View Full Version : Heads Up!!!

01-10-2004, 12:24 AM
Tonight myself, Jeff(Alpine), Big B, and our better halves were standing outside of the Starbucks at Carrier and I-20 about to part ways when......

I notice this Silver pickup heading north up Carrier Pkwy, coming towards us. As it got closer, I noticed a familiar wing on the rear of an open bed, thus causing me to do a doubletake...I then noticed the HUGE scoop on the hood and WOP-ASS polished wheels, lowered stance, ground effects, and exhaust tips poking out from under the RIGHT rear valance . It was a F-----G SRT-10!!!:eek2:

I'd heard they were beginning to hit showroom floors, and per the sighting tonight, they're hitting more than that. I just never thought I'd see my first, while standing in front of a Starbucks at 10:30 at night in Grand Prairie. I'd say he went by us doing about 35-40 mph and at about 50 yards from us. As much as I hate to admit it, it was IMO, a pretty damn cool looking truck. Jeff and I jumped in our L's and headed north on Carrier in hopes that he'd get caught at a light, but it wasn't to be.

Just wanted to let you guys know that they are out and about so HEADS UP!!!:nana2


01-10-2004, 09:24 AM
ya i think I saw a black on on I20, i was headed towards Dallas and he was going the other direction in the closest lane.... only saw for a few seconds, but it did look sweet ill admit too

01-10-2004, 11:10 AM
It's a pretty nice looking truck. A lot easier to pick out of the crowd than a Lightning. Can't wait to start seeing them at the strip. :cool:

01-10-2004, 10:07 PM
I'm ready for them be it stopping, turning, accelerating anytime:tu: .

01-10-2004, 10:19 PM
I guess to each his own but IMO it is butt ugly and will prove to be a BOS just like everything els dodge has made.

01-10-2004, 11:10 PM
I can't wait for one of those to pull up beside me at a light. I am going to send some poor soul back to the dealership for a refund, after i hand him his ARSE.


01-11-2004, 12:33 AM
ditto :burnout: :throw: :rll: :bs :evil