View Full Version : Looking for a better Job
12-07-2003, 03:12 PM
I have been thimking of getting a better job while I finish schoola and was wondering if anyone had any type opening they knew about.
-I have a 1.5yrs of experience in Shipping and recieving
-experience in retail (who doesn't)
-Can work my but off (mexican ;) )
-Basic car knowledge
-can change oil/basic maintnance
-Do amp /sub installs on stock radio (many people know how)
Throw any bones this way. I want a new job.:bows
12-07-2003, 04:02 PM
Are you looking for something with cars or just anything? You can always try dealerships.
12-07-2003, 06:22 PM
I know of parts store that was looking for a bilingual parts counter the place in in Farmers Branch (Josey & Valley View) it's called Dick's Auto Parts and the # is 972.241.2514, talk to Lance and tell him Tony Marquez send you
hope I can help.
12-08-2003, 12:01 AM
thx guys
tony, i will call tommorow:nana2
poorsvtman, I tried too slow at this time of year.:flaming:
thx again
12-08-2003, 12:08 AM
thx guys
poorsvtman, I tried too slow at this time of year.:flaming:
Yea dealerships are kinda slow this time of the year. The department im in almost completely dies around thanksgiving till after xmas and being on flag time makes it tough at times. If you decide to go to a dealership and are trying to be a tech, be either a frontend/brake or transmission tech. There the only two guys at my work that i see have steady work year round.
12-08-2003, 12:28 AM
Where do you work?
I assume a dealer.
12-08-2003, 12:45 AM
You sure you don't want to be a cook?:rll: . Thanks again I enjoyed the fajita's. Hope enough people chipped in to offset the cost of 20lbs of meat:eek2: .
12-08-2003, 01:36 AM
yea well thought of it but I don't know without restaurant experience you can't do ****. I wish i had brought the damn grill. went to fire it up to day and it was out of propane. any one wanna meet at anyones house and have a BBQ only thing that would be required would be a grill. and some onions;) .
annyone ever had grilled onions. (mexican style)
very very tasty you'll be licking your fingers.:bows
12-08-2003, 10:45 AM
Where do you work?
I assume a dealer.
Lynn Smith Chevrolet out in burleson. Im a PDI Tech (what gm calls it) Basicly when the new cars come from the plant i pull all the plastic off them, look them over for damages,defects,etc. Slap a inspection sticker on them then tear ass down the service road.
But when its slow like it is now i sit in a office on the net all day, and work on RVs
12-08-2003, 02:05 PM
Lynn Smith Chevrolet out in burleson. Im a PDI Tech (what gm calls it) Basicly when the new cars come from the plant i pull all the plastic off them, look them over for damages,defects,etc. Slap a inspection sticker on them then tear ass down the service road.
But when its slow like it is now i sit in a office on the net all day, and work on RVs
Do you guys need a new pdi tech?:D
Sound like a cool job.
12-08-2003, 02:34 PM
Do you guys need a new pdi tech?:D
Sound like a cool job.
Nope Sorry, I got lucky and filled a spot. It is a fun job at times. Get to drive z06 down and get on them make sure they shift right,etc. :nana2 In the summer pulling thick plastic and doing about 30 cars a day will build up some muslces in your lower arms (one of them atleast, other arm holds all the plastic) and you will sleep like a baby at night.
If you want to work at a dealership i can have my mom ask her friend if theres anything at buz post on i20 and cooper in arlington
12-08-2003, 05:13 PM
That would be cool. I just need something that doesn't pay very bad and i can get 30-40hrs/week. Entry level tech, PDI:banana: , porter, detailer.
I can move school around from. the morning class which gets out at 1:30pm to the evening class that starts at 6:30pm.
tony I called Dick's A.P. and talked to lance. He said they were filled but he would give me a for sure answer in 2-3 days.
12-08-2003, 07:32 PM
Good Luck buddy, hope you find something soon... :tu:
12-08-2003, 07:50 PM
UPS is always hiring, and they are union.
12-09-2003, 06:56 AM
UPS is always hiring, and they are union.
trying them next.:tu:
12-09-2003, 08:48 PM
Ive been kind of busy and havent had alot of time to call her while she was at work.
but call buz post and ask for robin sikes, shes a service advisor and should be able to help you out or know of somewhere else thats hiring. She got me a job at honda awhile back. Just let her know your looking for something like a PDI or detail or something
Buz Post
Robin Sikes
817-784-3338 <- direct line to her i believe
817-784-3300 <- service direct line
You can tell her your a friend of Michael and Debbie Red.
12-10-2003, 12:00 AM
Thx poorsvtman I apreciate it. I will get in touch with her tommorow. also what hrs do YOU work? I am calling Dick's auto parts too. he said to call him back in two days so wish me luck:banana: . I just need to find something better, parts store is a better place.
My friend is an aircraft mechanic for a Delta sister airline, and is seeing what he can find for me.:beer:
Thx guys I apreciate it,
12-10-2003, 12:34 AM
Thx poorsvtman I apreciate it.
No problem mang :tu: . Anything to help a fellow friend.
But i work from around 730ish-530/6. But hopefully ill be finding a new job a fe months after xmas. Being a PDI tech is fun and all but ive been working out side and in shops around loud crap since i was 13 and now im 20 i have knees worse than the 70-80 year old guys that work part time at the dealership and my hearing is getting worse.
Basicly just would like to have a quiet job in an Air conditioned enviroment :d
12-11-2003, 08:34 PM
I start my new job on monday at Dick's auto parts. If around stop by and say wazzzup. I work mornings.
thx tony2000
12-11-2003, 08:45 PM
Huhhh?? Where is Dick's ??
No comment fron the peanut gallery .... ;)
12-12-2003, 12:14 AM
peanut gallery:hammer: maybe pea gallery:rll:
jk it's on the NE corner of Josey and Valley View in Farmers B.:D
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