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09-28-2003, 04:43 PM
I left at 5pm and made it to the Texas border at 10pm. Through Kansas I was driving 95mph all the way. Coming through Oklahoma I was doing 100-125 for about an hour. I never saw 1 police. When I got to Texas I saw 3 within a 15 min drive. The sign said " Don't Mess With Texas"! I made some great time at night ,plus we even stopped in OK for dinner. What a ride!! So how did yall do? :burnout:

09-28-2003, 06:47 PM
Mark #2, Crawford, Garrett, Derek, and myself left Topeka about 10:30 this morning. Drove about 10 mph over the limit most of the way and I arrived at home about 5:15 PM. Only two stops along the way really helped shorten the trip. An Oklahoma Trooper followed us from Ardmore to the border so we did have to go the speed limit for about 30 miles. :cool:

09-28-2003, 09:10 PM
I think that we left at 1:30 and got home at8:45. We stopped to eat and gas up once. Then had to stop and pee twice. Got cought in traffic for a 10 minutes. Stopped one more time in Fort Worth for gas. 7hr and 15mins.

09-28-2003, 09:56 PM
Ronald and Laney followed Wayne and I out at about 11:30am and we got back into town about 6:15 or so. Not much trouble along the way, but we did find a few speed traps. Kind of funny to see an Okie cop car parked with his front bumper right by a tree with a radar gun. Should have gotten a picture. Even if he would have clocked us speeding he would have never been abel to get out if his parking spot in time. We stayed on it at about 85 all the way back and lost Ronald and Laney somewhere south of Norman, OK. There were a few 110+ MPH romps and we played a little "squeeze into to closing gap" along the way.

One thing to say....Valentine 1 rocks.


09-28-2003, 10:16 PM

There were some issues getting past semis and traffic south of Norman and thought I shouldn't play "catch up" doing 90-100+. Besides, we were getting close to my turn-off in Ardmore.

We just got back to Plano about 10 pm, but that was after an hour at Mom/Dad's and another at Regan's (brother).

We followed Tom/Wayne with the Valentine with me/Laney with my ~$200 Cobra radar/laser setup. Mine false-signaled a coupla' times where the Valentine didn't.

Laney knows what to get me for Christmas now! :d

Valentine DOES rock!

09-29-2003, 08:25 PM
I'm glad everyone had a safe trip. :tu:

09-29-2003, 08:53 PM
I'm glad everyone had a safe trip. :tu:

Ditto...glad to see everyone made it home without incident.


09-29-2003, 10:46 PM
I left at 5pm and made it to the Texas border at 10pm. Through Kansas I was driving 95mph all the way. Coming through Oklahoma I was doing 100-125 for about an hour. I never saw 1 police. When I got to Texas I saw 3 within a 15 min drive. The sign said " Don't Mess With Texas"! I made some great time at night ,plus we even stopped in OK for dinner. What a ride!! So how did yall do? :burnout:

Then you should have passed me an garret at that speed

I left about 4:30 - Didnt realise there was anyone left from TX...

Garret was about 17 miles ahead of me on the highway. I didnt get to the TX border till about 10:30 or 11..


09-30-2003, 07:06 AM
Then you should have passed me an garret at that speed

I left about 4:30 - Didnt realise there was anyone left from TX...

Garret was about 17 miles ahead of me on the highway. I didnt get to the TX border till about 10:30 or 11..


Tim left on Saturday and traveled down Hwy75 through Tulsa. But if he would have, he would have. :tongue: