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View Full Version : Are you of of these guys......

09-24-2003, 09:10 AM

Mark #2
09-24-2003, 04:32 PM

No, not with vettes, they're cool, nothing to prove there.
But I have run a new SS truck and a 911, when they asked for it.:)

09-24-2003, 04:54 PM
I was riding back from dinner last nite and had one of those guys in a ricer after me. He followed me most of the way home riding in my fender. gesturing and pffting what sounded like a turbo.

I dropped it out of overdrive once smashed the pedal for 4 or so seconds got a 3 car length lead and let off. He kept at it, "wanna go ? - Wanna go ?" he kept saying. I told him twice to go ahead and I would catch up... LOL


09-24-2003, 11:30 PM
I was riding back from dinner last nite and had one of those guys in a ricer after me. He followed me most of the way home riding in my fender. gesturing and pffting what sounded like a turbo.

I dropped it out of overdrive once smashed the pedal for 4 or so seconds got a 3 car length lead and let off. He kept at it, "wanna go ? - Wanna go ?" he kept saying. I told him twice to go ahead and I would catch up... LOL


I LOVE sucking rice through the grill a spitting them out the rear.:D
Let them stay beside me for a while...and then let the scream of the blower echo through window..bye...bye! The looks on thier faces, I just can't stop smiling:d


09-25-2003, 03:18 AM
I have been known to embarrass a silver hair in their world class sports cars with nearly a 1ton weight advantage:nana2