting each other wasn't pretty).
Think I could save any money? They already have my renter's insurance since no one else write renter's/homeowners in Texas these days anymore...
05-29-2003, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by MrsMy2002Lightning
WOOPS ! I didn't mean to start a new thread, just a new reply ... LOL
I merged them for you
05-29-2003, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Silver_2000_;)!
I merged them for you
Thanks, blonde moment! :twitch:
05-31-2003, 12:04 PM
Thanks for the info. After the Progressive 6 months policy runs out I will give her a ring. Thanks! jw
05-31-2003, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by MadMax
Thanks for the info. After the Progressive 6 months policy runs out I will give her a ring. Thanks! jw
Coolness. You're welcome. You know that you can go ahead and switch now and Progressive will send back all that money you paid in right?
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