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10-11-2003, 03:25 AM
Getting the L ready for the big trip to Datona Beach tuesday. In the back of my head I kept thinking I should retighten all the plugs, but I delayed for about a week. So tonight I pulled all the coils, and started checking. The last two on the drivers side turned about a 1/8 inch, and the fist one on the passenger side also turned aprox 1/8 inch! :eek2: I'm freaken gladded I checked! These TR 6's only have 6K on them. It only took me an Hour this time, I think having that Cornwell plug tool made it alot easier, and could really get a good torque on all of them.
I'll be checking them more frequently from now on:hammer:


10-11-2003, 08:54 AM
Same thing happened to me when I took my L to Terry to change the plugs to Denso's the back 2 on the drives side were loose and one on the passagener side was too!!!:eek2: Good thing I took it in!!!

10-11-2003, 03:08 PM
id like to check out one of these tools, where did you get it?

10-12-2003, 06:50 AM
id like to check out one of these tools, where did you get it?It's a Long socket with rubber insert, but it has finger like grips to help hold the plug when you pull it out, and keep it stationary when putting it back in. It is for the 4.6 and the 5.4 engines. There is just enough clearance in the head to keep you from moving side to side when you torque the plug down. I'll get a pic for ya. I found out about it last year at FFW at JDM's tent, they were changing out plugs under 45" with it. Cornwell has it for 40-$50, Snap-on and everybody else's climb in price from there.

Cornwell: 5/8 part # T-2220-SPXLA


10-12-2003, 08:28 AM
Cornwell part number too, please..;)