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08-11-2003, 12:12 PM
Well, management here has made the wise decision to transition me to one job rather than to the job I was in the process of transitionning to. I'm having this new job crammed up my a$$ because this one lady (a good worker, according to management) is moving to Raleigh and needs to transition out. So, what about what I want? Many people around here consider me to be a good worker, yet why do I get a job I don't want crammed up my a$$? I am one of the few people in my current group that has experience with the current job. Is this the thanks I get from corporate America for busting my hump day in and day out? I had great respect for my management before, but now I'm not so sure.

This fuuckin' sucks! Time to search for a new job. What a welcome back from vacation...:Bullshit


08-11-2003, 12:42 PM
Daaaaaammmnn. Well that sucks but be glad you have a job. :)

08-11-2003, 12:48 PM
What are they making you do exactly that you don't want to do? (If I may ask...)

08-11-2003, 01:02 PM
well, try to stay in the area.

08-11-2003, 01:27 PM
What are they making you do exactly that you don't want to do? (If I may ask...)

I currently schedule customer orders with our factories and ensure that we get the equipment to the customer on time. Now they want me to do the piece prior to scheduling, which is processing the orders and doing the financial BS, including billing, mindless order entry, etc. I did order management when I first started working in corporate America and I think this is a step backward for me (I was trying to get into a management position, but fat chance of that happening!). I know there are benefits to this, i just can't see them now. I just feel like I'm getting crapped on and I don't like it.

Maybe when I get into this role I'll bring my own flare to it...take no prisoners!!:throw: :evil. I just have to get over this initial shock.

Dana, Thanks....I am glad I still have a job. I won't have to worry about any pay cut, so at least that is cool. The goal here is to outshine everyone around me now.


08-11-2003, 01:53 PM
I currently schedule customer orders with our factories and ensure that we get the equipment to the customer on time. Now they want me to do the piece prior to scheduling, which is processing the orders and doing the financial BS, including billing, mindless order entry, etc. I did order management when I first started working in corporate America and I think this is a step backward for me (I was trying to get into a management position, but fat chance of that happening!). I know there are benefits to this, i just can't see them now. I just feel like I'm getting crapped on and I don't like it.

Maybe when I get into this role I'll bring my own flare to it...take no prisoners!!:throw: :evil. I just have to get over this initial shock.

Dana, Thanks....I am glad I still have a job. I won't have to worry about any pay cut, so at least that is cool. The goal here is to outshine everyone around me now.


uhhh... you are welcome... but having been unemployed for 4mos.. I am ready to get back to work...
go get em.. then look for something else on the side if you really feel screwed by this deal..

08-11-2003, 08:45 PM

Look at the bright side! It seems to make you MORE indispensible to the company. Trust me! Nowadays, job security is a MAJOR "+".

I've been laid-off 2x and been unemployed 6 MONTHS for a stretch from the IT industry until I had to make the decision to pull-up stakes (Elaine as well from her aerospace industry job in Tulsa) and move to IL/OH to chase a paycheck.


I've known d@mn-sharp, laid-off IT guys that have laid tile in houses/ran jackhammers, taught Latin and repaired slot-machines who've been laid-off longer than I have! So don't feel bad.


If your serious about looking around for "other opportunities", mouse around on these sites.

Monster's gotten almost every IT job for me. It rocks! :burnout:


The last url (WantedJobs.com) is TOO cool in that it's a search engine that uses other CACHED engines. Basically, it's a search engines FOR search engines. Check 'em out!

Either way, kick some @ss, Sea-Bass! :d

Oh, and when you get really torqued-off at Corporate Amerika, check out these urls :

I understand that Sun, Oracle and Informatica (the software I support) have been doing this for some time now and seems to be a growing trend. Maybe Wayne and Logan can elaborate if they would like from their perspectives.



08-11-2003, 08:56 PM
I did use CareerBuilder.com.. it was nice because I could set up the rules and it would email me when positions that met my criteria popped up.. they went straight to my personal email box...

just a thought..

I am happy to be employed again. I didnt think it would take this long to get an offer, but it is what it is.. I was just about to go visit my neighbor that owns a used car lot and see if he would like to have a partner..

Good Luck

08-11-2003, 09:13 PM
IT jobs in general are hard to come buy these days...used to be any MCSE made $50K+ to start reguardless of experience.
Employers have since realized that an MCSE is almost like an A+ cert....worthless.

Personally with 3 + years at Sun, I can tell you that we (Sun) goes from one six month stay of execution to another.
There is no such a thing as "job security" anywhere!


My "Guess" is that with the economy what it is, at least 9% of people are unemployed and the average job replacement takes 6+ months to find.

Moral of the story is this... no matter how bad things may seem...the grass is not greener on the other side...they just mow more often.

"Masta T", put on the smiley face and buy your time until the economy picks back up....
Just for referance point, Sun stock closed at $3.58 today...i have over 4000 options at $122.00 a share and another 8000+ at rates higher than $30.00 each... :eek2:

CNN had an articale on last night about "Tech" jobs and the advise given was to stay where you are or change fields entirely....cash really is king and une,mployment doesn't pay the bills unless you subsidise with an unreportable income...and that will ALWAYS catch up with you :evil

08-12-2003, 07:11 AM

Oh, and when you get really torqued-off at Corporate Amerika, check out these urls :

I understand that Sun, Oracle and Informatica (the software I support) have been doing this for some time now and seems to be a growing trend. Maybe Wayne and Logan can elaborate if they would like from their perspectives.

Without the infamous L1 visa, I wouldn't have been able to move here from Canada... Though I never took anyone's job (They just moved my job from Canada to Dallas)... The trick to IT is to have an IT job in a non-traditional IT sector, such as transportation or medical. Trying to do IT in Telecom or pure technology companies is a recipe for unemployment.

I've been in IT in a transportation company for 9 years and am confident I'll always have a job. During the IT downturn of the last few years, we haven't laid off a single person. Fired a couple idiots, but never laid off anyone...

08-12-2003, 07:42 AM
Without the infamous L1 visa, I wouldn't have been able to move here from Canada... Though I never took anyone's job (They just moved my job from Canada to Dallas)... The trick to IT is to have an IT job in a non-traditional IT sector, such as transportation or medical. Trying to do IT in Telecom or pure technology companies is a recipe for unemployment.

I've been in IT in a transportation company for 9 years and am confident I'll always have a job. During the IT downturn of the last few years, we haven't laid off a single person. Fired a couple idiots, but never laid off anyone...

Being in healthcare, what he says is true... rarely has there been a layoff in the places I have been,,, plus they seem to be always looking for "good" people..

08-12-2003, 02:28 PM
I am one of the few people in my current group that has experience with the current job. Is this the thanks I get from corporate America for busting my hump day in and day out?
Yes it is. Welcome to the club. :cool:

08-14-2003, 08:57 PM
The trick to IT is to have an IT job in a non-traditional IT sector, such as transportation or medical. Trying to do IT in Telecom or pure technology companies is a recipe for unemployment.

Yep! The 2 times I've been laid-off from the IT industry were directly/indirectly telecom. industries. Lay-offs were in such mass - that they saved time and :crying: and laid us off in groups of 3s! :hammer:

FWIW, I've also been bitten by IT budget-cutbacks in the Energy and Education sectors up North (and I'm not talking Okla).:D

It's all good now.:d

08-16-2003, 01:07 PM
Well lets see. I took a 56,000 dollar a year pay cut. Hopefully the economy will improve sometime in the future. jw

08-17-2003, 12:16 AM
Without the infamous L1 visa, I wouldn't have been able to move here from Canada... Though I never took anyone's job (They just moved my job from Canada to Dallas)... The trick to IT is to have an IT job in a non-traditional IT sector, such as transportation or medical. Trying to do IT in Telecom or pure technology companies is a recipe for unemployment.

I've been in IT in a transportation company for 9 years and am confident I'll always have a job. During the IT downturn of the last few years, we haven't laid off a single person. Fired a couple idiots, but never laid off anyone...
Unfortunately not everyone started in transporation, or healthcare, and as it's been said, it's not always easy finding the job to switch with right now.
I work at a Credit card company, in IT. It's getting to where I have to get out a book to translate what's being said to me form the Indians, chinese, Vietnamese, etc.. Every once in a while I actually get to work with someone who actually speaks English. These guys are even trying to get me to learn their language! I just tell them "hey wait! where are we anyway?" one day one of them was jolking there were 6 of us, and I was the minority!
Hopefully I can keep this gig a couple years, and the market starts looking better. i am actaully looking at ways to get out of IT altogether. what have other's done to get out? I may go back, finish up some school, work with a friend in the Orthotics/prothetics world. probably be making my own then, if I continue to crack up on the dirt bike.
All I know is a few years ago this It stuff was easy and I guess we all took it for granted, maybe became a little complacent. sucks, eh?

08-17-2003, 12:17 AM
By the way, any openings for a Crash test Dummy? I've become real good at that!

08-19-2003, 01:36 AM
Hey Tom Boy. For what its worth there was an article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram last week that mentioned an ex Northern VP working at Home Depot making 10.00 per hour. Think about that for awhile. :D