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View Full Version : Black '99 L for $13,995

01-05-2004, 12:22 AM
Well, Laney and I have been up to Tulsa for the last two weekends and have run across this black '99 L near there for sale - $13,995!
Basically, it's a local owner who used it as a "work-truck". :hammer: :flaming: It has high-miles (as you can see) and has it's share of nicks-and-dings on the body. The seats are in not-so-good shape considering.

The first thing I noticed was the mis-matched size of Toyos on front-back! :confused: :throw: That's easily fix-able though.

I did check the lower-pulley bolts for signs of pully swaps ... it all looked stock. I didn't have time enough to check for a chip swap, though - I would guess not.

I have the VIN and contact info. for the dealership.

Might not be a bad project truck... just a TALON FYI.







01-05-2004, 12:55 AM
Dosent look to bad.
But can u snag the lil plastic cover deal thats right next to the battery on the firewall. Mine was missing when i bought my L. Im to lazy to go to the dealer and to deal with them acting like the have no idea what im talking about. :throw:

01-05-2004, 09:35 PM
[QUOTE]it's a local owner who used it as a "work-truck[QUOTE] How dare him to do such a thing! Its disgraceful!:throw:

01-05-2004, 10:15 PM
We should buy it as a club truck. :evil

01-06-2004, 04:13 PM
damn that cracks me:evil up those tires are hideous:eek2:

the more I look the more I crack up it would look alot better with some other tires and such:twitch: .