View Full Version : New TX L owner
02-19-2004, 02:43 AM
Just wanted to say hi to everyone. I just got my L (white 02 L) on Sat and love it, I go to the F150online site a lot and somebody mentioned this site and forum so I thought I'd check it out being in TX in all. Hope to get some good tips and info from you guys... :D
TP Derrick D
02-19-2004, 03:28 AM
Just wanted to say hi to everyone. I just got my L (white 02 L) on Sat and love it, I go to the F150online site a lot and somebody mentioned this site and forum so I thought I'd check it out being in TX in all. Hope to get some good tips and info from you guys... :D
Cool. :cool: welcome to the forum.We been waiting on you.You may not know it but you're # 500 !! Some of us had a thread a couple days ago on getting close to 500.
02-19-2004, 06:50 AM
:tu: welcome
02-19-2004, 07:05 AM
Hello, have a look around, you will like it here
02-19-2004, 07:22 AM
Welcome. You got the best color too. :tu:
02-19-2004, 07:58 AM
Just wanted to say hi to everyone. I just got my L (white 02 L) on Sat and love it, I go to the F150online site a lot and somebody mentioned this site and forum so I thought I'd check it out being in TX in all. Hope to get some good tips and info from you guys... :D
Welcome to TALON. Read and learn :tu:.
02-19-2004, 09:04 AM
02-19-2004, 09:10 AM
We're glad you could join us. The guys around here are great.
Hey, why don't you take that shiny new truck out for a nice long drive and meet us this coming Sunday for the group pic?
02-19-2004, 09:33 AM
Just wanted to say hi to everyone. I just got my L (white 02 L) on Sat and love it, I go to the F150online site a lot and somebody mentioned this site and forum so I thought I'd check it out being in TX in all. Hope to get some good tips and info from you guys... :DWelcome
Watch out for that son of a bitch of a Moderator On F150Online... He can be a real jerk....
David N
02-19-2004, 09:36 AM
Watch out for that son of a bitch of a Moderator On F150Online... He can be a real jerk....
yeap can say that again...:d :beer:
02-19-2004, 09:37 AM
He not only got the best color, he got the best year too! :)
02-19-2004, 10:06 AM
Watch out for that son of a bitch of a Moderator On F150Online... He can be a real jerk....
Ain't that the truth... :rll:
02-19-2004, 12:44 PM
We're glad you could join us. The guys around here are great.
Hey, why don't you take that shiny new truck out for a nice long drive and meet us this coming Sunday for the group pic?
Where do you guys usually meet. I would love to but I have to work this weekend (damn uncle sam) ;)
02-19-2004, 12:53 PM
Welcome Bro!:tu: I have family out in Abilene. I actually had my L out there over Christmas. My brother-in-law and I "cruised" N. First that weekend...just for grins. I couldn't get anyone to play with me though. My wife grew up in Albany, and we come back there from time to time to visit her folks. Maybe I'll run into ya sometime.:beer:
02-19-2004, 01:07 PM
I would hope that most people on N.1st would have enough commen sense not to mess with your L, I haven't taken my L out there yet but I plan to take it out to the 1/8 here soon :D . Let me know if you ever come down here, I'd like to see ya run that bad boy...
02-19-2004, 01:08 PM
Where do you guys usually meet. I would love to but I have to work this weekend (damn uncle sam) ;)
There's always info for the meets in the events forum. We usually meet the first Thursday of every month at different locations around the metromess. We'll be meeting Mar 4 at Humperdink's on Northwest Hwy. I'm sure someone can dig up the address. You're welcome any time you can make the trip!
02-19-2004, 01:20 PM
Welcome, Paul. :tu:
02-19-2004, 01:20 PM
great...hopefully I'll make it to a few :beer:
02-19-2004, 01:26 PM
I would hope that most people on N.1st would have enough commen sense not to mess with your L, I haven't taken my L out there yet but I plan to take it out to the 1/8 here soon :D . Let me know if you ever come down here, I'd like to see ya run that bad boy...
I happened to be in Abilene the weekend the track opened out there. I didn't have the L with me, that weekend, but my bro-in-law and I went out there that Sunday afternoon to check it out. NICE FACILITY! From what my bro-in-law tells me, Lightnings out there are few and far between. I probably will roll the L out there at some point, and make a few passes. I'll let you know if and when I do.:tu:
BTW...Is it just me, or does that track give the optical illusion that it goes uphill?
02-19-2004, 01:40 PM
ya know, I kind of thought that my self :rolleyes:. I've ran there atleast a 100 times though in my past stangs and I think its ok. I'm glad that we atleast got a track, wish they would of made it a 1/4 though.
TP Derrick D
02-19-2004, 06:15 PM
ya know, I kind of thought that my self :rolleyes:. I've ran there atleast a 100 times though in my past stangs and I think its ok. I'm glad that we atleast got a track, wish they would of made it a 1/4 though.
Still got the Stang?
02-19-2004, 06:45 PM
Only for about another week or so. I put it for sale when I got the L, only took like 4 days to sale, she is one sick ass ride. I love her, but want to put the money towards my L loan and some savings. I'm actually going to run her the Friday, I can't wait :tu: ...She runs mid 8 on street tires could prob drop to low 8's on slicks never used em :nana2 I'm trying to post a pic of her but the computer keeps looking up when go to manage attahments :confused: I plan to take the L out there in a few weeks. I'm a swing shifter so it's hard to get my friday nights for test and tune.
02-19-2004, 07:41 PM
Welcome aboard the L freight train Paul.
Now immediately call in sick:vomit: for Sunday and drive your arse east to make the photo.
I promise seeing that many L's and HP assembled in one area is freakin awesome:tu:
02-19-2004, 09:01 PM
I bet it is and trust me I would love to go, but I have to work a weekend every 6 weeks in my job (Air Force) and there is no getting out of it :( , it sucks I know. :rolleyes:
TP Derrick D
02-19-2004, 11:13 PM
I bet it is and trust me I would love to go, but I have to work a weekend every 6 weeks in my job (Air Force) and there is no getting out of it :( , it sucks I know. :rolleyes:
Well now you seem to be cool just 2 things I see wrong :twitch:
1. Selling your Hot street Stang :nono:
2. Beening in the Air Force.(pretty fly boys) :rll: I was U.S. ARMY being all I could be, Reserves: 1981-1984, Active: 1984-1992 (Germany, Ft Hood,Tx - Gulf War 1)
You seem to be :cool: with me!!!
02-20-2004, 01:20 AM
Well now you seem to be cool just 2 things I see wrong :twitch:
1. Selling your Hot street Stang :nono:
2. Beening in the Air Force.(pretty fly boys) :rll: I was U.S. ARMY being all I could be, Reserves: 1981-1984, Active: 1984-1992 (Germany, Ft Hood,Tx - Gulf War 1)
You seem to be :cool: with me!!!
Cool man, glad to see you served, I'm going on 5 years in April, but trust me I'm no pretty fly boy, I'm a crew cheif on the B1 Bomber.....anyways I wish I could keep the Stang but I'm still happy to have the L. I used to have 98 F150 supercab along with stang but I found myself only driving the stang :tu: so the truck just sat there so I figured why not get the best of both worlds and get a super truck :nana2 , I've alwasys liked the L so I got one....hopefully down the road I can find a nice fox again :D
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