View Full Version : Winner of the speeding ticket olympics
01-02-2004, 11:21 PM
i believe i hold the gold???
be sure to maximize the window to read it more clearly
01-02-2004, 11:24 PM
That's Gold Baby!!:nana2 :d
01-02-2004, 11:41 PM
On top of the speed the officer had to write for no front plate??? You must be livin' right.
01-02-2004, 11:43 PM
Your're the TALON top-speed swingin' d#ck! :tu: :D
I believe Stan Martin holds the official ~168 mph mark.
Now, don't try to top THAT on GW Bush / DN Tollway! :hammer:
01-02-2004, 11:44 PM
Your're the TALON top-speed swingin' d#ck! :tu: :D
I believe Stan Martin holds the official ~168 mph mark.
Now, don't try to top THAT on GW Bush / DN Tollway! :hammer:
Ronaldwell, the bike is back on the road now:evil however, i think my speedo reads higher than his radar............
01-03-2004, 12:25 AM
I tweaked the picture a liittle
Hope you dont mind. Its easier to read now.
01-03-2004, 01:45 AM
Nice! Wesman and I both have 108 in 60's that we got in our 300Z's ... but that's the fastest I've got. :evil
Thanks again for the Lakewoods man, hopefully I can hurry up and get my tranny done and slap'em on. :banana:
01-03-2004, 09:41 PM
i believe i hold the gold???
be sure to maximize the window to read it more clearlyBoy, that's something to be really proud of....:hammer:
01-03-2004, 10:19 PM
alpine you just wish you could go that fast :banana:
Mark #2
01-03-2004, 10:59 PM
TMI too
True Blue Aggie
01-04-2004, 12:22 AM
Where in Highland Park were you able to go that fast???? With there setup, I do not know of a street long enough to slow you down....
And so far --->:nana2 you seem to be the big winner on the ticketed speed.
01-04-2004, 12:43 AM
Boy, that's something to be really proud of....:hammer:
This from someone doing 120 down I20 and spending time sideways on the service road? :d
01-04-2004, 07:25 AM
Well the difference for some of us is that we did all that stuff but DIDNT GET CAUGHT!!! :throw: :evil :evil
LOL... ok, rant off... but if I put up all my stories on that, we would have a very long thread going on..
My best story is getting stopped for speeding on the way to a Toga Party when I was in college :rolleyes: .. Yes, this was at the time that Animal House was in the theatres, and yes they were the good old days... and yes I am old compared to most of you... so dont go there :nono:
01-04-2004, 11:34 AM
Well the difference for some of us is that we did all that stuff but DIDNT GET CAUGHT!!! :throw: :evil :evil
Danayeah, it dosent count if its not on paper:D .
and FYI, everyone, we all know that every single freakin one of you has taken their truck up past 100 and most until the needle stops at some point in time. so everytime someone posts like "thats stupid" and crap like that you just look like a hypocritical moron.:tu:
01-04-2004, 11:38 AM
I have been avoiding all of this discussion as we were all once young and stupid too. I will dig up the 135mph in a 30mph zone in Highland Park ticket. So until you get the 100mph over the limit ticket, quit bragging...and yes it did cost me too.
Markdude! i want to see that one. thats usually something you only get one shot at before you can never afford to do it again. if i had known what i had to beat to be #1 i should have tried harder.:hammer: it the posting of your ticket i shall step down and relinquish my gold to you. looks like im silver:crying:
01-04-2004, 12:15 PM
yeah, it dosent count if its not on paper:D .
and FYI, everyone, we all know that every single freakin one of you has taken their truck up past 100 and most until the needle stops at some point in time. so everytime someone posts like "thats stupid" and crap like that you just look like a hypocritical moron.:tu:
true true.. but I didnt say when I did it or if I did it in my L.. :D
but I havent buried my speedometer yet either :rolleyes:
I didnt say that is was stupid, but I have been able to outrun the police before too, so I was lucky...
btw, how are things going for you on the legal front? we are behind you, and Kim says HI..
Mark #2
01-04-2004, 07:11 PM
TMI, Andrew, you are the winner.
01-04-2004, 11:56 PM
My only issue with what you did Andrew, was running from the cops. The speeding part is something I think we are all guilty of. I typically get an average of 2 a year. That's due to the six month period on deferrred adjudication...LOL. I slow down for a couple months after I get a ticket.
I can safely say, i have never had a ticket that fast. But only because I never got caught.
01-05-2004, 12:18 AM
I radar'd myself at 137, does that count. Yes my speedo reads 3-5mph fast.
01-05-2004, 12:34 AM
Heres mine - Similar - But I dint have the bling bling radio and I was drivng down the middle of double white lines..
01-05-2004, 12:53 AM
I wish I knew how to do that:bows
01-05-2004, 01:00 AM
I wish I knew how to do that:bows
Just Learn PhotoShop ! :D
I haven't messed with it yet, but I understand it can do some pretty amazing stuff.
01-05-2004, 01:03 AM
Just Learn PhotoShop ! :D
I haven't messed with it yet, but I understand it can do some pretty amazing stuff.
Photoshop can do anything... you just open it and tell it what you want and a few min later... Viola ...
Mark #2
01-05-2004, 08:51 AM
My only issue with what you did Andrew, was running from the cops. The speeding part is something I think we are all guilty of.
What he said.
01-05-2004, 11:44 AM
Surely that doesn't say paced ??
A lawyer will have a field day with that.
01-05-2004, 01:31 PM
Surely that doesn't say paced ??
A lawyer will have a field day with that.
--wesyeah, i think it does say paced. i dont see how he could be pacing me when i am pulling away from him at that rate:rll: . also, i came to a complete stop and then he cought up to me. we were never going the same speed:nono:
i got out of a ticket on my bike one time when crusing at 140 on an open road on the way to el paso for about 30 miles and got pulled over. i never even saw him cause i dont have mirrors. it makes me wonder how long it took him to catch up to me. but he said he "could write me speeding cause he paced me" but fortunately i had committed enough violations already that he didnt write me for the speeding one. but yeah, they cant pace something that is accellerating and they cant match it.
01-05-2004, 01:46 PM
Could be RACED not PACED
01-05-2004, 01:57 PM
Could be RACED not PACEDwho was i racing? myself?
01-05-2004, 02:06 PM
who was i racing? myself?
Who won??? :d
01-05-2004, 02:29 PM
yeah, i think it does say paced. i dont see how he could be pacing me when i am pulling away from him at that rate:rll: . also, i came to a complete stop and then he cought up to me. we were never going the same speed:nono:
but yeah, they cant pace something that is accellerating and they cant match it.
So what you're saying here is. . .that you felt sorry for them and decided to stop and let them write you a ticket?
Or are you saying. . .
That you just don't know how to drive?
Sounds to me like you don't know how to drive!!!!!!! :rll: :rll:
01-05-2004, 06:25 PM
So I guess I am the winner of the speeding liar olymipics? I'm sure it's not as much fun, but it's a heck of a lot cheaper. :cool:
01-05-2004, 06:58 PM
You girls have NOTHING on me! :eek2: :d
Maybe I need to add MS Paint to my resume to send to IT recruiters. Hmm...:cool:
01-05-2004, 07:09 PM
So what you're saying here is. . .that you felt sorry for them and decided to stop and let them write you a ticket?
Or are you saying. . .
That you just don't know how to drive?
Sounds to me like you don't know how to drive!!!!!!! :rll: :rll:
Michellewell it sounds like you dont have a clue what you are talking about and that that was a useless post. i pulled over because i chose to slow down instead of cause an accident with a slow car ahead on a single lane overpass, a car that could have had your family in it. that choice was something that is made by an experienced high speed driver who has control over his high performance vehicle, not a kid in a stolen civic who has had his license for 4 months and is in a state of panic because he sees lights behind him. they eventually got close enough to read my license plate and i pulled over.
01-05-2004, 07:28 PM
You girls have NOTHING on me! :eek2: :d
Maybe I need to add MS Paint to my resume to send to IT recruiters. Hmm...:cool:
RonaldThat's crazy. You don't have enough mods to do 198 mph. And mine was in the quarter anyway. :cool:
01-05-2004, 08:03 PM
That's crazy. You don't have enough mods to do 198 mph. And mine was in the quarter anyway. :cool:
Mods? Who needs chips/pulleys/KBs ?!?
The secret is in the Zaino drag-coefficents and cross-sectional density properties! ... or something. :tu:
01-05-2004, 08:51 PM
alpine you just wish you could go that fast :banana:
Hey Trevor in McKinney,
Have you ever posted before? And if so, is it ever constructive? And do you even know Alpine? Just a few questions.:throw: Last time I checked, alot of cars can go 140.
01-05-2004, 09:30 PM
Hey Trevor in McKinney,
Have you ever posted before? And if so, is it ever constructive? And do you even know Alpine? Just a few questions.:throw: Last time I checked, alot of cars can go 140.
well jcblack i dont need to post to all these threads that are insulting to micro and another thing is we act like we are behind one another untill something like this happens and then we are saints and have never do anything wrong all you *******s in this little fag club think your **** dont stink there are only a few of yall that i would even talk to to own a lightning is great and i shall keep mine but not around anyone of yall you have crooks like that little fag terry to the jerks like yourself so i will now take myself off the talon forums and never look back :nana2 so to all piss off
01-05-2004, 09:40 PM
well jcblack i dont need to post to all these threads that are insulting to micro and another thing is we act like we are behind one another untill something like this happens and then we are saints and have never do anything wrong all you *******s in this little fag club think your **** dont stink there are only a few of yall that i would even talk to to own a lightning is great and i shall keep mine but not around anyone of yall you have crooks like that little fag terry to the jerks like yourself so i will now take myself off the talon forums and never look back :nana2 so to all piss off
I took care of that for you ....
01-05-2004, 10:55 PM
well it sounds like you dont have a clue what you are talking about and that that was a useless post. i pulled over because i chose to slow down instead of cause an accident with a slow car ahead on a single lane overpass, a car that could have had your family in it. that choice was something that is made by an experienced high speed driver who has control over his high performance vehicle, not a kid in a stolen civic who has had his license for 4 months and is in a state of panic because he sees lights behind him. they eventually got close enough to read my license plate and i pulled over.Like I said YOU don't know how to drive!!!!!! :rll: :rll:
If I can do it a Pinto I'm postive I could do it my "L" no problem!!!!
And I'm just a girl. . .and girls aren't suppose to know how to drive. :nono:
Another thing. . .don't get on a forum and post something like this and not expect to get you ass busted about it, and then get pissed when someone does bust your ass for it. It just shows your level of mentality!!!!
True Blue Aggie
01-05-2004, 11:44 PM
Automatic thread lockdown in 5...4....3.....2......1
01-06-2004, 01:44 AM
Like I said YOU don't know how to drive!!!!!! :rll: :rll:
If I can do it a Pinto I'm postive I could do it my "L" no problem!!!!
And I'm just a girl. . .and girls aren't suppose to know how to drive. :nono:
Another thing. . .don't get on a forum and post something like this and not expect to get you ass busted about it, and then get pissed when someone does bust your ass for it. It just shows your level of mentality!!!!
I am confused obviously.....Are you saying that he "doesn't know how to drive" because he got caught?
Are you also saying that you had your "Pinto" up to 132 MPH :d
Maybe ALL Pinto's are not created equal.
Like we give a flying fu<k about your Pinto anyway
What exactly is it that you are doing in your "Pinto" when you say, "If I can do it a Pinto"...maybe 'your' motor was running at 132 MPH, but I doubt the Pinto's was :twitch:
01-06-2004, 07:59 AM
I am confused obviously.....Are you saying that he "doesn't know how to drive" because he got caught?
Are you also saying that you had your "Pinto" up to 132 MPH :d
Maybe ALL Pinto's are not created equal.
Like we give a flying fu<k about your Pinto anyway
What exactly is it that you are doing in your "Pinto" when you say, "If I can do it a Pinto"...maybe 'your' motor was running at 132 MPH, but I doubt the Pinto's was :twitch:
Round 2...
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