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View Full Version : Help.. WIth all the geeks here... Need help with Calendar issue

05-22-2003, 06:30 PM
I have a customer who is using Lotus organizer 97GS as a calendar view for their notes calendar. The trouble is the support for Organizer and Notes integration stopped with Notes 4.6

Do you guys know of any calendar application that gives a good 30 day calendar view ?

Looking specifically for one line of info per appt. 6-10 appt per day displayed in 30 day view. Time and 20+ characters of the appt details show in 30 day view on one line of the calendar...

Thanks in advance for any constructive ideas


05-22-2003, 07:00 PM
Doug, can you take a screenshot of what you have now, and post it? They may help us imagination-challenged people.

I'm surprised Outlook XP doesnt fit the bill....

05-22-2003, 07:02 PM
yeah, outlook 2002 will work fine. It has add-ins for lotus and cc:mail make sure you get the mapi drivers for it.

05-22-2003, 09:37 PM
You son of a *****es... :bows :bows

I havent looked at Outlook in years... It looks pretty close to what we need....... Well Ill be god damned...
I need to look for the screenshot I had ....
More research tomorrow

05-23-2003, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by Silver_2000_;)!
I have a customer who is using Lotus organizer 97GS as a calendar view for their notes calendar.....
Are they using a Dominio server?
R5 version of Notes incorporated some of Organizer functions and version 6 is even better.
Natively Outlook is setup for POP3 or Exchange, so you will play hell to get it connected to the mail server (being Domino).
Does the mail need to talk to the calender program?
Here is a couple 3rd party to try:
Day Notes (very cool)
Bonzai (not bad for having a weird name)
Linky to Day Notz & Bonzai (http://www.natara.com/)

"Outlook sucks" and that came from users employed by MS.

05-23-2003, 02:33 PM
The Notes calendar SUCKS V4 V5 V6 all suck

Outlook is close
Need to see how toughh it would be to set up a server so 2 users could see the calendar

05-23-2003, 02:38 PM
I have an extra exchange sever 2000 sitting in my apt. You can borrow it if you treat her kindly.:tongue:

05-23-2003, 03:42 PM
Is a Web-Based (HTML or Java) Calendar an option?