View Full Version : My Texas Driving Experiences (Police Oriented)
12-04-2003, 10:17 AM
I guess I just want to grumble a little and possibly get some feedback by some of you long time Texans.
On Friday I went to my parents house down South about 8 hours from here. No issues on the way down. I actually drive pretty conservative most of the time. On the way back, I'm driving up highway 281 I think it was, which is one of those roads that's not actually an interstate, but connects several towns from beginning to end and the speed limit is 70mph in all areas except thru the towns. Initially, I was going about 84, but noticed I was passing pretty much everyone so figuring they knew something I didn't, I dropped it down to 79. I was probably 100 miles into this 140 mile road and I pass a State Trooper who was on the other side of the road. He puts on the brakes and his lights and drives thru the grass between the lanes to come get me. There's no reason to be dumb about it, so I pull over right away. He asks for my license and insurance certificate, which I fumble around and find. He hands me back the insurance certificate and tells me that my speed was a little high and I also have no front plate, which apparently he noticed when he passed me going the other way. He never walked around the front after pulling me over. He tells me he's just going to give me a warning.
I don't get pulled over every day, and I thought he meant a verbal warning. Forgetting that he still had my license, I said, "Thanks." and when he went back to his car, I thought we were done so I took off. :) So of course he jumps back into his cruiser and the next thing I know he's in my rear-view again so I pull over wondering what I've done. Oh. It's a "written" warning. So he writes the thing up. It's a little hard to read and it looks like he actually put 10mph over the speed limit on the warning which was a surprise. Can they radar you like that or was it maybe he could just tell from experience. I was pretty ticked the rest of the way back, which was another 400 miles, just irked that I even got pulled over and of course, pretty much did the speed limit the whole way home. I realize this guy was just doing his job, and I have no real reason to be angry with anyone other than myself, but my history for what getting pulled over for, what I consider, petty reasons here hasn't been good.
Just over a year ago, I got pulled over for a dangerous lane change in my wife's Mustang. It's too long of a story to write, but the lane change I had to make quickly was due to other cars apparently the officer couldn't see so he didn't write me a ticket for that, but noticed my registration sticker had expired so he wrote one for that instead. It wasn't until later that day that I found out from my wife that we had paid the registration, and I knew we were pretty good about that. Sure enough, it was in the glove compartment so I took it down to Allen PD, which is where I got the ticket and where I live, They said I wasn't guilty, but had to pay a $10.00 administrative fee.
Just after I moved here, I got a ticket driving my Explorer from Houston back to Allen. I was in Pharris??? I think it was. The place South of Dallas with a bumble bee on the tower. This was actually just over three years ago now and I still had Missouri plates on my truck as I was just moving into town. I get pulled over, and ticketed for 8mph over the speed limit. It was 68 in a 60.
Besides these three issues, I also have to deal with being near Plano a lot and driving through Southlake many times per week and soon to be 5 days a week, although I won't be in the L through Southlake at least. I think Southlake PD is out every day writing tickets. They have a good thing going because there's a lot of construction on the 114 so fines are doubled. Don't speed through Southlake. :\
Anyway, after this weekend, I'm still a little ticked off. I don't drive bad most of the time, and again, yes I realize these people are just doing their "job", but at this point I'm really wondering if the L is worth keeping and I'm in need of support by you guys who have them. Most of the way back, I seriously considered just selling it and getting something with a lot less profile. I have no idea what the penalties are for speeding. My son just got one and it was a first time offense and a mandatory court appearance because he was 16. We had to pay money equal to the fine and he had to stay clean for 90 days so it wouldn't go on his record, which I thought was actually pretty cool.
Even though it's been two days and all I got was a warning, I'm still really upset about the whole Texas experience.
Someone post something to make me feel good about moving here.
12-04-2003, 10:28 AM
I was wondering if you have a radar detector? If not invest in a good one. My faves are the cobras, escorts, and vaelntine 1's. For some reason the cobras aren't the most exspensive but they work really well. I wouldn't spend below a 100 bucks. avoid radio shack brand jammers and detectors.I speed most the time and never have gotten a speeding tickect since i use a detector. I'm sure they can tell your hauling ass from looking at you but to give an accurate estimate of your speed is a no. that just won't hold up. I usually run my digital speedo so i know exactly how fast I'm going. If i get pulled over without my detector going off, or without being paced..I'm not going to fall into that "You know how fast you were going" routine where they trick you into admiting your actual speed.
anyways...take care.
12-04-2003, 10:35 AM
The L is NOT high profile
Speeding is.
You have been VERY fortunate. Have gotten lots of GREAT breaks.
A written warning just means dont do it again....
Driving a 380+ hp truck requires some restraint. And it sometimes requires attending defensive driving... :evil
You are VERY fortunate and in every case the issues appeared to me to me a result of your action or inaction.
I hope to have the good fortune to be stopped by those kinds of officers. You could have been ticketed for running from the police ( theoretically )
Get a radar detector.
12-04-2003, 11:20 AM
Ditto what Doug said. I'm still not clear on why you're upset. Sounds to me like you've been pretty lucky.
12-04-2003, 11:38 AM
Someone post something to make me feel good about moving here.
Uhhhh.... NO STATE INCOME TAXES and hardly any snow/ice ! :nana2
Get yourself a good radar detector. I've got the high-end Cobra model from Circuit City ( 360 deg. radar/laser) and it's saved me plenty of times.
I'm looking to upgrade to the V1 soon. I've seen mine false-signal 5-6 times while I was following Tom/Wayne running a V-1 back from Topeka so, I'm a believer in the V1 quality! :beer:
12-04-2003, 11:39 AM
Well of course they were the result of my actions. :) I'm not denying that.
I guess maybe it's just me. It's easy to say "speeding is speeding" but to have been pulled over twice for not even doing 10 over to me was annoying since far more of the tickets I hear issued are for 15 plus. I have no first hand knowledge, but I thought there were degrees of speeding tickets. Something like 15 over was reckless driving also or something like that which adds to the fine. Taking the time to write those tickets were more "revenue generating" I thought. Again, I have no first hand knowledge. I'm rarely a speeder.
I probably have more restraint than most here considering what this vehicle is. Maybe just getting noticed on a couple of the few times I've done it is what's got me going.
It's just opinion, but to me the L is a high profile vehicle. It's something that get's noticed whether you're speeding or not, and that's what I meant by that comment.
12-04-2003, 12:01 PM
the lightning has about the lowest "profile per performance" ratio there is. I ran through the same laser speed trap 3 times on monday just cause I wanted to jam him. but the operator wouldnt engage me a single time, not even once. I was going exactally the speed limit (cause I knew they were there) but each time just looked at me, no targeting. its cause im a truck and trucks are slow. ( with the truck, get a v1, blinder laser jammer, and police radio. :twitch:
12-04-2003, 01:33 PM
I want to get a radar detector because I just seem to drive faster since I got the L :eek2:. I in no way want to start a flame out :throw: but...
I was reading that the V1 is no longer the top dog and has been replaced by Bel and passport. Comments from users would be appreciated before I take the plunge.
This may go off topic so I apologize in advance.
12-04-2003, 02:41 PM
I want to get a radar detector because I just seem to drive faster since I got the L :eek2:. I in no way want to start a flame out :throw: but...
I was reading that the V1 is no longer the top dog and has been replaced by Bel and passport. Comments from users would be appreciated before I take the plunge.
This may go off topic so I apologize in advance.
Larrywell, first of all, that tool didnt even have any tests done. he just stated that the other ones were better based on the features they offer. they left out the most important detail about the units, their field performance. that is something that the valentine1 has never been beat in. when you read these "articles" skip all the word and mumbo jumbo, scroll down to the field tests and just see the dectetion range figures. thats what counts, not wheather it has a 5 color display and a built in cupholder. first buy the other one, run it for a few months then sell it on ebay. then buy a valentine1. and you will see what you have been missing. it was BY FAR the best investment I have EVER MADE. I have ran cobras and escorts, none are as good. I feel naked and uninformed when using those. features, yeah, the v1 is not on the level with the others, but when it comes to coverage, the others arent even in its ballpark.
12-04-2003, 02:46 PM
I've been thinking about this and it took a couple of posts by you all to make me realize why I was a little annoyed. Not that this will make a difference to some, but maybe the perspective I'm coming from might be the issue. I'm getting closer to the real issue. Maybe this isn’t a speeding thing. It’s a Texas thing.
In my 23 years of driving experience before I got to Texas, I got one ticket. It was for running a stop sign when I was 17. It wasn't a stop sign that I eased through. I just didn’t even see it. The places where I've lived and driven a lot are Indiana, California, Massachusetts, Missouri and Texas.
Since I've been in Texas, January 2000, I have had 3 incidents with 3 separate vehicles. The Explorer, the Mustang and now the Lightning. Ok. It's actually almost 4 years now, but the year isn't over yet. :)
So we have...
Texas = 1 stops avg a year due to law violations
Pre-Texas = .04 stops avg a year due to law violations
So far, I have been pulled over for violations in Texas 20 times more than all of my other states combined.
So let's take a look again at this last thing in the L that has me somewhat annoyed. I was doing, according to my cruise control, 79 in a 70mph zone. That's less than a 13% increase in speed over the limit.
Here are some ratios for varying speeds at this percentage increase. I used the actual number of 1.1285714285714285714285714285714 for my math because that's what it calculated out at. I apologize for the formatting. It's looking right when I type it, but doesn't come out right on the preview.
Speed Limit > 13% increase
20 mph > 22.57 mph
30 mph > 33.85 mph
40 mph > 45.14 mph
50 mph > 56.42 mph
60 mph > 67.71 mph
70 mph > 79 mph
I did that for a visual reference to show what a small amount of relative speeding I was actually doing. How many would have no problem being pulled over for doing 23 mph in a 20 or 34 mph in a 30? There are obviously safety issues here. I would never even consider doing 23mph in a school zone for example.
This warning I just got was on a long long straight stretch of highway connecting two towns with nothing between them but fenced in wilderness. Two lanes going each direction on a nice well paved smooth highway. I wasn't jetting out from behind anyone passing them. Just cruisin’ along.
The L, as a vehicle, isn't totally off the hook either. I'll still maintain that it get's noticed. While I've had the L for almost 16 months and this is my first issue, I also only have 5000 miles on it, 1000 of which just were gained from this one trip. 5000 miles is like 4 months of normalish driving so that ratio already is a little high it seems to me. And yes, I know trucks don't speed. People speed. I will just say that a truck like the L will get more looks.
In regard to feeling fortunate, to some degree I do. I could speculate that my lack of any kind of bad driving record may have helped in only getting a warning. The officer who pulled me over didn't come at me with any kind of attitude that I was able to see. I certainly didn't give him any grief over it because I knew I was speeding. I just didn't feel the degree of speeding I was doing deserved a written warning. Since I don't feel like my Texas driving style is really any different than any previous state that I've been in, I don't think it's out of line that these issues don't set very well.
So maybe this is just something I need to get used to? Do Texas police write more tickets than other places I've been in to help supplement income because there is no state tax? Did I just get noticed because I had out of state plates or was driving a Mustang or the L? Or are the police down here so aggressive about enforcing the law they just feel the need to ticket marginally speeding drivers way more often than any other state I've been in?
I don’t know what the issues are really. I can only say that it seems to be different here than the other places I’ve driven and so far feels excessive.
12-04-2003, 02:55 PM
you may just be unlucky in texas.:) I dont know what to tell you man. but the eaisest way is to just be 2 steps ahead of the law. they tend to pick on the easier ones more.:evil
12-04-2003, 03:01 PM
I'm easy! :rll:
I should have known.
12-04-2003, 03:21 PM
I guess I just want to grumble a little and possibly get some feedback by some of you long time Texans.
On Friday I went to my parents house down South about 8 hours from here. No issues on the way down. I actually drive pretty conservative most of the time. On the way back, I'm driving up highway 281 I think it was, which is one of those roads that's not actually an interstate, but connects several towns from beginning to end and the speed limit is 70mph in all areas except thru the towns. Initially, I was going about 84, but noticed I was passing pretty much everyone so figuring they knew something I didn't, I dropped it down to 79. I was probably 100 miles into this 140 mile road and I pass a State Trooper who was on the other side of the road. He puts on the brakes and his lights and drives thru the grass between the lanes to come get me. There's no reason to be dumb about it, so I pull over right away. He asks for my license and insurance certificate, which I fumble around and find. He hands me back the insurance certificate and tells me that my speed was a little high and I also have no front plate, which apparently he noticed when he passed me going the other way. He never walked around the front after pulling me over. He tells me he's just going to give me a warning.
I don't get pulled over every day, and I thought he meant a verbal warning. Forgetting that he still had my license, I said, "Thanks." and when he went back to his car, I thought we were done so I took off. :) So of course he jumps back into his cruiser and the next thing I know he's in my rear-view again so I pull over wondering what I've done. Oh. It's a "written" warning. So he writes the thing up. It's a little hard to read and it looks like he actually put 10mph over the speed limit on the warning which was a surprise. Can they radar you like that or was it maybe he could just tell from experience. I was pretty ticked the rest of the way back, which was another 400 miles, just irked that I even got pulled over and of course, pretty much did the speed limit the whole way home. I realize this guy was just doing his job, and I have no real reason to be angry with anyone other than myself, but my history for what getting pulled over for, what I consider, petty reasons here hasn't been good.
Just over a year ago, I got pulled over for a dangerous lane change in my wife's Mustang. It's too long of a story to write, but the lane change I had to make quickly was due to other cars apparently the officer couldn't see so he didn't write me a ticket for that, but noticed my registration sticker had expired so he wrote one for that instead. It wasn't until later that day that I found out from my wife that we had paid the registration, and I knew we were pretty good about that. Sure enough, it was in the glove compartment so I took it down to Allen PD, which is where I got the ticket and where I live, They said I wasn't guilty, but had to pay a $10.00 administrative fee.
Just after I moved here, I got a ticket driving my Explorer from Houston back to Allen. I was in Pharris??? I think it was. The place South of Dallas with a bumble bee on the tower. This was actually just over three years ago now and I still had Missouri plates on my truck as I was just moving into town. I get pulled over, and ticketed for 8mph over the speed limit. It was 68 in a 60.
Besides these three issues, I also have to deal with being near Plano a lot and driving through Southlake many times per week and soon to be 5 days a week, although I won't be in the L through Southlake at least. I think Southlake PD is out every day writing tickets. They have a good thing going because there's a lot of construction on the 114 so fines are doubled. Don't speed through Southlake. :\
Anyway, after this weekend, I'm still a little ticked off. I don't drive bad most of the time, and again, yes I realize these people are just doing their "job", but at this point I'm really wondering if the L is worth keeping and I'm in need of support by you guys who have them. Most of the way back, I seriously considered just selling it and getting something with a lot less profile. I have no idea what the penalties are for speeding. My son just got one and it was a first time offense and a mandatory court appearance because he was 16. We had to pay money equal to the fine and he had to stay clean for 90 days so it wouldn't go on his record, which I thought was actually pretty cool.
Even though it's been two days and all I got was a warning, I'm still really upset about the whole Texas experience.
Someone post something to make me feel good about moving here.
Maybe your just a sh!tty driver.........:throw: .
I have never been pulled over for any of those things and I have been driving in Texas for 25 years.
The once every 2 or 3 years I do get nailed, I am always speeding. I just finally get caught, once in awhile.
Something else...the speed limit is not 10 MPH over the posted limit...LMAO. You could get pulled over for doing 1 mph over technically. The posted speed limit is the MAXIMUM speed you can do. We all act like it is just a suggested starting point when some cop busts us. Something that will cause us to get pulled over is going several MPH faster than the flow of traffic. So if everyone had slowed down as you mentioned, it may have made you look like you where cruising faster than you where. He probably didn't actually have a radar fix on you or he would have ticketed you. I bet he just decide to pull you over because you where running past the other drivers pretty quick.
12-04-2003, 03:40 PM
Maybe your just a sh!tty driver.........:throw:
Somehow, I don't think that's it.
Something else...the speed limit is not 10 MPH over the posted limit...LMAO. You could get pulled over for doing 1 mph over technically.
And where did I say this is not true? I don't need a child's lesson on what the speeding laws are. My subsequent posts, other than the massive one you quoted, show there weren't very many cars on the road at all and thus, not much of a reference to go by.
12-04-2003, 03:45 PM
I wondered who was in the white "L" yesterday around 4:45 PM at Legacy and HWY 5... I was in the Black (Awsome looking) "L" parked at the Shell gas station waiting for someone (Tliss) and saw you and your passenger drive by and wasn't sure whos "L" it was.
I live off of Bethany in Allen:beer:
P.S. If your gonna post, some of us (Me at least) have attention spans that prevent us from reading 12 pages and keeping intrest:rll:
He!!, I thought you were wrighting a thesis on the forum about speeding:eek2: I made it through the first paragraph though:tu:
BTW: V1 just plain rules:twitch:
12-04-2003, 03:46 PM
Well, I couldn't find a place where I wrote "there weren't very many cars on the road". Only something that looked like "I wasn't jetting out from behind anyone passing them. Just cruisin’ along."
That doesn't change my view.
12-04-2003, 04:06 PM
I wondered who was in the white "L" yesterday around 4:45 PM at Legacy and HWY 5... I was in the Black (Awsome looking) "L" parked at the Shell gas station waiting for someone (Tliss) and saw you and your passenger drive by and wasn't sure whos "L" it was.
I live off of Bethany in Allen:beer:
P.S. If your gonna post, some of us (Me at least) have attention spans that prevent us from reading 12 pages and keeping intrest:rll:
He!!, I thought you were wrighting a thesis on the forum about speeding:eek2: I made it through the first paragraph though:tu:
BTW: V1 just plain rules:twitch:WTF? you actually drove it? well, congratulations, you got it dirty.:hammer:
:evil andrew
12-04-2003, 04:15 PM
Well there was probably a "little" too much detail. For some reason I thought some history might help some understand where I was coming from in my complaint.
Seems I'm getting little support here. No biggie.
I wasn't in the L yesterday, although I may have typed that somewhere. It actually happened on Tuesday, but that road trip was so long it's all mush in my mind now.
I live on the SW corner of Custer and McDermott.
12-04-2003, 04:15 PM
Somehow, I don't think that's it.
And where did I say this is not true? I don't need a child's lesson on what the speeding laws are. My subsequent posts, other than the massive one you quoted, show there weren't very many cars on the road at all and thus, not much of a reference to go by.
I really didn't think of it as a "childs lesson", but if you want to see it that way...OK.
You complained of getting pulled over for "only doing 8 MPH over the speed limit". I was making light of the fact that all of us think that way.
You also did not say that you where the only car on the road. You did say that you noticed the other cars slowing down. So I assumed that there had to be other cars, in order for you to "notice them slowing down".
You did however post of an experience and came across as if you wanted opinions on WTF the deal is. I typically will say it like I see it if asked. Sorry if it insulted you. I really didn't mean to do that.
By the By...I was just teasing with you about the sh!tty driving...that was why I put the flamer imoticon by it.
12-04-2003, 04:24 PM
yeah, we are all just so used so it by now we dont think twice about how bad the po-po are here. I do hear that alot from new texans though. there are just some people that deserve several hundred tickets, but just never seem to get caught. Like me. I dont know how the hell I have gone for so long the way I do and dont encounter the police. its insane. and then there are some people like you brook, that dont really deserve anything but get busted all the time. I havent been able to find a reasonable explanation for it:(
actually, on second thought, my mom is a hardcore devote christian woman and EVERY day before when she wakes up and before she goes to bed she prays that I dont get caught by the police.:evil I sh!t you not
12-04-2003, 04:32 PM
I took the :throw: as jest. I wasn't offended. If you call them like you see them I have no problem with that.
I posted a retraction about the cars on the road almost as soon as I wrote that. That was my bad. :hammer:
The part about the "childs lesson" had to do with the part about you explaining how the speed limit needs to be interpreted.
I'm not complaining about getting pulled over for doing 8 mph over the speed limit really. It's more of a "I can't believe how many times I've been pulled over in Texas for what I perceive are really petty issues" kind of post. It just took me a while to get there.
12-04-2003, 04:34 PM
.............actually, on second thought, my mom is a hardcore devote christian woman and EVERY day before when she wakes up and before she goes to bed she prays that I dont get caught by the police.:evil I sh!t you not
With her in your corner, you don't need that V1. How about I take that bad boy off your hands for you????:d
I am in the process of taking a defensive driving coars online for a ticket I got a couple months ago. I have until the 16th. No point in getting in a hurry.
12-04-2003, 04:38 PM
With her in your corner, you don't need that V1. How about I take that bad boy off your hands for you????:d
I am in the process of taking a defensive driving coars online for a ticket I got a couple months ago. I have until the 16th. No point in getting in a hurry.
Rocksyou can do that online now? good, i need in insurance break. no tickets and no wrecks and I still pay 3,300 a year.:hammer:
12-04-2003, 04:42 PM
...............It's more of a "I can't believe how many times I've been pulled over in Texas for what I perceive are really petty issues" kind of post. It just took me a while to get there.
I hear ya Brook. The ticket I received a couple months ago was for doing 55 in a 40. Hell of it is...I know for a fact that I wasn't doing 55. I was sitting at a redlight, ready to practice my launch, when I saw the light from the other direction turn yellow. I timed it just right and got a .000 reaction time. As soon as I got to 45, I let off the gas. Just about that time, I see this unmarked hitting the lights behind me.
Well, I get smart ass with this cop before he even has the chance to get up to my window. When I said I wasn't speeding, he asked how fast I was going. I said 45. He laughed and said, So you'll admit to doing 45 in a 40, but not 55.
He comes back to give me the prize and I start mouthing off about seeing him in court and wanting to see his radar. He didn't say squawt. he walks to the front of my truck, looks down at my bumper, and then adds no front plate to the ticket. I shut the fock up at this point, before he decided to check my window tint.
12-04-2003, 04:47 PM
I was sitting at a redlight, ready to practice my launch, when I saw the light from the other direction turn yellow. I timed it just right and got a .000 reaction time. glad to hear im not the only one that does that
12-04-2003, 04:49 PM
you can do that online now? good, i need in insurance break. no tickets and no wrecks and I still pay 3,300 a year.:hammer: I have been doing it at like 1 hour increments. You just log on and off each time you start. It takes 6 hours total...I have 5 hour 45 minutes to go...LOL.
3300 is a good deal...LMAO...I was paying 360 a month for my son to drive a fricking Honda Civic. I just recently paid off the car. I had to lay down 3000.00 bucks, but in 10 months...I break even. He is 19 and totaled his car about 18 months ago. Insurance companies just love him.
12-04-2003, 04:52 PM
So did you get a ticket for doing 45 or 55?
Not that I like getting stopped (obviously) but if it was gonna happen, I just want it to be for some of the occasional dumb things I do that really rates it. Not long ago I was on the tollway without one of those speedpass thingy's. We had to stop at all of the places to put in the toll change and I took every "green light" like it was my personal drag strip beacon to launch.
As I said, I don't speed much, but I get from zero to the speed limit in a hurry on occasion. I asked a friend of mine who used to be a cop of that was illegal if you didn't squeal the tires. He said yes because there was a law against "Exhibition of Acceleration" or some such deal. Not sure if that is a law here although likely. He was from California.
So sad. :(
12-04-2003, 04:54 PM
I think you have to look at from this point. Texas has more miles of highway than any other state period.
Your going to experience more troopers (god bless em) and other police officers over our state road system. Generally you can get by with 6 to 8 over the posted on most highways and interstates without so much of glance.
I've driven from one end of the state to the other in my L and have been stopped about 10:eek2: times in the past 5 years.
Half the time I've got off with a warning because the troopers liked my truck and I was honest with them to say I was speeding and enjoying my spirited driving.
The other times I was ticketed (sometimes greater than 20 over) and could probably teach the defensive driving class.
12-04-2003, 04:55 PM
Brook, learn to read! :hammer:
He said, "The ticket I received a couple months ago was for doing 55 in a 40."
12-04-2003, 05:02 PM
I think you have to look at from this point. Texas has more miles of highway than any other state period.
Your going to experience more troopers (god bless em) and other police officers over our state road system.
I don't know that they really have more officers per mile.
Believe me when I tell you I'm not an "I can't stand cops" kind of guy. I have a lot of respect for them. It's just my time here has been a little less than pleasant regarding what's happened so far.
I like to think that it can only get better.
TP Derrick D
12-04-2003, 07:05 PM
I think you have to look at from this point. Texas has more miles of highway than any other state period.
Your going to experience more troopers (god bless em) and other police officers over our state road system. Generally you can get by with 6 to 8 over the posted on most highways and interstates without so much of glance.
I've driven from one end of the state to the other in my L and have been stopped about 10:eek2: times in the past 5 years.
Half the time I've got off with a warning because the troopers liked my truck and I was honest with them to say I was speeding and enjoying my spirited driving.
The other times I was ticketed (sometimes greater than 20 over) and could probably teach the defensive driving class.
I know I have paid for at least 2 patrol cars in my almost 28 years of driving. Like Steve, I been clocked sometime 20+ over .Got one today in BFE(Woodway-A Waco sur burb) trying to find Late model Mustang restoration.He said 47 in a 30 :Bullshit I may have been a little over but not that much.When we got to restoration we were talking about it to them how we got the ticket trying to find them ,find out the cops in that little community is really a big speed trap and the fudge on the speed. True the L is and eyecatcher so to speak but no more than a Harley or Blackwood unless you have done something like JD's paint job where its an attention getter sitting still or running wot.I know my vehicles gets cops attention but I just try to be on the lookout.Try driving a bright colored Mustang thats been lower with wide tires front and even wider in back, supercharged,with a loud exhaust.Like I've been told before "your car looks and sound like its going fast just sitting there with the motor running" for some reason cops seem to love stopping it. I would consider myself more than lucky if I ever just got a warning.Dont get rid of your L because you got a warning.I won't ever let a cop make me get rid of my Stang or L
12-05-2003, 12:10 PM
I just didn't feel the degree of speeding I was doing deserved a written warning. Brook
Ah, then perhaps I can help explain it. It's not uncommon for DPS to make a stop for as little as 5 MPH over the limit. Let's just say that they interpret the speed limit a bit more literally than other police might. And if DPS stops you, you are going to get paper, either a ticket or a written warning. Hence, my argument that you're lucky if you drive off with a warning.
George G.
12-05-2003, 04:15 PM
......I like to think that it can only get better.
It won't! I'm generally a fan of the law myself but when a super trooper pulls you over because you didn't signal a lane change for 100 feet(I was doing 62 mph) THAT, my friend, is freaking ridiculous! And after doing the math, If I changed lanes in as quick as 1 second, I still traveled 95.xx feet! Damn that trooper! And where they get you is to take 4 months to schedule a pre-trial, then another 3-4 months for an actual trial, and if you contest and lose, you still pay the fine!!! Thats waiting over 7 months to hope the judge is not full of :Bullshit like that trooper was. I just said "screw it" and took def driving.
I'm not holding a grudge or anything.
ken cryder
12-06-2003, 02:40 AM
it was just your unlucky draw . the cops here (tx) are a little more vigulante than other states . the racing laws are getting worse every year . i got lucky the other day when i passed a cop on the access road coasting at 65 and he didn't come after me . i figure the way i drive a ticket once every couple of years evens every thing out . and it's been almost three years so i'm due . :D
the small towns in texas are worse , on giving tickets , that's how they support the town .
12-06-2003, 02:46 AM
what are the racing laws here? When i was out in L.A. they had a couple of street racing accidents. the news was reminding people that not on;y can you can in troble, tickets, jail, etc.., but they can take your car and supposedly put it up for sale at the auction. I haven't read that, just heard on the local L.A. news.
ken cryder
12-06-2003, 03:06 AM
supposely , if your doing more than 20mph over the speed limit they can take you to jail for wreckless driving . also if you get caught street racing you automaticly lose you D.L for one year and they take you to jail , impound your vehicle. and you get to post bond to get out . they have also started a new points system where if you are doing 10% above the speed limit you are asigned one point , and you get three points in three years they send you a bill for an extra $100 dollars . wreckless driving can cost you upwards of $500 dollars . and i don't believe that you can deferr it or take defensive driving class to take it off you record , only time will do that.
If they use radar: they can clock your speed moving in opposite direction as you. And they can clock you if they are stopped. Radar can't clock someone goin the same direction.
Lazer: they have to aim at you which means they are typically stopped to aim gun.
You did get a huge break. When a policeman's squad car lights are on, you are in a temporary state of arrest. If you leave before he dismisses you properly, that's resisting arrest. I did the same thing one time, I got arrested and hauled off to jail. I think it was a class A misdemeanor.
I always cruise no more than 10 mph over speed limit and never get pulled over. I even pass squad cars 10 over, haven't had any issues with it yet.
12-09-2003, 09:47 AM
Radar can't clock someone goin the same direction.
If you leave before he dismisses you properly, that's resisting arrest.
Yes, it can.
No, it's not.
12-09-2003, 10:02 AM
Yes, it can.
10-4 on this one. I know it for a fact and have seen it done. unless it is a handheld unit. but the built-in ones link to the squad cars speed and do the math.
12-09-2003, 10:06 AM
If they use radar: they can clock your speed moving in opposite direction as you. And they can clock you if they are stopped. Radar can't clock someone goin the same direction.
Lazer: they have to aim at you which means they are typically stopped to aim gun.
.and also, laser MUST be from a stop. yes, it steadies the aim, but the reason is because its a stand alone unit and if used from a moving vehicle, the the speed reading is not adjusted for the movement, like with an onboard radar unit. (IE: if you are coming head on at the cop and he is driving 55 and you are driving 55 it will read 110, get it?)
12-09-2003, 10:12 AM
Is there is a state cap on fines for speeding? After 3 years and 30 K wild miles I finally got a ticket heading to FFW Ennis at 8am in a Sunday morning. He claimed 90 in a 65 I think. I couldn't argue because I was rolling much harder than that. It took him and three of his buddies 5 miles to catch up to me. Anyway I got deffered and it was $278 bucks fine:eek2: . The V1 was going off a little but I wasn't paying attention. That is it the "Black Box" is getting installed next:evil . I am glad I only get slow tickets. I was especially blessed on the Topeka trip. I ran 120-130 for 45 minutes straight to catch up to the convoy that left ahead of me. I got back even faster. I was pumped after tearing up the road course all day. These trucks just cruise so smooth.
Public Addvisory: Speeding is against the law, the streets are not your own personal race track. You are not above the law and could go to jail or hurt someone else. The posted speed limit is the maximum not the minimum.
12-09-2003, 10:19 AM
No, it's not.
You have piqued my interest sir. What is the charge then? Fail to yield to an emergency vehicle? :D
12-09-2003, 10:20 AM
and also, laser MUST be from a stop. yes, it steadies the aim, but the reason is because its a stand alone unit and if used from a moving vehicle, the the speed reading is not adjusted for the movement, like with an onboard radar unit. (IE: if you are coming head on at the cop and he is driving 55 and you are driving 55 it will read 110, get it?)Modern radar units in cars are wired to vehicle speedo input. They have two displays one for target speed and one for unit speed. It does the math for you, you know cops can't do it themselves:rll: . Some older units shoot the ground ahead and determine unit speed that way also.
This is a sneaky one it has a POP feature that isso sshort a burst it doesn't set off detectors. It is not legal for citation but who is gonna tell..
Here is one does same and opposite lane internally.
Ka (
12-09-2003, 10:25 AM
You have piqued my interest sir. What is the charge then? Fail to yield to an emergency vehicle? :D
Close, but not quite.
Evading Arrest or Detention, Tx Penal Code 38.04, or
Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Police Officer, Tx Transportation Code 545.421
12-09-2003, 10:39 AM
Hmm... I need to seriously start thinking about that V1. :hammer:
I figure between the V1, the Zaino deflecting all the radar/laser and seeing how I drive a G#Y Red L... I can speed with virtually impunity from the law.:D
Right Ron? :beer:
12-09-2003, 10:42 AM
Hmm... I need to seriously start thinking about that V1. :hammer:
I figure between the V1, the Zaino deflecting all the radar/laser and seeing how I drive a G#Y Red L... I can speed with virtually impunity from the law.:D
Right Ron? :beer:
Ronaldwell, red reflects better than black:D , and a shiney truck reflects better than a derrty one. Maybe thats why I dont have any tickets:evil
Yes, it can.
No, it's not.
As for the radar, a friend of mine must have had a different system setup. He couldn't clock someone in same direction with his radar.
I got charged for evading and resisting arrest. Maybe it was the evading charge.
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