View Full Version : Quickest TALON 1/4 Mile and 1/8 Mile Times DISCUSSION
01-13-2004, 02:04 PM
In attempt to keep the list thread clean I am going to test this method out. If you would like to discuss your 1/4 and 1/8 runs please do it in this thread so I can keep the other one reserved for updates only. It just makes it easier on me. I am not trying to be bossy or difficult really! :beer:
If you see an error on the list please let me know in the list thread though.
I added references in the gen2 mod ledgend for ported blowers and aftermarket heat exchangers. Can you guys think of anything else that needs to be added?
01-13-2004, 03:07 PM
alcohol injection?
01-13-2004, 03:57 PM
01-13-2004, 04:42 PM
I will add alcohol injection. I think the Predator falls under the same classification as a chip.
01-13-2004, 05:00 PM
Sam, your doing a hellva good job of keeping this all organized.
Thanks dude :tu:
01-14-2004, 12:39 AM
Sand bagging:D
01-14-2004, 11:10 AM
Thanks Mark! I am trying. :burnout:
01-23-2004, 01:49 PM
One of the things I want to do is to get rid of the "Verified" status on the list. It all started a while back when a few people had some issues with a few other peoples times. I am not going to name names. I think the way it should work is you make your run, post it up on the list, I will add it. If anyone has a dispute (including me before I post it up) they can settle it here or in the timeslips section. I think the "verified" tag has gotten a bit overrated lately. If you smell bullshit raise the flag, if you are called out prove it with a timeslip. Sound good enough? If I dont hear any valid reason as to why I shouldnt change the system then I will be removing all the verified tags.
One of the things that pisses me off is we have seen quite a few instances where the clocks on some of the local raceways have been off where they show lower than actual times and higher than actual MPH. I dont know how to combat this and I would hate to be that assh0le that tells someone, I dont believe that time, you need to run again to back it up before I believe you.
SO in closing the system isnt perfect but I am so I will have a solution one of these days. :D
So, lets hear some opinions...
01-23-2004, 02:54 PM
One of the things that pisses me off is we have seen quite a few instances where the clocks on some of the local raceways have been off where they show lower than actual times and higher than actual MPH. I dont know how to combat this and I would hate to be that assh0le that tells someone, I dont believe that time, you need to run again to back it up before I believe you.
I think I have earned the right to be the ******* around here, so I am volunteering to be the ET Nazi. So if anyone has a problem with that, try me.
Mark #2
01-23-2004, 08:06 PM
I think I have earned the right to be the ******* around here, so I am volunteering to be the ET Nazi. So if anyone has a problem with that, try me.
I'm thinking that Redline this Sunday at noon would be a good chance for everyone to show the ET Nazi our "verified" times. No Nascar, no football, so let's go racing, just because I'm on call shouldn't stop me every weekend. What do you guys think? Weather looks good too.
PS Crawford, like your member of the WWFB garage sig.
01-24-2004, 12:07 AM
One of the things that pisses me off is we have seen quite a few instances where the clocks on some of the local raceways have been off where they show lower than actual times and higher than actual MPH. I dont know how to combat this and I would hate to be that assh0le that tells someone, I dont believe that time, you need to run again to back it up before I believe you.
SO in closing the system isnt perfect but I am so I will have a solution one of these days. :D
So, lets hear some opinions...
I did not realize this has happened "quite a few" times. I knew of one...but it was so darned obvious that even the guy that ran it knew there ws something wrong. Straight up....I believe he had staged on his rear wheels...the sixty foot gave it away. That was taken care of by the voice of the group and I feel pretty sure that Tim had no bad feelings about it. The second way this can take care of itself, is by asking for a back up time clock is going to pull a boner like that two or three times in a row.
01-24-2004, 12:30 AM
One of the things I want to do is to get rid of the "Verified" status on the list. It all started a while back when a few people had some issues with a few other peoples times. I am not going to name names. I think the way it should work is you make your run, post it up on the list, I will add it. If anyone has a dispute (including me before I post it up) they can settle it here or in the timeslips section. I think the "verified" tag has gotten a bit overrated lately. .
Actually Crawford...I think you just pissed me off. Either put verified by the times on the list that have shown the slips...or take verified off all of them.
Or...if ya have a problem with my times...pull em buddy...I don't care any more.
You just cast MAJOR doubt on the whole darned list....Nice jobpal.:flaming:
01-24-2004, 12:37 AM
Damnit Doug turn that PC, left wing language filter off! I could care less about verified or not. Just call the ***** a liar if need be:D . I also think all Hallsville times should either have their own thread here, or just be considered amusement value only:bs .
01-24-2004, 12:42 AM
Damnit Doug turn that PC, left wing language filter off! I could care less about verified or not. Just call the ***** a liar if need be:D . I also think all Hallsville times should either have their own thread here, or just be considered amusement value only:bs .
That would take out most of the list....:rll: .
Hell, I just looked and it would take out the whole list.
01-24-2004, 12:44 AM
Nope, wasnt mad at all, I didnt believe it myself
01-24-2004, 12:50 AM
Nope, wasnt mad at all, I didnt believe it myself
I knew you where busting some chops putting that time slip up anyway.
I don't know that this was the issue anyway...I am starting to think we have a few envious souls that have a problem with some of the new best times.
The whole darned list have best times from Hallsville.....
I vote Crawford retract the post he made or elaborate with specifics on the "quite a few" incedents.....Boy I am pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!:flaming:
01-24-2004, 12:52 AM time clock is going to pull a boner like that two or three times in a row.
He said boner.
01-24-2004, 01:46 AM
He said boner.
The "Hallsville" mod :bs is gonna open a whole 'nother can of worms. As long as the majority of the times are at Hallsville(the top 9 are...then it looks like #11 on down are as well...#10. Ken Cryder's was at Ennis...I think), then your still getting an "apples to apples" comparison (for the most part). It's when you've got one guy at a given rank that is .10 of a second quicker at Hallsville, than the next guy in line whose best ET was at Ennis. Then there may be a bit of consternation.
IMHO...You ran what you ran. If you don't like that someone is ahead of you on the list because they got their best a H-ville, then carry yer ass over there and see if you can beat it. They're open pretty much every weekend(weather permitting). It's that simple...seems to me:tu: Just my .02!
01-24-2004, 10:20 AM
There is talk on F150 Online of the "Cecil" mod as well. Some tracks are faster than others and I'm there with Rob. You run what you run. Where do you draw the line once you start eliminating "fast tracks"?
I feel for the guys in Colorado and New Mexico that run at 5,000+ feet of elevation. Their times suck compared to say HRP which is at sea level. Everyone wants to post a fast personal best, but unless the conditions are perfect and you happen to be at a "good" track, you won't stand a chance of matching or beating your personal best time.
My personal best is 12.38 at Hallsville back in 2002. I have run a bunch of 12.5X and 12.6X at several different tracks in less than ideal conditions since then, but have never run another 12.3X. I'm going to post 12.38 as my best time cause that's what I ran.
Regarding the "verification" issue, I have been at the events where most of the personal bests were recorded. I don't have a problem with any of the times posted on this board because I have either run the guys before or seen them make runs and know that their trucks are capable of the times they posted. Not any day on any track, but at a specific track on a specific day.
For the record, Ken needs to go to Hallsville soon so his truck can be measured by the same standard. My guess is he will probably jump up to at least 6th or 7th.
I am not going to punish myself by waiting in line at Ennis when I can go to Hallsville and get all the runs I want without getting in line with a bunch of cars that continually bring water to the starting line while the track guys sit there and shoot the **** instead of giving us our money's worth by trying to keep the launch pad in decent condition (breath). Since I only run Ennis at the FFW event (don't get me started on that one), I would have to post a 12.7X if I was limited to that venue, but I'm not and I won't. :cool:
01-24-2004, 11:13 AM
I am in complete agreement with Rob and Dennis. We cannot and SHOULD NOT start throwing the BS flag because we think one track is quicker than another.
I have run at a few different tracks in different areas. At one point my personal best was from Orlando Florida, that one didn't last long, the track there was slick as owl sh!t and the humidty/conditions sucked. I had a best from Houston for a couple months. I then had a best from Ennis. Now it is Hallsville. That is the way it works. I consistently run about a tenth better at Hallsville for the same comparable conditions at my 11.81 from Hallsville would have been 11.91 or so at Ennis on the same day with the same track prep. Houston would have given me the same or a bit better than Hallsville...they have a pretty good track there in Houston.
It is kind of like Bass fishing...on any given day at the right lake with the right have a shot at catching a record breaking fish.
My issue right now has to do with the claim of SEVERAL bad times. I feel that statement was unwarranted...especially from a person I don't see at the tracks. It makes our list out a fricking joke and it and this whole darned thread should either be deleted or moved to the member only section.
This crap about giving folks a rash over a best time needs to come to a stop right now...or take me off th list and I will just let the racing members in our club know how fast my truck is.
01-24-2004, 11:21 AM
One more thing...since I am on a roll:flaming: ....right now as we sit here like a bunch of weenies, arguing over what track does of our fellow members is catching crap for accomplishing a record best in a stock truck on F150 online. For those that do not go to the track on a regular basis, these guys actually work at getting better at track racing, they work damned hard at it. Instead of casting doubt on them, we should be holding them up the way the HALO guys hold thier good racers up.
Get rid of this disgusting thread before someone outside the group comes up with a reason to act like our times are B.S. if we have the TALON flag.....Please!!!!!
01-24-2004, 11:45 AM
..............we should be holding them up the way the HALO guys hold thier good racers up.
You just voided any reasonable chance of being taken seriously.
01-24-2004, 11:55 AM
You just voided any reasonable chance of being taken seriously.
Yeah...I blew that one didn't I.....:o .
01-24-2004, 01:42 PM
This response is not quite what I had expected. I have seen the clocks and MPH off at Ennis and Hallsville personally. Its usually bad enough when it happens that its pretty clear. All I am saying is that keeping track of what times are "verified" and which times are not is just not necessary.
The whole verified thing came into being quite a while ago because of an incident or two. I tried to come up with a way to show that it was proven you ran what you ran. After using this method for a while I just dont think its necessary anymore.
If you have a time post it up and I will add it to the list. If anyone doubts it post the slip up in the timeslip section. The verified tag goes away. Its a pretty simple system.
I never brought up one track being faster than another. Its pretty well known that Hallsville is faster than Ennis by a tenth or two. That is beyond our control so that point is dead.
I am not removing this thread. I am not taking back what I said. I am removing the verified tags. I am confident that the list is 100% factual and I have no doubts about that.
I try to do my best keeping this list together because I want to give something back to the TALON club. I really dont appreciate your attitude. I would think that you would be mature enough to be a little more civil especially when dealing with your fellow club members... hell I thought we were friends. Instead of making several posts about how pissed off you are at me and how I am never at the track you could have just called me or sent me an email and we could have cleared this up quickly, privately, and with better clairity because I think you are missing what I am saying. I hope this post clears up the grey areas. If you would like to discuss it further I would prefer if we did it off the forums, just PM me and I will give you my cell number.
01-24-2004, 01:55 PM
I admit I don't normally keep up with updates to this section, because I in fact do not race very much any more. The biggest reason being is that I can't afford to break my daily driver.
That said, I agree with what Crawford is trying to do here. It works the same way on every board I have ever seen - you post a good time, and if a bunch of people call BS, then you post the slip - put up or shut up. This Verified stuff is just needless if you ask me.
Also consider that without the verified tag on your time when others have it is basically calling everyone without one a liar. That's real nice. :bs
In closing, I have to say I think it is a positive change, and since I am unburdened by the need to be 100% civil, some people need to LET IT GO. It's supposed to be just for fun, right?
01-24-2004, 02:05 PM
I appreciate the work Crawford has done with this and I hope it will continue. Being Moderator sucks sometimes.
I NEVER take anything Ron says serious EVER.
I have run at BOTH hot tracks ( Cecil and Hallsville ) and I agree with Sixpipes - If you think that the track is an advantage and you are measuring yourself against a LOT of folks that race there - your ONLY option since its a public track is to drag you happy ass to that track to see what your truck will do...
If you run a good number at a track on a day you should be able to run within a 10th or 2 of that number again that same day. That should be enough of a back up for anyone... Plus if your truck will only run one 10 sec run or 11 sec run what good is it to talk about ?
I think that if needed Sixpipes offer to be ultimate arbiter in these issues may be a good one. No one can out BS him....
See number 2 and LIVE it ......
01-24-2004, 02:10 PM
I try to do my best keeping this list together because I want to give something back to the TALON club. I really dont appreciate your attitude. I would think that you would be mature enough to be a little more civil especially when dealing with your fellow club members... hell I thought we were friends. Instead of making several posts about how pissed off you are at me and how I am never at the track you could have just called me or sent me an email and we could have cleared this up quickly, privately, and with better clairity because I think you are missing what I am saying. I hope this post clears up the grey areas. If you would like to discuss it further I would prefer if we did it off the forums, just PM me and I will give you my cell number.
First off, maybe you did not realize what the statements in your post suggested......your post does cast doubt on the times.
You made the following statement ..."One of the things that pisses me off is we have seen quite a few instances where the clocks on some of the local raceways have been off where they show lower than actual times and higher than actual MPH".
We have not had "quiet a few instances" of this. To state it like fact, is to cast doubt on the times in our list.
Not going to the tracks much, brings into question a statement of such magnatude.
The other statement you make that looks like maybe we have B.S. times is this one..."I think the "verified" tag has gotten a bit overrated lately."
The reason I brought up the issue publicly, is you made the post publicly. If you have doubts about any time slip that I post or someone else, and it is made known publicly......I will respond in public.
When I combine the two statements above with the fact that your post was made AFTER Sayle mentioned, in another thread, that mine and his times don't have verified on them and ask you to correct it, just added to my concern.
Last and definitely not least, please don't think that just because I don't like something you post, I don't like you or your friendship. One thing that you can count on....If I don't like something you say or do...I will let you know.
01-24-2004, 02:18 PM
I NEVER take anything Ron says serious EVER.
Thanks Doug....:rolleyes:
This time I am serious...we are talking about a serious issue to many of the members here.
A butt load of time and efort is put in by the track regulars to accomplish good race times. I happen to respect the effort that is put to this and the times list is the report card.
Blanket statements casting doubt on the times or the list should be taken serious as well.
01-24-2004, 02:22 PM
I dont think that statement casts doubts when the instances of the clocks being off are usually very off. I dont think it casts doubt because when Dennis runs a low twelve at over 700 mph I think I wouldnt let that get a verified status. I have seen it many times before you were around. I do admit I have not seen it lately but I dont get out to the tracks much these days as you have noticed. I just FINALLY bought a set of slicks so that is going to change real soon. :burnout:
The incident with Sayle's truck had nothing to do with my decision to remove the verified status and it had nothing to do with the timing. It just dawned on me that it was really not necessary. I am not singling you or anyone else out. I have never had "verified" at the end of my times for example.
The way I was reading your posts it sounded like you were doing a lot more than just letting me know that you did not agree with me thus my response.
01-24-2004, 02:37 PM
I dont think that statement casts doubts when the instances of the clocks being off are usually very off. I dont think it casts doubt because when Dennis runs a low twelve at over 700 mph I think I wouldnt let that get a verified status. I have seen it many times before you were around. I do admit I have not seen it lately but I dont get out to the tracks much these days as you have noticed. I just FINALLY bought a set of slicks so that is going to change real soon. :burnout:
The incident with Sayle's truck had nothing to do with my decision to remove the verified status and it had nothing to do with the timing. It just dawned on me that it was really not necessary. I am not singling you or anyone else out. I have never had "verified" at the end of my times for example.
The way I was reading your posts it sounded like you were doing a lot more than just letting me know that you did not agree with me thus my response.
Good enough then......maybe the timing of reading all the posts giving Sayle crap on F150 and then seeing this thread lead me to over react. I know, it's hard to imagine, me over reacting, but I guess it can happen once.
I'm alright with it....I do agree we should kill the verified bit......we tried it and it has lead us right up to this. OK, so Ken was right...LOL.
Like you mentioned, it is usually pretty obvious when a time is out of wack...I am still thinking that Waynes slip is B.S. I should be #4 on the list:throw: .
Anyway...sorry about getting so worked up. I guess I take the racing thing to serious sometimes. Maybe I should get remarried...then she could restrict access to my modding funds.
P.S. I'm still pissed at Doug though:hammer: . Well, I'm off to F150online to stir up some sh!t on the L forum. I try to help old Doug out were I can.
01-24-2004, 02:40 PM
Oh yeah..........glad to hear your going to start hitting the track....with my new Apten...Rob won't be much competition:throw: . I need to have a challenge.
01-24-2004, 02:48 PM
No problem Ron. I am just trying to make this thing work the best way it can. Sometimes that takes some work.
Hell I have not updated my listing since before I ran my 12.42 at Topeka. I am too lazy to go to my truck and pull out the fist full of slips to see what my MPH was so I can post it up! No matter, once I get my new slicks on a set of rims I plan on besting that 12.42 with a quickness!
01-24-2004, 02:55 PM
No problem Ron. I am just trying to make this thing work the best way it can. Sometimes that takes some work.
Hell I have not updated my listing since before I ran my 12.42 at Topeka. I am too lazy to go to my truck and pull out the fist full of slips to see what my MPH was so I can post it up! No matter, once I get my new slicks on a set of rims I plan on besting that 12.42 with a quickness!
You do a great job with's cool that you care enough to want to keep an eye out for legitimacy.
You need to keep ahead of the new guys...some of them are moving up the list quick.
I'm looking forward to seeing another Talon bro at the tracks....we have some Dodge boys to smack down.
Mark #2
01-24-2004, 06:10 PM
Okay, everybody shut up now.:) and show up at Redline tomorrow. Heads up is what it is all about. I know Rob ran 4 or 5 11.6s the same day that I ran 4 11.8s... so I believe his times:)
Waiting to see what the weather is like in the morning and if Redline will be open, but I plan on going.
01-24-2004, 06:43 PM
Oh yeah..........glad to hear your going to start hitting the track....with my new Apten...Rob won't be much competition:throw: . I need to have a challenge.
We'll just see about breeze!:evil least until you build your stuff up.:tu: Should be fun. BTW, where the hell have you been all day? You get those stinking dyno numbers or what?
01-24-2004, 06:51 PM
I will go too. Wont have any slicks yet but I am up for watchin and making a pass or two on the Toyos. :D
01-24-2004, 10:06 PM
We'll just see about breeze!:evil least until you build your stuff up.:tu: Should be fun. BTW, where the hell have you been all day? You get those stinking dyno numbers or what?
:rll: I was pretty sure I could drag you out with that comment........
I did not make the dyno today. I sent you a PM in response to yours.
02-09-2004, 12:11 AM
Alright finally got to another round of updates. Way to go Rob on taking the top spot!
03-16-2004, 07:34 PM
Once again, got the list updated.
03-26-2004, 03:25 PM
Got another round of 1/8 mile updates in the list.
04-06-2004, 06:34 PM
Finally got my times from last October in the list! :banana:
Just a reminder for everyone to please keep the discussions about track times in this thread or start a new one. I delete all posts on the times list so I can keep up with what has been updated and what has not. I know its kind of a pain in the rump but it sure makes it a lot easier on me. Thanks!
09-18-2004, 02:07 PM
Gonna unsticky this thread. I am the only one posting on it anyway. :)
We can do discussions as new threads about whatever. Makes no sense to have it all in one thread. Thats just me trying to over organize. :P
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