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View Full Version : What day/time is everone planning to headout to Topeka?

07-17-2003, 10:08 PM
I "usually" can get out of work at noonish on a Friday...

How about everyone else?

I could gofer some OT and get out earlier and headout with "The Herd" if need-be.

Post up!

Ronald y Elaine...

07-17-2003, 10:47 PM
I "usually" can get out of work at noonish on a Friday...

Right now, that's true. That ends come Labor Day. :(

07-17-2003, 10:55 PM
D@mn ! that's right! Hmm...

Thanks for the "check" Garett...:hammer::mad:

Better be 2x-ing up on the OT...

07-18-2003, 06:30 AM
I was thinking of heading out Thursday, but can be persuaded to go Friday morning if needbe. I wanted to do some crap around Topeka (if there is crap to do), tech in on Friday and be "fresh" for attendance of the BBQ. I'm also trying to organize a convoy with the HALO guys, the guys in Austin, Loiusiana, Oklahoma, etc, but that is proving pretty difficult considering nobody is posting. I've gotten one response from a guy in Houston, that's it!

Anyway, I'll probably head up Thursday, but maybe Friday morning.


07-18-2003, 09:11 AM
I am with ya Tom on the Thursday thing. I took Wednesday off too but that would probably be too early to head up. Leaving Thursday would give us plenty of time to do what we do best, slack and drink beer.

07-18-2003, 10:55 AM
I am with ya Tom on the Thursday thing. I took Wednesday off too but that would probably be too early to head up. Leaving Thursday would give us plenty of time to do what we do best, slack and drink beer.

I am soooo up for slacking and drinking beer! I figure I'll probably bring some "spirits" along for the ride, too!


07-18-2003, 12:00 PM
I dont think I will be doing any spirited drinking on the road but all bets are off once we reach Topeka!! :beer::beer::beer:

07-18-2003, 12:11 PM
I say we meet up at IHOP in Denton off Avenue D and I-35 at 9am on Thursday, eat, and head out. Denton is a good location since its north of the metroplex so we can all funnel up there for breakfast and the caravan.

I ran a check on yahoo.maps.com for the stats between the IHOP and the hotel

Starting from: http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/mp/gr/org.gif 1001 N. Texas Blvd, Denton, TX 76201-6517 Save Address (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/maps/dd/result/save_addr/*-http://edit.yahoo.com/config/set_yp?.src=mp&.page=p1&.cmd=n&.yn=&.st=1001+N.+Texas+Blvd&.zip=Denton,+TX+76201-6517&.country=us&.done=http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Tmap%26newname=%26newdesc=%26osd= n%26newtname=%26newtdesc=%26dsd=g%26ed=5zAZ1uV.wim Dd3Md9vUk7dKx6WnwNXg1K0fJeytPUXqkWYVm8BxI6r34tkFbU tgahKK8uqnIHCbxm1awaTWUVWNDMvqP6T7a_2wQ5yVVq9BBtVe 3byjNL6xnMAd4suegEw--%26newcsz=Denton,%2bTX%2b76201-6517%26newcountry=us%26newtcsz=Topeka,%2bKS%2b6661 2-1410%26newtcountry=us%26fuz=76201%26tuz=66612%26im =454&reto=1) Arriving at: http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/mp/gr/dst.gif 1717 SW Topeka Blvd, Topeka, KS 66612-1410 Save Address (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/maps/dd/result/save_addr/*-http://edit.yahoo.com/config/set_yp?.src=mp&.page=p1&.cmd=n&.yn=&.st=1717+SW+Topeka+Blvd&.zip=Topeka,+KS+66612-1410&.country=us&.done=http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Tmap%26newname=%26newdesc=%26osd= n%26newtname=%26newtdesc=%26dsd=g%26ed=5zAZ1uV.wim Dd3Md9vUk7dKx6WnwNXg1K0fJeytPUXqkWYVm8BxI6r34tkFbU tgahKK8uqnIHCbxm1awaTWUVWNDMvqP6T7a_2wQ5yVVq9BBtVe 3byjNL6xnMAd4suegEw--%26newcsz=Denton,%2bTX%2b76201-6517%26newcountry=us%26newtcsz=Topeka,%2bKS%2b6661 2-1410%26newtcountry=us%26fuz=76201%26tuz=66612%26im =454&reto=1) Get Reverse Directions (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/maps/reverseDD/*-http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Tmap&newname=&newdesc=&osd=n&newtname=&newtdesc=&dsd=g&ed=R1WCEeV.wilRzXKpH45CRKaWNJAHSNhG1pt6Rgi6Doc6XYy B8tGNIBE1CjsDEEf_TROF6twSU3bEhK_sJjtGoC4bniRAETKbI mHRL.vMxJpBakHSsClaBzmHh4SHMBBv3Q--&newcsz=Topeka,+KS+66612-1410&newcountry=us&newtcsz=Denton,+TX+76201-6517&newtcountry=us&Get%A0Directions=Get+Directions) Distance: 454.5 miles Approximate Travel Time: 6 hours 59 mins

Its going to be a long drive!

How does this sound for a plan?

07-18-2003, 12:50 PM
No spirited drinking on the road is for sure :nono:, but when we get there it's :beer::banana::roll:bows:vomit::d:evil!

7 hours my ass...yahoo also says it's 12 hours door to door to my parent's house...but I usually get there in 9!


07-18-2003, 01:00 PM
I would like to leave Thursday as well. I need enough time to change transmissions and brakes if needed:eek2:

07-18-2003, 02:06 PM
I would like to leave Thursday as well. I need enough time to change transmissions and brakes if needed:eek2:

I just wish that I could go!:mad::mad::mad:

07-20-2003, 05:23 PM

Sorry, dude! BTW, do you realize our trucks rolled EXACTLY 300 between each other ?!? Check out my sig! :D

But, my Suzy is 2x PRETTIER ! :d

I'm going to work OT and do my/our d@mndest to roll up there w/the herd to KS. in Sept. ...

Work is pretty flexible...as long as I'm "there" via VPN/dialup.


07-20-2003, 07:00 PM

Sorry, dude! BTW, do you realize our trucks rolled EXACTLY 300 between each other ?!? Check out my sig! :D

But, my Suzy is 2x PRETTIER ! :d

I'm going to work OT and do my/our d@mndest to roll up there w/the herd to KS. in Sept. ...

Work is pretty flexible...as long as I'm "there" via VPN/dialup.


Wow 300 EXACTLY!!!!!!!! Red was my second choice, but HAD to have the white one. White is the fastest, ya know :tu::tu: You guy's will have to take lots of pictures, so I can see how it was. One of these days I make another meeting and actually meet you and Elaine. I've had a couple of health setbacks, but still can guzzle BEER!:beer:


07-21-2003, 12:48 AM
Sure wish we could go on the convoy too !

You guys need to think about us poor people that won't be able to get Friday's off hahaha ...

Hopefully I'll be working by then (knowing my luck I won't) and I'm not going to be able to ask off work for a truck meet ... hahaha

'Course I'm a girl, they'll think I'm nuts! lol ... I'd probably have more of a chance if I told them it was a Mary Kay festival.........................LOL

07-21-2003, 07:34 PM
Can yall do me a favor? When the plan is set that it states "This is the time and the meeting place for Kansas"? I don't always have time to sit here and read all the posts and its easy to lose track. If there's too many threads I just say F it and go on. I miss alot but I do catch some things. Thanks folks!! :beer:

07-21-2003, 08:22 PM
We'll do our best to get the word out to everyone here! :nana2

We'll see if Doug can post a "sticky" and let it ride the top.

Being an hourly IT contractor, I can work OT here and there (mgt is fine w/this) and leave out on Thu. with the convoy.

Looking fwd. to it !

I might have to buy a kick-@ss Sony digital video camera and take tons of video of the whole thing. That'd be classic!

I have ridden shotgun with Stan/Ruslow on f150online/Lightning board in his caged '99 L at Hallett w/a video camera mounted between us on the trans. hump brace.


07-21-2003, 08:24 PM

Sounds like a good idea. I made a suggestion for a plan but have seen no comments from anyone on it. :confused:

07-21-2003, 08:30 PM

Sounds like a good idea. I made a suggestion for a plan but have seen no comments from anyone on it. :confused:

I'm ALL for everyone getting their "sheet in one sock" and cruising up their TOGETHER !

I guess I missed your post. Oops.


07-21-2003, 08:51 PM
Its a few posts up in this thread:

I say we meet up at IHOP in Denton off Avenue D and I-35 at 9am on Thursday, eat, and head out. Denton is a good location since its north of the metroplex so we can all funnel up there for breakfast and the caravan.

I ran a check on yahoo.maps.com for the stats between the IHOP and the hotel

Starting from: http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/mp/gr/org.gif 1001 N. Texas Blvd, Denton, TX 76201-6517 Save Address (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/maps/dd/result/save_addr/*-http://edit.yahoo.com/config/set_yp?.src=mp&.page=p1&.cmd=n&.yn=&.st=1001+N.+Texas+Blvd&.zip=Denton,+TX+76201-6517&.country=us&.done=http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Tmap%26newname=%26newdesc=%26osd= n%26newtname=%26newtdesc=%26dsd=g%26ed=5zAZ1uV.wim Dd3Md9vUk7dKx6WnwNXg1K0fJeytPUXqkWYVm8BxI6r34tkFbU tgahKK8uqnIHCbxm1awaTWUVWNDMvqP6T7a_2wQ5yVVq9BBtVe 3byjNL6xnMAd4suegEw--%26newcsz=Denton,%2bTX%2b76201-6517%26newcountry=us%26newtcsz=Topeka,%2bKS%2b6661 2-1410%26newtcountry=us%26fuz=76201%26tuz=66612%26im =454&reto=1) Arriving at: http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/mp/gr/dst.gif 1717 SW Topeka Blvd, Topeka, KS 66612-1410 Save Address (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/maps/dd/result/save_addr/*-http://edit.yahoo.com/config/set_yp?.src=mp&.page=p1&.cmd=n&.yn=&.st=1717+SW+Topeka+Blvd&.zip=Topeka,+KS+66612-1410&.country=us&.done=http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Tmap%26newname=%26newdesc=%26osd= n%26newtname=%26newtdesc=%26dsd=g%26ed=5zAZ1uV.wim Dd3Md9vUk7dKx6WnwNXg1K0fJeytPUXqkWYVm8BxI6r34tkFbU tgahKK8uqnIHCbxm1awaTWUVWNDMvqP6T7a_2wQ5yVVq9BBtVe 3byjNL6xnMAd4suegEw--%26newcsz=Denton,%2bTX%2b76201-6517%26newcountry=us%26newtcsz=Topeka,%2bKS%2b6661 2-1410%26newtcountry=us%26fuz=76201%26tuz=66612%26im =454&reto=1) Get Reverse Directions (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/maps/reverseDD/*-http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Tmap&newname=&newdesc=&osd=n&newtname=&newtdesc=&dsd=g&ed=R1WCEeV.wilRzXKpH45CRKaWNJAHSNhG1pt6Rgi6Doc6XYy B8tGNIBE1CjsDEEf_TROF6twSU3bEhK_sJjtGoC4bniRAETKbI mHRL.vMxJpBakHSsClaBzmHh4SHMBBv3Q--&newcsz=Topeka,+KS+66612-1410&newcountry=us&newtcsz=Denton,+TX+76201-6517&newtcountry=us&Get%A0Directions=Get+Directions) Distance: 454.5 miles Approximate Travel Time: 6 hours 59 mins

Its going to be a long drive!

How does this sound for a plan?

07-21-2003, 09:10 PM
Its a few posts up in this thread:

I say we meet up at IHOP in Denton off Avenue D and I-35 at 9am on Thursday, eat, and head out. Denton is a good location since its north of the metroplex so we can all funnel up there for breakfast and the caravan.

I ran a check on yahoo.maps.com for the stats between the IHOP and the hotel

Starting from: http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/mp/gr/org.gif 1001 N. Texas Blvd, Denton, TX 76201-6517 Save Address (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/maps/dd/result/save_addr/*-http://edit.yahoo.com/config/set_yp?.src=mp&.page=p1&.cmd=n&.yn=&.st=1001+N.+Texas+Blvd&.zip=Denton,+TX+76201-6517&.country=us&.done=http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Tmap%26newname=%26newdesc=%26osd= n%26newtname=%26newtdesc=%26dsd=g%26ed=5zAZ1uV.wim Dd3Md9vUk7dKx6WnwNXg1K0fJeytPUXqkWYVm8BxI6r34tkFbU tgahKK8uqnIHCbxm1awaTWUVWNDMvqP6T7a_2wQ5yVVq9BBtVe 3byjNL6xnMAd4suegEw--%26newcsz=Denton,%2bTX%2b76201-6517%26newcountry=us%26newtcsz=Topeka,%2bKS%2b6661 2-1410%26newtcountry=us%26fuz=76201%26tuz=66612%26im =454&reto=1) Arriving at: http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/mp/gr/dst.gif 1717 SW Topeka Blvd, Topeka, KS 66612-1410 Save Address (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/maps/dd/result/save_addr/*-http://edit.yahoo.com/config/set_yp?.src=mp&.page=p1&.cmd=n&.yn=&.st=1717+SW+Topeka+Blvd&.zip=Topeka,+KS+66612-1410&.country=us&.done=http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Tmap%26newname=%26newdesc=%26osd= n%26newtname=%26newtdesc=%26dsd=g%26ed=5zAZ1uV.wim Dd3Md9vUk7dKx6WnwNXg1K0fJeytPUXqkWYVm8BxI6r34tkFbU tgahKK8uqnIHCbxm1awaTWUVWNDMvqP6T7a_2wQ5yVVq9BBtVe 3byjNL6xnMAd4suegEw--%26newcsz=Denton,%2bTX%2b76201-6517%26newcountry=us%26newtcsz=Topeka,%2bKS%2b6661 2-1410%26newtcountry=us%26fuz=76201%26tuz=66612%26im =454&reto=1) Get Reverse Directions (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/maps/reverseDD/*-http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Tmap&newname=&newdesc=&osd=n&newtname=&newtdesc=&dsd=g&ed=R1WCEeV.wilRzXKpH45CRKaWNJAHSNhG1pt6Rgi6Doc6XYy B8tGNIBE1CjsDEEf_TROF6twSU3bEhK_sJjtGoC4bniRAETKbI mHRL.vMxJpBakHSsClaBzmHh4SHMBBv3Q--&newcsz=Topeka,+KS+66612-1410&newcountry=us&newtcsz=Denton,+TX+76201-6517&newtcountry=us&Get%A0Directions=Get+Directions) Distance: 454.5 miles Approximate Travel Time: 6 hours 59 mins

Its going to be a long drive!

How does this sound for a plan?

I'm game....count me in on that!


07-21-2003, 09:52 PM

Sounds like a plan!

Is it September yet ? :burnout:


07-21-2003, 10:04 PM
My current plan is to catch you guys when you come through Tulsa or something. :cool:

07-26-2003, 11:00 PM
Its a few posts up in this thread:

I say we meet up at IHOP in Denton off Avenue D and I-35 at 9am on Thursday, eat, and head out. Denton is a good location since its north of the metroplex so we can all funnel up there for breakfast and the caravan.

I ran a check on yahoo.maps.com for the stats between the IHOP and the hotel

Starting from: http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/mp/gr/org.gif 1001 N. Texas Blvd, Denton, TX 76201-6517 Save Address (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/maps/dd/result/save_addr/*-http://edit.yahoo.com/config/set_yp?.src=mp&.page=p1&.cmd=n&.yn=&.st=1001+N.+Texas+Blvd&.zip=Denton,+TX+76201-6517&.country=us&.done=http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Tmap%26newname=%26newdesc=%26osd= n%26newtname=%26newtdesc=%26dsd=g%26ed=5zAZ1uV.wim Dd3Md9vUk7dKx6WnwNXg1K0fJeytPUXqkWYVm8BxI6r34tkFbU tgahKK8uqnIHCbxm1awaTWUVWNDMvqP6T7a_2wQ5yVVq9BBtVe 3byjNL6xnMAd4suegEw--%26newcsz=Denton,%2bTX%2b76201-6517%26newcountry=us%26newtcsz=Topeka,%2bKS%2b6661 2-1410%26newtcountry=us%26fuz=76201%26tuz=66612%26im =454&reto=1) Arriving at: http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/mp/gr/dst.gif 1717 SW Topeka Blvd, Topeka, KS 66612-1410 Save Address (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/maps/dd/result/save_addr/*-http://edit.yahoo.com/config/set_yp?.src=mp&.page=p1&.cmd=n&.yn=&.st=1717+SW+Topeka+Blvd&.zip=Topeka,+KS+66612-1410&.country=us&.done=http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Tmap%26newname=%26newdesc=%26osd= n%26newtname=%26newtdesc=%26dsd=g%26ed=5zAZ1uV.wim Dd3Md9vUk7dKx6WnwNXg1K0fJeytPUXqkWYVm8BxI6r34tkFbU tgahKK8uqnIHCbxm1awaTWUVWNDMvqP6T7a_2wQ5yVVq9BBtVe 3byjNL6xnMAd4suegEw--%26newcsz=Denton,%2bTX%2b76201-6517%26newcountry=us%26newtcsz=Topeka,%2bKS%2b6661 2-1410%26newtcountry=us%26fuz=76201%26tuz=66612%26im =454&reto=1) Get Reverse Directions (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/maps/reverseDD/*-http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Tmap&newname=&newdesc=&osd=n&newtname=&newtdesc=&dsd=g&ed=R1WCEeV.wilRzXKpH45CRKaWNJAHSNhG1pt6Rgi6Doc6XYy B8tGNIBE1CjsDEEf_TROF6twSU3bEhK_sJjtGoC4bniRAETKbI mHRL.vMxJpBakHSsClaBzmHh4SHMBBv3Q--&newcsz=Topeka,+KS+66612-1410&newcountry=us&newtcsz=Denton,+TX+76201-6517&newtcountry=us&Get%A0Directions=Get+Directions) Distance: 454.5 miles Approximate Travel Time: 6 hours 59 mins

Its going to be a long drive!

How does this sound for a plan?

I'm planning on taking Thursday off as well. This plan sounds good to me. Jefferey and Jake...ya'll payin attention?:eek2:

07-27-2003, 12:29 PM

IMO, I think that Tulsa would be way out of our way for the straightest, fastest route to Topeka. Just take 412 west out of Tulsa. You'll drive right past Hallet Racing Circuit and hit I-35 just north of Perry, OK.

I'm looking at the map now and I-35 is a STRAIGHT shot to Wichita, KS and 35/335 on into Topeka.

All long, flat interstate with plenty off opps. for some "high-speed" shenanigans! :nana2

Gotta start researching higher-end Sony digital video cameras to cover the event!

I can't wait! :D


BTW, I have my Go-Rila shirts all ready/packed fo' Vegas, Baby! Giving 2 to Mom/Dad.

07-27-2003, 05:57 PM

IMO, I think that Tulsa would be way out of our way for the straightest, fastest route to Topeka. Just take 412 west out of Tulsa. You'll drive right past Hallet Racing Circuit and hit I-35 just north of Perry, OK.


BTW, I have my Go-Rila shirts all ready/packed fo' Vegas, Baby! Giving 2 to Mom/Dad.

Cool. I'm pretty familiar with Oklahoma so maybe I'll hook up with ya'll around Blackwell. Got a customer in Ponca City. :cool:

08-02-2003, 06:59 PM

If your looking for "entertainment", you might check out Sadies in Ponca. :tu:

Ah, the good ol' days! :d


08-03-2003, 11:23 AM
I know that there are quite a few of us heading out on friday morning, so if any one that cant leave on thursday, hook up with us and we can roll. That would suck if anyone had to make the drive all alone.

Rob, are you paying attention?

08-03-2003, 02:42 PM

Mark #2
08-13-2003, 11:18 AM
Its a few posts up in this thread:

I say we meet up at IHOP in Denton off Avenue D and I-35 at 9am on Thursday, eat, and head out. Denton is a good location since its north of the metroplex so we can all funnel up there for breakfast and the caravan.

I ran a check on yahoo.maps.com for the stats between the IHOP and the hotel

Starting from: http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/mp/gr/org.gif 1001 N. Texas Blvd, Denton, TX 76201-6517 Save Address (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/maps/dd/result/save_addr/*-http://edit.yahoo.com/config/set_yp?.src=mp&.page=p1&.cmd=n&.yn=&.st=1001+N.+Texas+Blvd&.zip=Denton,+TX+76201-6517&.country=us&.done=http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Tmap%26newname=%26newdesc=%26osd= n%26newtname=%26newtdesc=%26dsd=g%26ed=5zAZ1uV.wim Dd3Md9vUk7dKx6WnwNXg1K0fJeytPUXqkWYVm8BxI6r34tkFbU tgahKK8uqnIHCbxm1awaTWUVWNDMvqP6T7a_2wQ5yVVq9BBtVe 3byjNL6xnMAd4suegEw--%26newcsz=Denton,%2bTX%2b76201-6517%26newcountry=us%26newtcsz=Topeka,%2bKS%2b6661 2-1410%26newtcountry=us%26fuz=76201%26tuz=66612%26im =454&reto=1) Arriving at: http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/mp/gr/dst.gif 1717 SW Topeka Blvd, Topeka, KS 66612-1410 Save Address (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/maps/dd/result/save_addr/*-http://edit.yahoo.com/config/set_yp?.src=mp&.page=p1&.cmd=n&.yn=&.st=1717+SW+Topeka+Blvd&.zip=Topeka,+KS+66612-1410&.country=us&.done=http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Tmap%26newname=%26newdesc=%26osd= n%26newtname=%26newtdesc=%26dsd=g%26ed=5zAZ1uV.wim Dd3Md9vUk7dKx6WnwNXg1K0fJeytPUXqkWYVm8BxI6r34tkFbU tgahKK8uqnIHCbxm1awaTWUVWNDMvqP6T7a_2wQ5yVVq9BBtVe 3byjNL6xnMAd4suegEw--%26newcsz=Denton,%2bTX%2b76201-6517%26newcountry=us%26newtcsz=Topeka,%2bKS%2b6661 2-1410%26newtcountry=us%26fuz=76201%26tuz=66612%26im =454&reto=1) Get Reverse Directions (http://us.rd.yahoo.com/maps/reverseDD/*-http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Tmap&newname=&newdesc=&osd=n&newtname=&newtdesc=&dsd=g&ed=R1WCEeV.wilRzXKpH45CRKaWNJAHSNhG1pt6Rgi6Doc6XYy B8tGNIBE1CjsDEEf_TROF6twSU3bEhK_sJjtGoC4bniRAETKbI mHRL.vMxJpBakHSsClaBzmHh4SHMBBv3Q--&newcsz=Topeka,+KS+66612-1410&newcountry=us&newtcsz=Denton,+TX+76201-6517&newtcountry=us&Get%A0Directions=Get+Directions) Distance: 454.5 miles Approximate Travel Time: 6 hours 59 mins

Its going to be a long drive!

How does this sound for a plan?

Guess what, I'm not going out of the country in September:banana:, just need the kitchen pass now.:confused:

08-13-2003, 11:26 AM
Long Drive ?

Its only 7 hours.. Thats a piece of cake.


08-13-2003, 01:33 PM
Guess what, I'm not going out of the country in September:banana:, just need the kitchen pass now.:confused:

Can I go out of the country?

Ronald said I can't go to Cabo or Italy so I guess Lightningfest it is. hehe

See you there.

Mark #2
08-13-2003, 02:16 PM
can i go out of the country?

I don't know "can" you?

It's fun occasionally, but doing this often gets old, and this one was to China.

08-13-2003, 03:11 PM
I don't know "can" you?

It's fun occasionally, but doing this often gets old, and this one was to China.

I've been in 10 states in the last 6 months. I'm ready to park it for a while. haha

08-13-2003, 03:41 PM

Awesome. You have to go! This could be the coolest trip ever! :beer:

08-13-2003, 03:48 PM

Awesome. You have to go! This could be the coolest trip ever! :beer:

I second that! :beer:

08-13-2003, 05:02 PM
Serious bondage. I mean.........a great time for bonding. :cool:

Mark #2
08-13-2003, 05:03 PM

Awesome. You have to go! This could be the coolest trip ever! :beer:

I'm working on it.:)

08-13-2003, 08:44 PM
It's fun occasionally, but doing this often gets old, and this one was to China.

I wouldn't touch China with a TEN-FOOT chop-stick! :D