View Full Version : trouble of the police kind

02-15-2004, 02:38 PM
I was wondering if yall could give me a little insight on a prob my friend is having:

he drives an 89 5.0 and the irving police always pick on him. he was coming over to my house the other day and as he was coming down rochelle when a cop started following him and proceeded to pulled him over IN my driveway (literally) because he didnt signal a full 100ft before he pulled into my driveway (he signaled though). he calls me and tells me what is happening outside my house. he had already gotten out of the car and was walking to my door when the turned on the lights. the cop gets out of the car and says "get back in the car now!" and travis (the driver) keeps walking to my door, then the cop pulls out his gun and repeats "get back in the car now!". so he abides
naturally i walk outside to see what the hell is going on and the first thing the cop tells me "go back inside the house" i reply "excuse me?!" he says again "go back inside the house now!" and i reply "this is my own damn house, cant i stand out in my fron yard if i want to?!" and i follow with "and now that you are pulled into my driveway can you turn off your damn lights? they are bothering me and probably annoying the neighbors" cop says "no its policy we have to leave them on, sir if you could please just go back in the house..." i replied "i want your name and badge number". he hands me a card with his name and stuff on it and i walk back in the house.

it gets worse from here. the cop searches my friends car IN my driveway, gives them a sobriety test, harasses him about a baseball bat (he plays baseball) and says its a weapon. and gives him a ticket for a suspended liscense. his liscense has been reinstated for a long while but the computer says its still suspended, he even has the court papers to prove it but the cop didnt accept that as ample proof. finally the leave my house (both cop cars). the cops were real smart asses too.

the next day they were waiting for him, up the street, again to come home. they scramble to get to their cars and pull him over again search his car again, and give him the same ticket AGAIN.

a week later (yesterday), he was leaving my house and as he was backing out of the drive way and a cop circles around and tries to go after him. but he pulled back in my driveway and got out of the car. the cop slowly creeped by and parked down the street with his lights off waiting for him to leave my house. we could see that he was there trying to hide, and we pointed for a few minutes until he drove away. then he went around the block to the other side of the street and hid there, we saw him there too and pointed at him so he backed up and tried to hide himself more. he finally drove off and hid down one of the other streets waiting for him there, so finally he went down at the taco bell waiting for him to come out from the neighborhood, then he circled the block looking to see if his stang was still there. finally i drove him home so he didnt have to drive, and i saw the cop waiting for him at the fina station. he followed me for a little while and i guess decided it wasnt worth pulling me over.

this morning, a lady friend was leaving the house and got pulled over by a cop waiting over on the next street, and was ticketed.

whats your guys thoughts, is there anything he can do about all this? any way to make it stop? he doesnt drive like a wild ass, and doesnt have any reason for the cops to mess with him really.

sorry about the long post

02-15-2004, 02:58 PM
Back in the olden days.....about 1978, I lived in a place with two other guys sharing the rent. We started having some similar problems with our guests being pulled over and cops being seen hanging around.

Seems some of the neighbors had been crying about our antics, so the locals decided to start giving us crap. This was here in good old Soviet Socialist Republic of Plano. So I would not be surprised if they weren't eye balling you where you live.


02-15-2004, 03:05 PM
Sounds to me like someone narc'd your friend out. They are wanting to find contraband on your friend so they can bust him.

02-15-2004, 03:13 PM
Sounds to me like someone narc'd your friend out. They are wanting to find drugs on your friend so they can bust him.

ROTFLMAO....:rll: :rll: . You just get right to the point, don't you Adam.

Actually, the story reminded me of a scene from the movie called, "GoodFellas". You know, the scene where Ray Liottas' character is driving all over town with stolen guns in his trunk, looking up in the sky with the helicopter always hovering over him....


02-15-2004, 03:17 PM
Ha. Well this is purely speculation but I've been in a similiar situation. :twitch:

TP Derrick D
02-15-2004, 03:37 PM
Ha. Well this is purely speculation but I've been in a similiar situation. :twitch:

Been there, this may sound wussy but if your friend is honestly "clean" and he's getting pulled by the same cop maybe he should look at filing a complaint. You can do that more easily now after the Rodney King ordeal and the cops having to document who they pull over now to see if they are pulling minorities over more for no reason.

02-15-2004, 03:51 PM
Yea maybe they are profiling him.

02-15-2004, 08:57 PM
Sounds like it is not just your buddy but more so your house and associates. Seeing as they ticketed the chick as well. There are two or three sides to this story that is all I am saying:rolleyes: .

02-15-2004, 09:29 PM
Sounds like it is not just your buddy but more so your house and associates. Seeing as they ticketed the chick as well. There are two or three sides to this story that is all I am saying:rolleyes: .

That is what was thinking also...........No chit Gavin, if all this is going on around your house you need to tell everyone to stay away for awhile and go hang out somewhere else. The cops will get bored eventually and find someone else to harrass.


02-16-2004, 03:23 PM
well he doesnt carry any contraband or sell any contraband, and neither do i. if anything they should be profiling my meth head neighbors. the friend who gets pulled over every week is taking a concealed gun liscense course, so i take it he has no felony convictions. and i dont have any wild ass partys anymore, so i dont think they have any reason to eyeball my house for anything. i think they just pull him over and harass him as much as possible. i think when the female friend left the house and got pulled over, it was just a coincidence. (her reg was out). and they havent ever pulled over anyone else leaving my house.

so my question is, if the cops do keep harassing my friend in the stang, what proper steps can he take to prevent this from happening any further

02-16-2004, 05:56 PM
well he doesnt carry any contraband or sell any contraband, and neither do i. if anything they should be profiling my meth head neighbors. the friend who gets pulled over every week is taking a concealed gun liscense course, so i take it he has no felony convictions. and i dont have any wild ass partys anymore, so i dont think they have any reason to eyeball my house for anything. i think they just pull him over and harass him as much as possible. i think when the female friend left the house and got pulled over, it was just a coincidence. (her reg was out). and they havent ever pulled over anyone else leaving my house.

so my question is, if the cops do keep harassing my friend in the stang, what proper steps can he take to prevent this from happening any further
In that case Gavin, I would do like Derrick suggested. Have him file a complaint with the police department.

That is total crappola for them to be harrasing him like that.


02-16-2004, 06:09 PM
ill tell him, thanks guys for the info

02-16-2004, 07:23 PM
If you file a report youll just make it worse. Next time he gets pulled over tell him , be cool, respectful.And just try and talk to them.If your freind is clean then he has nothing to worry about anyway. Trust me on this my dad was a cop in los angeles for 27 years, Ive herd all the stories.

02-16-2004, 08:41 PM
well he is clean and thats the problem. i'm sure its a big annoyance to him that they keep giving him tickets for suspended liscense when its NOT suspended. it means he has to take time out of his day to go get them dismissed. after a few times wouldnt you start to get aggrivated?