View Full Version : Gotham Racing2 for X box...

12-20-2003, 05:56 PM
Who has it ?

Online play might be cool against other Talon members...

The lightning is in it BUT it is rated pretty poorly - Its acceleration was listed as less than classic mustang. There were NO 60's or 70's vehicles that I knew of that could pull the 60 foots and 0-60s the Lightning can stock..

Oh well - Back on topic

My user on xbox is svtlightnings - LOL tough to remember - If there is interest maybe we can schedule an online session. I know Sixer is getting X box live for the holidays - Who else ?

Unlike most games this game has a Test drive feature where it puts you in a virtual showroom and you can test drive almost any of the cars right away. Its only on one track but its still coolk to get a taste of the Enzo or whatever.... Doing 180 down the straight into a 140 mph 90 degree is cool....

12-20-2003, 06:55 PM
My X-Box name is G0 Rila. I've got X-Box Live now, but I only have a couple of game that are Live enabled and I haven't played them very much. Santa is bringing me Gotham 2 so I'll be looking for you on Christmas day/night. Bad news is the boys will be home that day so we won't be racing for 1st place. :cool:

12-20-2003, 08:14 PM
Im gonna be in San Jose till Sat

I may pack the X box to have something to do while im there.. By brother thinks PS1 games are cool. He has logged like 80000 hours in NHL game and he enjoys kicking my ass in hockey ... I play for a while but to be honest Im not even sure what the hell to do - he switches men and controls so fast I cant even keep up... Hopefully the xbox will even things up a bit.. Ill bring like one pair of jeans and the x box ... hope it will survive the trip


12-20-2003, 09:49 PM
Im gonna be in San Jose till Sat...


I lived there for 20 years. Have a good time and try to avoid the traffic.
