View Full Version : I have a theory..
11-28-2003, 01:00 PM
I have a theory on the validity of expiration dates on consumable products. I think for the most part it is a plan by "the man" to keep you buying newer items. As a bachelor my fridge and cabinets are not always updated on a regular basis. I have developed a formula that calculates the true expriation date of a product. The variables of this formula are like, temperature stored, ever opened or sealed, etc. Like today I wanted a PB&J sandwich. The jelly said it expired Oct 03 but it had never been opened. So it has to be good and was! Milk stored cold is usually good a few days past its date. How can Tylenol and Advil expire? You are in pain so just take it. I also believe eating things a little out of date, molded etc boosts your immune system. So don't waste food just sniff it and see if it may still be good:tu:
11-28-2003, 01:05 PM
I prefur the the taste method if it taste good eat it, as a bachelor also cabinet are not always stocked fresh taste method usally works good.
11-28-2003, 01:13 PM
Well, I think you may be half right. I am sure that in some cases consumables are prematurely, aged, I guess. But I think that its also to protect them from lawsuits. If the milk date was dead on instead of padded, and for some reason it spoiled a day early and you got sick from drinking it, it would be lawsuit time!
11-28-2003, 01:14 PM
Interesting topic Terry. We got screwed by the expired product monster yesterday. We decided to make a pumpkin pie. So I grab a can of pumpkin pie mix out of the pantry. I have no idea when it was purchased. Best I can remember, it had to be about 3 years ago.
Needless to say, we ended up with ass pie instead. That damned thing stunk up the house for 2 hours:eek2:
I believe I'll go by expiration dates from here on in:tu: .
11-28-2003, 01:20 PM
I just try to apply some common sense to it all. I believe air and warmer temps is what allows bacteria to grow. So if something is sealed and past date I am not so worried it will be bad. Though it may age faster once opened. It seems things with sugar and yeast spoil faster. I do not eat old yogurt however, since it already has active bacteria cultures in it:eek2: . Some things never go bad like NyQuil, dog food, peanut butter, cereal, pop tarts, Spaghetti O's:tu:
11-28-2003, 05:42 PM
You can also use the smell method for other things but I wouldn't use the taste method without the smell method first. Ya dig
11-28-2003, 05:43 PM
I think the pharmaceutical thing is not so much that they go bad, its that the effectiveness of the active ingredients start to decline over time. Then you dont know how much is enough when you take it.. also, I would only do this on over the counter stuff, the prescription stuff is a whole other ballgame.
11-28-2003, 06:33 PM
Take my word for it aspririn goes bad...
It breaks down into something that smells like vinegar. I had an unopened bottle that was 2 years out...
Before my parents came to stay I went thru the fridge for expired stuff - I found some SCARY dates. I bet I threw away salad dressing that was older than some TALON members.....
:rll: :rll: :rll:
11-28-2003, 06:45 PM
Take my word for it aspririn goes bad...
It breaks down into something that smells like vinegar. I had an unopened bottle that was 2 years out...
Before my parents came to stay I went thru the fridge for expired stuff - I found some SCARY dates. I bet I threw away salad dressing that was older than some TALON members.....
:rll: :rll: :rll: Eck!! :eek2:
That is real nasty, Doug.
Your lucky the HSC didn't come after you for planning a Bacterial Terrorist attack.:o
11-28-2003, 06:51 PM
Before my parents came to stay I went thru the fridge for expired stuff - I found some SCARY dates. I bet I threw away salad dressing that was older than some TALON members.....
Heh, reminds me of a few years ago when I first moved to Frisco. I had a jug of milk so old that I almost started charging it rent. It solidified in the bottom half of the jug, then the jug developed what looked like cellulite. :vomit:
11-28-2003, 07:46 PM
I had an unopened 2 liter bottle of coke that made 2 moves with me and still tasted good after 2 yrs. Dumped it out but my dad opened it one day and drank from it before I told him how old it was.
Mark #2
11-28-2003, 09:23 PM
Okay, so I'm bored after working the past two days as you can probably tell by all my posts. What about eggs, sealed, and refrigerated?
11-29-2003, 03:12 PM
ass pie!! :rll:
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