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View Full Version : READ ONLY files

07-29-2003, 10:49 PM
I recently backed up all my files to an external CDRW burner while I upgraded my computer. After the upgrade I copied them back to the harddrive. Now all of them are READ-ONLY:hammer:

I know how to remove the attribute but I need to remove the attribute in mass. There are hundreds of Word,Excel, and MDB files and this is a real PITA each time I open one and its READ-ONLY.

Is this possible?

07-29-2003, 11:13 PM
I recently backed up all my files to an external CDRW burner while I upgraded my computer. After the upgrade I copied them back to the harddrive. Now all of them are READ-ONLY:hammer:

I know how to remove the attribute but I need to remove the attribute in mass. There are hundreds of Word,Excel, and MDB files and this is a real PITA each time I open one and its READ-ONLY.

Is this possible?Steve, assuming that these files are in the same directory ...
Open Windows Explorer and browse to that folder (Directory). Click the folder so the files show in the right column.
Click (select) the first file then scroll to the last file. Hold down your Shift Key and click on the last file. This should select ALL files.
An alternative is to select the folder these files reside in (left column) and go to the Edit Menu and choose "Select All".
Once you have all the files selected (Highlighted), right click and choose Properties. If the Read Only attibute IS NOT selected, then click on it to select that attibute, then click on it again to de-select it (Win98 bug).
This should change the Read Only attibute for all the files at once.

Files on or copied from CD's will always be Read Only. It's the nature of the "beast" ..... :roll

Hope this helps .....

07-29-2003, 11:23 PM
Thanks Mark- you da man:tu:

I owe you a beer for that one- wait I already owe you a beer and dinner:d

I'll catch up with you at the next meeting:beer:

07-30-2003, 12:05 AM
No worries, Steve.
See ya next week. :D