View Full Version : accident

09-04-2003, 04:08 PM
My woman just had an accident and didn't call me till after she called her mom and left the scene and was at UTD is that fugggged up or what.:flaming:
She said she saw the truck infront of her suddenly hit his brakes and then she tried to stop but still hit him. The man claimed she hit him and made him hit the lady infront of him. My girlfriend drives a 94 explorer and she said her bumper was just dented and the guys back bumper was just pushed in a little not too far or sagging very much. The front of his truck is tore up and his headlight was hanging out. She said he may of hit the woman before she hit him. I more than anything am very pissed off because she didn't call me till way after it happened and it happened just a few streets from my parents house. She left our little girl with my mom and I was on my way there.
Who's fault can it be other than my girlfriends since her bumper just has a dent and the guys bumper is just bent some. I say she should tell the insurance co. that The guy hit the lady infront of her because of the damage on his truck. his front end was tore up yet hers wasn't and his bumper wasn't verybad either. the guy is blaming her for everything and she is accepting it since she is young and this is her first accident.:Bullshit I believe firmly and by the damage to the cars he had to of hit the car infront of him before she ran into him.:flaming:
Very mad she hit him since whenever she drove she always tailgated and I CONSTANTLY told her to back off. She would say that she drives fine and she hasn't had an accident yet.:nono::flaming: I wanted to tell her "I told you so" I always tell her to keep her distance. she was crying so I'll hold it for later:flaming::hammer:

09-04-2003, 04:57 PM
You're right! She just needs to tell that to the insurance company. If there is noticably more damage on the front of his truck, the laws of physics say that he must have hit the person in front of him first. There is no way that she could hit him going (just say) 10mph and some how propell him to an even greater speed unless her vehicle has significantly more mass and has the new "superball" bumper material where the impact would be reflected not absorbed like every other vehicle in existence.

NEVER admit fault in an accident even if it is clearly yours, it will get you in trouble every time.

09-05-2003, 02:32 PM
the person in the rear always pays for it all. thats the rules. I hate tailgaters in vehicles with inadequate brakes. I am glad your chik is okay though.

09-05-2003, 06:24 PM
i'm still pissed but I'm calming down. :beer::hammer: She now told me she didn't even see the trucks front end just saw from the side that the light was poking out and assumed it was bad. That pissess me of so much she didn't even see the damage to any of the cars except the back of his bumper and the front of hers
I knew women aren't as bright but jeeeezss. I was like "so you didn't even see the front of the truck?"

"No, I was nervous and shacking. I didn't think of looking,"

"So oK, Why the hell didn't YOU LOOK! It's an accident that you were involved in and YOU DIDN"T EVEN LOOK!!!!!:eek2::vomit:


OMFG LESLI WHAT IS THE DEAL!!":flaming::eek2:

"Don't yell let's just have sex"

She didn't say the last part I was pissed but I kept getting tenser(is that a word) while I typed
Oh well what can you do :confused:

09-05-2003, 06:28 PM
where at UTD? thats my 'hood. Let me guess waterview and drive A?

09-05-2003, 07:21 PM
I understand it to be even if there is a 20 car pile up the person repsonsible is the person who rear ended YOU not who set the deal in motion. Women are the worst drivers:rll:I begged my old gf to run my truck at Ennis and she wouldn't even start it up! I said this is the safest place you can drive it take your time and go as fast or slow as you want. There was a guy out there I wanted her to beat so we could bag on him some more:D

09-06-2003, 12:02 PM
where at UTD? thats my 'hood. Let me guess waterview and drive A?

no 15th street and central in Plano:rll: there must be quite a few accidents in your area hugh:D

09-06-2003, 12:15 PM
I see 2 or three there a month, but I am never there so there probalby a few more.