View Full Version : Fall Classic Fallout

12-07-2003, 04:40 PM
Even though we had a disappointing turnout yesterday, I still enjoyed the day. We only had six TALON members participate in the race program although we did have another 4 or 5 members show up for test and tune. Thanks to Frank & Joe for coming down from Arkansas and Brooks for coming in from Louisiana.

We have a very diverse group of folks and that's what makes our club a little different that other groups around the country. It is also what makes events like this risky to promote. After seeing 16 club members attend Lightning Fest and the cost involved with the trip, I didn't think it would be too difficult to get a group that size for our own event in Hallsville. As many of you know, I recently changed companies and that certainly limited my ability to devote the kind of attention that I should have to this event.

I want to start a discussion to maybe get some other ideas on a better way to get attendance up at this event. If that means moving the venue to Kennedale or Denton or Redline, then we should certainly consider doing that. I am still planning on the same event next year at Hallsville and I anticipate inviting the Harley Trucks to participate. Format will be Lightning bracket/Harley bracket and the two winners meet for Top Truck.

Right now I'm looking for ideas, so please don't hesitate to add your $.02. Afterall, TALON is your club. :cool:

12-07-2003, 05:37 PM
Well, I am sorry I didn't make it - I came out in the morning to a low tire because of a nail, and after getting it fixed there is no way I could make it out there in time.

Even if I had come, I am not sure I would have run in the race program though. After the truck's disappointing showing at Topeka, I am not entirely sure that something isn't wrong with it. At 75k miles, with all the towing and the occasional race, I don't know if it is a good idea to beat on it even further until I can afford to fix a major problem.

I think Hallsville is a fine place to have the event, but it may be worth researching the local tracks for this kind of event next year. It would raise participation in our club, and since we (TALON) are hosting it I think that's important.

Here's to next year...:beer:

12-07-2003, 08:35 PM
Even though we had a disappointing turnout yesterday, I still enjoyed the day. We only had six TALON members participate in the race program although we did have another 4 or 5 members show up for test and tune. Thanks to Frank & Joe for coming down from Arkansas and Brooks for coming in from Louisiana.

We have a very diverse group of folks and that's what makes our club a little different that other groups around the country. It is also what makes events like this risky to promote. After seeing 16 club members attend Lightning Fest and the cost involved with the trip, I didn't think it would be too difficult to get a group that size for our own event in Hallsville. As many of you know, I recently changed companies and that certainly limited my ability to devote the kind of attention that I should have to this event.

I want to start a discussion to maybe get some other ideas on a better way to get attendance up at this event. If that means moving the venue to Kennedale or Denton or Redline, then we should certainly consider doing that. I am still planning on the same event next year at Hallsville and I anticipate inviting the Harley Trucks to participate. Format will be Lightning bracket/Harley bracket and the two winners meet for Top Truck.

Right now I'm looking for ideas, so please don't hesitate to add your $.02. Afterall, TALON is your club. :cool:

Robert came down from Arkansas too (but he didnt run in the bracket race, just during test n tune).

Well, Hallsville was a bit of a drive, but I dont know if I could add another 150 miles to my day yesterday. It was nice to race at a 1/4 mile track for a change too! And my understanding that the other tracks listed are all 1/8th mile. I could visit family while down there (they're in GP) but thats a long way to race 1/8th mile with you guys :D Just would depend on the scheduling. Make it at Hallsville and I'll continue to plan for it every year!

12-07-2003, 08:39 PM
How about one when its warmer outside?

12-07-2003, 09:11 PM
I wanted to be there as well, but some extenuating (sp?) circumstances prevented me from going (i.e. wife). Hallsville is a haul, but I certainly enjoy it out there. For me, as long as I can make it, I'll go whereever we have the event.


12-07-2003, 09:13 PM
Its really too bad there isnt a closer 1/4 mile track. I think the distance is keeping a lot of people from going because it becomes a full day commitment when you have 4-5 hours of drive time alone. Also when you add it all up it can be a pretty expensive day going to Hallsville (two tanks of gas -60, race gas -25, entry fee -15, bracket fee -15, food -15, etc.) at about $130. Bottom line, racing isnt cheap. I really dont have a point here... maybe I am just ranting because I couldnt afford to go on Saturday... was too sick too.

One recommendation would be to make smaller trophies to keep the costs down in order to reduce the risk of a low turnout and not being able to break even on the trophies. I think some of the trophies were just too big anyway. Where do you put a monster like that? :)

I think it would be worth a shot at an 1/8 mile track like Denton. I had a pretty good time the day we all went out there despite the lack of VHT.

I just saw the Ducks just score 3 goals against the Stars in like under two minutes for a 3-0 score. I am pissed off now so I am done with this post. :flaming:

Mark #2
12-07-2003, 10:07 PM
Robert came down from Arkansas too (but he didnt run in the bracket race, just during test n tune).

Well, Hallsville was a bit of a drive, but I dont know if I could add another 150 miles to my day yesterday. It was nice to race at a 1/4 mile track for a change too! And my understanding that the other tracks listed are all 1/8th mile. I could visit family while down there (they're in GP) but thats a long way to race 1/8th mile with you guys :D Just would depend on the scheduling. Make it at Hallsville and I'll continue to plan for it every year!
Frank, thanks for coming down and kicking my ass in the finals.:) Nice to meet you.

12-07-2003, 11:10 PM
Frank, thanks for coming down and kicking my ass in the finals.:) Nice to meet you.

That video showed the real evidence... my brakes work! :eek2:

12-08-2003, 05:02 PM
OK - Somebady must have a picture of my truck at the line.....


12-08-2003, 05:08 PM
:offtopic !!!!!

12-08-2003, 05:23 PM
Sorry I was not able to make it afterall Dennis... i really really REALLY wanted too... i had things at work popup, and then on top of that, I have the FLU BAD! i really hoped some other Halo people would make the trip, however they seem to get fickle unless its a national event :(

Where ever you guys have the fall classic, I plan to attend, I like racing with you guys... feel bad i missed this one :(

12-08-2003, 06:23 PM
I think expanding the event to include the Harley guys is the best answer. Dropping down to an 1/8th mile track is not my prefered way of racing. It is kind of like having sex but not getting to climax.

Blaming the distance is lame in my mind. The same folks that didn't race in the Hallsville event also didn't show up at Ennis for any racing to speak of this year.

We actually don't have many die hard racers in this club. I mentioned before, that track nights are usely the same four or five people.

The solution in my mind is to foster the racing through the new members by always incouraging them to hit the track. I don't really expect guys that have owned Lightnings for a couple years or more to suddenly start hitting the track.

I am not condemning them for it, but hey, lets just call it like it is. Some like to race....some like to strut their stuff at the dyno. Some just like to be in the groovy Lightning club. It takes all types.


12-08-2003, 06:28 PM
Another GOOD option is to Encourage the NON racers to show up for a fun day at the track. Offer to help them with the ins and out of racing and to encourage them that it is about having a great time with other Lightning owners... You DONT have to beat on your truck.... Spend 500 on a set of slicks and race your stock truck.... Doing legal burnouts and facing the tree and collecting timeslips is FUN ....


12-08-2003, 06:30 PM
Another GOOD option is to Encourage the NON racers to show up for a fun day at the track. Offer to help them with the ins and out of racing and to encourage them that it is about having a great time with other Lightning owners... You DONT have to beat on your truck.... Spend 500 on a set of slicks and race your stock truck.... Doing legal burnouts and facing the tree and collecting timeslips is FUN ....

Doug:tu: :tu: :tu:

Actually, they don't even have to buy slicks. I have watched some guys turn some darned good numbers on street tires. Heck, Justin ran the whole event Saturday on street tires.

I feel I have tried pretty darned hard to get folks to the tracks on track nights. So has Ken and Rob and a couple others. We will continue to encourage folks to get out and hit the track.


12-08-2003, 06:34 PM
yea could some one show me the ins and outs...I suck :d

12-08-2003, 08:06 PM
Still planning on Hallsville this Sat Ron? I'm putting in extra work during the week so I can be off Sat.

12-08-2003, 08:37 PM
Still planning on Hallsville this Sat Ron? I'm putting in extra work during the week so I can be off Sat.

You got it, my man.......:nana2 .

How about you start a seperate thread and see if we can get some more fellows out. Justin told me to call him if we where going out and he would join us.

If you haven't met him yet...he is the coolest, "Rough Neck"...LOL...you'll ever meet.:beer:

12-09-2003, 08:10 AM
Another GOOD option is to Encourage the NON racers to show up for a fun day at the track. Offer to help them with the ins and out of racing and to encourage them that it is about having a great time with other Lightning owners... You DONT have to beat on your truck.... Spend 500 on a set of slicks and race your stock truck.... Doing legal burnouts and facing the tree and collecting timeslips is FUN ....

Good point. I stayed in the background because I don't really have the desire, yet, to race. Is it because my truck is red?? :D


12-09-2003, 02:59 PM
Speaking as someone who did not go:
I think Hallasville's lights and score boards are half ass (anyone care to argue that point?) , the two events were a tad bit too close together, there was not enough "build up" for this even as the details were not finalized untill the 11th hour (no flame to anyone here), and the track is twice or more the distance that it is to Ennis. (for me at least)

Yes, it is nice to run a sub 12 run without getting asked to park it, and I am well aware that location of the track is critical for all parties involved.

On the other hand, I seriously doubt that Ennis would accomidate a TALON event as Hallsville does with letting us run our own event outside of test and tune Friday nights.

It seemed that right from the start there was confusion as to the difference between this last even and the one JD put together back in Oct. (look through the past threads and you will see what I mean).
I think that everyone appriciates the effort and time that goes into coordinating these events but we may be better served for participation purposes to have a spring event and a Fall event and limit it to TWO officiall events several months apart to let the anticipation and build up help promote the turn out..............my .02 cents

12-09-2003, 03:25 PM
Dennis was promoting the event for a long time.. At least as long at Justin did his...

I guess he could have sent written invitations to people to get them to show..:rolleyes: :confused:

Ennis is famous for LONG LINES, shitty traction and the attitudes of the workers and getting tossed for nothing

I think there are tooo few events not too many ... "back in the day " we went to the track every 2 weeks or so ... I guess folks just arent motivated as much anymore....

My 0.02

12-09-2003, 03:46 PM
it is just a fact that not everyone is as involved as others, specially when it comes to drag racing. I myself am a true enthusiast and welcome any opportunity to show or race my truck. Thats why I have attended many events or shows without anyone from my club going with. I don't know how old this site is but I'm sure attendance at club events will increase as the site grows. The only problem I have seen is the lack of everyone agreeing on the when and wheres. Rest assured that if you let me know, I will be there.

12-09-2003, 04:03 PM
Dennis was promoting the event for a long time.. At least as long at Justin did his...

I guess he could have sent written invitations to people to get them to show..:rolleyes: :confused:

Ennis is famous for LONG LINES, shitty traction and the attitudes of the workers and getting tossed for nothing

I think there are tooo few events not too many ... "back in the day " we went to the track every 2 weeks or so ... I guess folks just arent motivated as much anymore....

My 0.02Going "to the track" and having a "shootout" are two totally seperate things....
Although I agree that Dennis and JD were both doing a great job on promoting the events, there was a great deal of confusion over this last event...ask why the need for the post from 03Rocks about when/where and what the agenda was for this last event at Hallsville.
The exact details were not ironed out or etched in stone until shortly before the event took place as Dennis could not get the lady at Hallsville to answer and JD got in touch with her to finalize things.
I am not dis'ing anyone here. You asked for opinions, I gave you mine....it is worth what I charged you for it.:D
As for the need to send out invitations:Bullshit .
Even simple things like the "Convoy" down there causes debate as to when and where to meet:confused: , hell we can't even agree on where to hold the monthly meetings now can we:flaming:

In fact, here is the thread that shows less than 3 weeks ago there was still
confusion over the schedule:http://www.talonclub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3655&page=2&pp=15

TP Derrick D
12-09-2003, 06:20 PM
Even though we had a disappointing turnout yesterday, I still enjoyed the day. We only had six TALON members participate in the race program although we did have another 4 or 5 members show up for test and tune. Thanks to Frank & Joe for coming down from Arkansas and Brooks for coming in from Louisiana.

We have a very diverse group of folks and that's what makes our club a little different that other groups around the country. It is also what makes events like this risky to promote. After seeing 16 club members attend Lightning Fest and the cost involved with the trip, I didn't think it would be too difficult to get a group that size for our own event in Hallsville. As many of you know, I recently changed companies and that certainly limited my ability to devote the kind of attention that I should have to this event.

I want to start a discussion to maybe get some other ideas on a better way to get attendance up at this event. If that means moving the venue to Kennedale or Denton or Redline, then we should certainly consider doing that. I am still planning on the same event next year at Hallsville and I anticipate inviting the Harley Trucks to participate. Format will be Lightning bracket/Harley bracket and the two winners meet for Top Truck.

Right now I'm looking for ideas, so please don't hesitate to add your $.02. Afterall, TALON is your club. :cool:
Dennis, :tu: sorry to here the turn out wasn't as good as it could have been but as I posted earlier I'm in the working class and I have to work Sats .Don't want the repo man to drag my L away with me clinging to the door handle :nono: I was reading the above threads and I don't know what will get the turn out to be a big one, you know the guys & girls better than I .But for me like others its a combo of things...day of the meet/event...location...cost (sometimes) I go to all the Ford involved events I can ,FFW for past 9 year (for past3 I have alternated Mustang, L Mustang, L),Yellow Rose at Amon Carter in FW past 5 years,NMRA this 1st year at Ennis,L-fest this year and many smaller car shows around the area.I'll race my ToyTruck at least one of the 2 days of FFW but I also like to show it. I been competing aganist Tony2000 for a couple/few years now.It's stock as far as performance so I know its not going to beat the majority of Talon in a heads -up race .I won 2 rounds at FFW in QF brackets also 3 rounds during test & tune.So when it comes to the L ,I try to have a little show to go with the go(that I do have)I showed at L-fest because of the rules( no go no show) with the same truck or I would have made a few passes.But with those rules I figured I 'd have a more fun weekend showing instead of losing 1st round and parking the L for the rest of the time.Anyway keep up the good work I'll be at many events as possible . I still owe you a :beer: I like doing that type things, always have ,just in a different (Mustang) vehicle.I have never ran on 1/8 mile track always liked 1/4 but might be willing to try it once.Try something like alternating days,mornings & evenings or on a Sun if there is enough interest.I have a better chance of making it.Probably others as well. I wrote this because like I said before I don't want it said I don't make events especially by the guys i don't know. :twitch:

12-09-2003, 07:04 PM
I'll have to agree with the Great "Unsane" One here. I'm sure Dennis/JDB did a bang-up job trying to round-up all the TALON, etc. L drivers out there for Hallsville.

Personally, as I've posted, I found out recently my contract has run-out on my latest deployment ( basically, I'm being replaced by a "college kid" :hammer: :flaming: .. and I've been working with this software since '99/'00 vs. his 0 yrs. - AND I've been tasked with training him... :rolleyes: :mad: ) and am looking for my next gig - including studying in the evenings/etc. for interviews to find my next opp. locally.

But, back on topic, there have been alot of other issues (moving/holidays)that need addressing before indulging my "need for speed" at the track.

BTW, I think I'm "man" enough to take her down the track now. I've take her from a stand-still up to 100+ more than a few times and am fairly confident. I went from a 30-40mph roll today with a good heavy foot ... the @ss-end was getting squirrely and took off like a r@ped-ape! :tu: Love this cooler air!

I just want things to stabilize job-wise, etc (the IT industry is waiting for Jan. budgets to be finalized to start hiring again) before I start running around the countryside seeing how fast my L will go.

I'm done for now... Dennis/Justin/Doug/et.al. ...good job!

Hey, Ron! You hiring HVAC guys? My dad told me once that if someone told me to dig a ditch, I'd dig a hole.... need someone with those skillz? :tu:


12-09-2003, 08:37 PM

Hey, Ron! You hiring HVAC guys? My dad told me once that if someone told me to dig a ditch, I'd dig a hole.... need someone with those skillz? :tu:

I like that kind of attitude. My big problem is that when I do need guys like you, busy season, they don't seem to need me:hammer: .

I am not joking here, I had two blasts from the past today. Guys I have not seen or heard from in years just show up out of no where, looking for work.

The trick in the HVAC industry, is to work your arse off during the spring/summer and save your money for the coming winter. Most techs don't do this. They live like they are related to the Hiltons and then cry because they can't pay their bills in the winter.

I am sure a guy with your skills is not going to just languish around without a job.


12-09-2003, 08:56 PM

Totally messin' with ya' about the HVAC comment, etc.! :tu: Black/Red/White/Blue/Silver Ls... they all go fast.:D

Thought I would give some "sheet" back! It's all good.

I'm not starving/hurting ,and save plenty, and I can get another IT job as I want. It's just that I don't want to live out of a suitcase again and travel - looking to wait it out and stay local.

Ronald :tu:
PS: Can I call you "DAD" now ?!? :beer:

12-10-2003, 12:30 AM

I just wanted to say Thanks for your effort in organizing the event/gathering this past weekend. I for one, had a great time:tu:, and thoroughly enjoyed hanging out, racing and just hem hawing around with everyone.

As far as the location, IMO, there ain't nothing wrong with Hallsville. Sure, it takes a couple hours to get over there, but it's not that damn bad. I enjoyed rolling out with the convoy. I for one, do not have a problem devoting an entire day to this type of event.
Hell, I LIVE for those kinds of days!:nana2

As far as the planning, the guys from Arkansas didn't have a problem getting their asses down there from 275 miles away! The date was set way back in August! All the rest of us had to do was show up, either at the track or with the convoy. It's not fricking rocket science...especially for those of us whose ONLY responsibility is to have FUN!

As far as the low turnout, IMHO, a lot of folks simply had things come up that were beyond their control that prevented them from coming. Unfortunately, that's just how it goes sometimes(I was unable to attend last year due to a family gathering). For those of you that could have come, but didn't, you missed a GREAT time. Even if drag racing's not your gig, if you own a Lightning, chances are you will enjoy a day of hanging out, sharing info, and watching fellow L owners beat the hell outta their trucks, as well as other "fast" cars on the drag strip.

This post is in No way meant to flame anyone. It's just my .02, on the TFC, its location, and encompassing issues.


12-10-2003, 11:14 AM
I guess folks just arent motivated as much anymore....

I have to confess that this applies to me. I'm pretty leery of racing my truck these days, what with 86K miles on it, and more than a few passes down the strip. Also, I don't think it's ever going to run any faster than it has in the past, so I can't go with the hope of setting a new PB. And, unless I did more mods (which I'm not willing to do) I can no longer be competitive with most of the group. Yeah, I know, I could have gone to watch, but I just wasn't interested in driving 400 miles to spectate. :(

I still enjoy the people, but for me and my farm truck, it's no longer about the racing.

12-10-2003, 11:59 AM
I have to confess that this applies to me. I'm pretty leery of racing my truck these days, what with 86K miles on it, and more than a few passes down the strip. Also, I don't think it's ever going to run any faster than it has in the past, so I can't go with the hope of setting a new PB. And, unless I did more mods (which I'm not willing to do) I can no longer be competitive with most of the group. Yeah, I know, I could have gone to watch, but I just wasn't interested in driving 400 miles to spectate. :(

I still enjoy the people, but for me and my farm truck, it's no longer about the racing.
I'm in the same boat - I am very careful about how my truck is driven. I ran as few passes as possible - Like you I dont think Ill be setting any new PB's..

While I had a FAST truck for a while - Now its in the middle of the pack.. Oh well - Im not going to go get a KB or NOS - I dont see the value in it ....

Perhaps what we need to do is organize more cruise events like the Toy run Tom is working on. That way everyone can participate....


12-10-2003, 03:20 PM
OK, anyone game for more TBC Indoor Racing, and we'll thrash someone else's vehicles? :D

12-10-2003, 10:03 PM
OK, anyone game for more TBC Indoor Racing, and we'll thrash someone else's vehicles? :DI just might be ready for some elbow to elbow stuff......................

Some interesting observations regarding the TFC race last Saturday. Thanks for the replies. Maybe we were just lucky to get 17 folks the first year. I am planning on the TALON Fall Classic for next year on Saturday December 4 at Hallsville. It will be another fun day for test & tune and racing and I will be shooting for a 20-30 truck participation level. The race will be marketed as a club fund-raiser with the profits turned over to the club for administrative and website expenses. Want to make sure I start early so please sign up below. :D

12-10-2003, 10:07 PM
I just might be ready for some elbow to elbow stuff......................

Some interesting observations regarding the TFC race last Saturday. Thanks for the replies. Maybe we were just lucky to get 17 folks the first year. I am planning on the TALON Fall Classic for next year on Saturday December 4 at Hallsville. It will be another fun day for test & tune and racing and I will be shooting for a 20-30 truck participation level. The race will be marketed as a club fund-raiser with the profits turned over to the club for administrative and website expenses. Want to make sure I start early so please sign up below. :D

I'm In...:nana2 ......What time does the event start? Who's bringing the grille this time:evil ?

Let's all start argueing about where to eat breakfast now, so maybe this time I don't find myself sitting in the parking lot alone.:eek2:


12-11-2003, 12:10 AM
yeah, I'm another that is kind of leary about racing my L, plus I'm not real big on drag racing. But I do plan on coming out to meet everyone, and think teh gokart thing sounds good, as well as a cruise. Most of my weekends are spent loading the L up with my Dirt bike, and heading to ride, now that i no longer have a cast on my leg. It sure gets me there a little faster, in style, and in comfort as well. I hate to say it, but if I have a choice beteen racing teh truck, or racing the bike, right now the bike wins. But something close, or something near where i am riding i would definitely be up to stopping in. Probably even more, as I get to know ya'll.

12-11-2003, 09:25 AM
I'm In...:nana2 ......What time does the event start? Who's bringing the grille this time:evil ?

Let's all start argueing about where to eat breakfast now, so maybe this time I don't find myself sitting in the parking lot alone.:eek2:


Sorry bro...;)