View Full Version : Report from the CEO - Great White North Division

12-20-2003, 08:01 AM
Gentlepersons of Talon,

We have had snow here a couple of times. I dont count snow flurries that does stay on the ground as "real" snow. It snowed last week and driving home was a little slow and slippery. At least people here know how to drive in the stuff (read they drive slow). Since traffic isnt a problem here it took an additional 10 minutes to get home. It got warm within 48 hours and rained.. All the snow was gone. It has snowed over the last couple of days, looks absolutely gorgeous outside, nice and clean and white. The downside is that I forgot about the snow factor, meaning that its a lot brighter outside with the snow, during the day and night. All the light reflects off of it. :(
The air has been dry and crisp and CLEAN ever since I got here. That part is nice. We have had several evenings with the windows open, not wide open but open a little to let the cool air in. SWEET.
The L is in hibernation for the winter and I am driving the winter beater, a 2002 Acura TL. Gotta love those heated seats.. woo hoo.. :beer:
Thor, our Pomeranian, loves it outside in the snow and hates to come back in. I guess that is genetic from his ancestors that were sled dogs. :D
The footers and concrete block is up on the basement. We are hoping that they will have the subfloor and the walls of the house up next week. The whole this is done CAD, sent to the factory and built there. Then they ship the stuff to the site and badda boom, they put it together in no time on site. Should probably have a roof on it in a month and weathered in. Then the slow part starts with all the inside being done.

Thanks for viewing in..:tu:

Dana and Kim
aka dboat and Thunderkitn

12-20-2003, 10:28 AM

You almost make moving up north sound bearable. Glad you're enjoying it. I have obviously been excluded by your addressing your message to "Gentlepersons of TALON", but thanks for checking in anyway. A night-time photo of the town would be cool for all of us folks who will be spending Christmas day in T-shirts and jeans. :tu:

12-20-2003, 10:46 AM

You almost make moving up north sound bearable. Glad you're enjoying it. I have obviously been excluded by your addressing your message to "Gentlepersons of TALON", but thanks for checking in anyway. A night-time photo of the town would be cool for all of us folks who will be spending Christmas day in T-shirts and jeans. :tu:
I'll try to get that pic for you Dennis. We will have to get over to the interstate and see if we can get up high enough for a full frontal picture. The city has a little over 100,000 population and around 280,000 in the county. The county is not that large.
We did drive over to one of the ski areas last Sunday, man was that nice. I may have to get out the ski boots or go rent stuff to go snowboarding, its been a few years but I still like to do it. The area is about 30-40 minutes away. The lake hasnt frozen over yet because it just hasnt been that cold here yet. Not sure it will freeze over this year. We expect temps in the 40's again next week with some rain so this snow wont last long.
I just ordered a small snowblower attachment for the weedeater. It should be good for doing sidewalks and decks. It wont work on the new driveway since its as wide as the three car garage, so it looks more like an interstate. I will get one of those services that comes and scrapes off the ice and snow for you. Then do the rest with the "snow thrower" as they call it.
Weird thing is, our favorite salsa is sold here, but no Ranch Style Beans? WTF? is that? Oh well, we are going to try and get the local store to carry it. The stores here are nice and clean and not run down due to social trash.
Everyone has been really nice and work has been very good so far.
Those Talon members that would want to make the trip are welcome to come and stay at the Boatman house once summer sets in. The highs here are generally in the low 80's in the summer. If it hits 90 everyone thinks there is a heat wave going on. There are ten beaches at the state park at the lake, which is more like an ocean, except its fresh water. The park is 5 minutes away.
Maybe a long road trip is called for then?

12-20-2003, 11:04 AM
Sounds pretty nice up there. I am however having a little trouble picturing a sled pulled by a team of Pomeranians :rll:

12-20-2003, 11:30 AM
Ack! You couldn't pay me to move back to the snowbelt again! :)

12-20-2003, 11:36 AM
Sounds pretty nice up there. I am however having a little trouble picturing a sled pulled by a team of Pomeranians :rll:
LOL... just think of them a small Chow dogs....:evil

they can pull pretty good for their size:banana: