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View Full Version : Not that you care, but im leaving

02-19-2004, 09:46 AM
... this site is the biggest BS i have ever seen. its full of a bunch of old, fat, bald headed pricks... u guys are the biggest losers I have ever met... and thats a fact.

when I got my truck I was excited to join this site, thought it would be cool to be in a club and meet a bunch of guys with the same intrests... but hell, u guys are far from cool...

i know after this message im gonna get flamed... but who cares.... look at whos saying it.....

there are a few of you guys that i have met that this does not apply to (jason, derrick, rob, steve, mike, and maybe one or two others).... but the rest of you guys just outright suck...

i have been members of alot of websites... the gixxer.com is full of the nicest people out there... anytime u got a question about your bike, rather it has been asked 99999999 times, people are there to help... thats what the damn site is for.... even on f150, nloc or wherever... i have never seen a group of cock suckers like you...

go ahead let the flaming begin.... but ill just see ya at the track in my rear view mirror

02-19-2004, 09:52 AM

Grow up and develop some back bone....
When you do and you can have mature conversation you will be welcome back.

The old, fat, bald prick of an administrator that is tired of whiny lightning owners that act like they are 12.

02-19-2004, 10:05 AM
... this site is the biggest BS i have ever seen. its full of a bunch of old, fat, bald headed pricks... <useless whining snipped>


02-19-2004, 10:39 AM
Cock Suckers???? I wish I would've known you thought I was a cocksucker when I saw you at kennedale. It would've taken the other 13 L drivers to get me off of your ass. You've got a very big mouth in front of that monitor and that usually means you are a pussy in person. I tell you what, all of us "cocksuckers" are going to ennis 2morrow. Why don't you show up so I can point you out. Basically you are a chump with no money to spend. Thats why you ask redundant questions.Basically, you want something for nothing. Everything you've asked about is on 80% of all the trucks on TALON. So you know what works.Thats the beauty of it. People like Doug and Terry who have had their L's since way back when , probably have the best idea of what works what doesn't. That's where "WE" benefit. We don't have to go trying different parts and wasting money on **** that doesn't work. Thats the reason "you" are here right?? I bought my truck in feb. last year, and I have learned ALOT more here than on any other site. These are the guys "I" run with and I take it personal when someone does what you just done. Best of luck. Come'on back when you grow you a pair. PEACE :cool:

02-19-2004, 11:06 AM
well i dont even know u trai... iv never met you at kennedale or anywhere else... so this doesnt apply to you.... basically just upset with Terry and his big mouth... no matter what I post, he replies and is a smart ass for no reason... he says crap like i ask to buy stuff and dont... well iv never even talked to him except about 2 things.... and the apten wouldnt fit my truck, so im getting it done next week elsewhere....

im not a pussy nor am i broke... iv already spent $2k on my L and Iv only had it for about 3 months....

i might have acted a little immature but i was just pissed, and I still am.. i have been nice to everyone on here... i cant do much for the community, but I did give away those free plates to about 10 people.... i made some other stuff for some guys but that is just all i have to offer... i gave away my hood, i gave away my clear corner blinkers, i gave away my billet grille.... but i have always been nice and done what I can... i just dont see why everyone has to hate when i ask a question on here... its crazy...

i will say that i apoligize for saying you ALL are pricks, dicks, cocksuckers, fags or whatever... cuz you are not ALL.... but i would say the majority of you guys arent cool... the whole purpose of this site is to learn and get others opinons.... but if everytime u ask a question u get flamed... whats the point....

so ban me, hate me, come to my work and fight me... whatever.... but im out!! there are better places that this

02-19-2004, 11:10 AM
We talked on the phone about getting your hood painted remember?? Then I see you at kennedale and you act like you don't even know me. :cool:

02-19-2004, 11:20 AM
i remember now about talking on the phone about a month ago.... but u got me mixed up with someone else about the kennedale thing... i only went there once and only people I saw was Jason and another guy in a white L

02-19-2004, 11:24 AM
:Bullshit Whatever bro. You were there when we all went that Sun. I recognized the truck. I'm glad i didn't say a damn thing to ya.

02-19-2004, 11:28 AM
Moron. :rolleyes:

True Blue Aggie
02-19-2004, 11:32 AM
That is the funniest picture I have seen in a while.
:rll: :rll: :rll:

02-19-2004, 12:06 PM
Scott, just chill out mang. Terry can come across as a dick or whatever but to be honest hes an outstanding guy. He put up with my everyday calls for 2 weeks when were waiting for my file. Just chill out bro. When someone gives you advice take it to be 99.9%correct. As many here already have be in our shoes.

Just chill out mang, have a few beers, smoke a blunt or something and roll with the punches. Ive been in your shoes

02-19-2004, 12:09 PM
... this site is the biggest BS i have ever seen. its full of a bunch of old, fat, bald headed pricks... u guys are the biggest losers I have ever met... and thats a fact.
when I got my truck I was excited to join this site, thought it would be cool to be in a club and meet a bunch of guys with the same intrests... but hell, u guys are far from cool...
i know after this message im gonna get flamed... but who cares.... look at whos saying it.....
there are a few of you guys that i have met that this does not apply to (jason, derrick, rob, steve, mike, and maybe one or two others).... but the rest of you guys just outright suck...
i have been members of alot of websites... the gixxer.com is full of the nicest people out there... anytime u got a question about your bike, rather it has been asked 99999999 times, people are there to help... thats what the damn site is for.... even on f150, nloc or wherever... i have never seen a group of cock suckers like you...
go ahead let the flaming begin.... but ill just see ya at the track in my rear view mirror

02-19-2004, 12:12 PM
well guys, just wanted to apoligize... i hope no hard feelings with any of you guys... i was pretty stupid this morning... but just found out im not getting ANY money from my motorcycle getting stolen, grandmother is getting kicked out of her house, and her husband and mother just died, she lost her job, my brother is now homeless, and someone real close to my is dying.... iv had a very hard last few days and just forget everything i said....

ill still do you guys a favor and not hang around.... but just wanted to apoligize.... just feel like nothing good ever comes my way these days...

sorry again.... i got no hard feelins

02-19-2004, 12:20 PM
You can stick around. Just try keep the asking of the same questions over and over to a minimum :tu:

02-19-2004, 12:36 PM
Dude, burn a fat one and chill. We all have bad days and say stuff we know we probably shouldn't. It's also way too easy for most of us (myself included) to get cranked up about a bunch of unrelated crap in our lives, and take it out on the first person to offer up an opinion that is different than our own. I do it all the time, and there are probably acouple of guys out there that will kick my ass if they ever figure out who I am!:( Take your time and get it back together. Just ease up on the 'cock-sucker' stuff will ya? All that Homo stuff gives me the creeps. Besides, if anything like this ever actually leads to a fist-fight, I probably won't get to see it happen. I haven't seen a good ass-whoopin' in quite a while. For some reason, my wife discourages me from starting fights these days.:hammer:

Oh yeah, sorry about all your probs, man. We all have our own crosses to bear. Or in the words of the geniuses I work for: "It could be worse...".

Peace and Love

02-19-2004, 12:59 PM
Is it too late to call the waaaaambulance? j/k... Glad to see you came to your senses. You just can't take every comment that somebody makes so personal. Most of it is just sarcasm anyway and I doubt that there is anyone on this site that can legitimately claim to have never asked a dumb question. The only dumb questions are the ones not asked.

Besides, I already know I am fat and bald so your comments weren't very enlightening. :rll:

David N
02-19-2004, 01:10 PM
just for a quick minute i though i was on 150online....LOL:D

02-19-2004, 01:18 PM
I can legitametly claim I've only asked dumb questions. :rll:


02-19-2004, 01:20 PM
Glad to see you came to your senses. You just can't take every comment that somebody makes so personal. Most of it is just sarcasm anyway and I doubt that there is anyone on this site that can legitimately claim to have never asked a dumb question. The only dumb questions are the ones not asked.

Besides, I already know I am fat and bald so your comments weren't very enlightening. :rll:
What he said....:tu:

02-19-2004, 01:22 PM
:confused: I'm not bald.....

02-19-2004, 03:17 PM
I'm going bald but not fat! Anywayz I'm glad u chilled we've all been down the same road:d Sorry hear about what happening!

02-19-2004, 04:32 PM
Well....I never!!!!!! I am just absolutely shocked by your post Scott......:eek2:

Not really...I was having trouble reading it due to ROTFLMAO.....:rll:

You may fit in around here after all:evil .

Now bring your young, skinny long haired arse out to Ennis Friday night.... it will help you to release some of that pent up anger. Take it out on your truck with each and every launch.


By the way....He sure has you guys figured out.:D

True Blue Aggie
02-19-2004, 04:37 PM
"but just found out im not getting ANY money from my motorcycle getting stolen, grandmother is getting kicked out of her house, and her husband and mother just died, she lost her job, my brother is now homeless, and someone real close to me is dying...."

sometimes you need to see the humor in life to understand it always gets better.....
Hope things start lookin up for you....

02-19-2004, 06:32 PM
for a min. I thought,
"MAN I really want one of those plates know were m I going to get it" glad you thought it over I'll get in contact with you about that plate . PEACE:D

02-19-2004, 07:26 PM

I dont have any hard feelings towards you in the least bit. Like Mike said, feel free to ask as many questions as you want, but be serious and dont ask the same thing twice.

02-19-2004, 07:59 PM

I dont have any hard feelings towards you in the least bit. Like Mike said, feel free to ask as many questions as you want, but be serious and dont ask the same thing twice.

Yea scott, no one here has hard feelings towards you, because no one here realy knows you at all. I think im the only one that knows you best out of all of us. You havent been to any meets besides Kennedale. If you dont want to show up at the meets by yourself and the almost weekly arlington meets i can either meet u at your shop or you can meet me at my house. We all here have offered to help you. I told you anytime you need some help or anything just to call call me and ill be there if i have nothing going on.

I did get your call this morning but my cell was in the truck for the most part of the day.

02-19-2004, 08:45 PM
Many of these guys uncluding my self prolly felt pissed at some of the coments at first but after you meet some of ther "characters":evil :twitch: . You will see they are cool. Go to more meets. And the rough time your having personaly is ok. I went through some bad times last year and my luck just kept getting worse but It is ok. The L is gone yet I stilll got the Coupe. and it may get a new silver friend very soon.:twitch: . Hang in there and have fun. Go to ennis. not that everyone is gonna kick your ass but they wanna meet you thats the beauty. When you meet someone on the street and they happen to be a talon member you know that some how you know them. Feels kinda cool being in the group of guys with the same interests. The GIRLS. Lightnings, blue oval muscle, Big tq #s:evil :beer: and drag racing.
Are you gonna be in the group pic. I am prolly gonna show with the coupe and have some lunch, dinner what ever.
hang in there and thinck about stuff being better in like two-4 weeks. Thinck of the better future thats coming.

Sorry for writting so much but i have nothing to do.

Aggie Mom
02-19-2004, 09:46 PM
Geez.. well I am old, but I'm not fat or bald and the last time I checked I didn't have a prick!
:rll: :rll: :rll: :rll:

Hope things start looking up for you.

02-19-2004, 09:58 PM
Geez.. well I am old, but I'm not fat or bald and the last time I checked I didn't have a prick!
:rll: :rll: :rll: :rll:

Hope things start looking up for you. hehe .......... Cathy, you are great!!
This thread ".... I'm leaving........" , but it just keeps on going like a freakin' virus.

02-19-2004, 10:54 PM
Well alrighty then, Guess we will see at the photo shoot:confused:

02-19-2004, 11:08 PM
sometimes it just takes that one thing to set you off when things have not been going your way- been there and done that when I was younger.

In the long run it makes no difference and you can't get upset over things you can't ultimately control-

it will cause you to drink, get fat, and lose your hair-what you think happened to these guys:evil

02-20-2004, 06:49 AM

just relax a bit man, you have to learn to live with this group. we all give each other a hard time, its kinda like a team thing. i think the hostility that your sensing is mostly exaggerated by you imagination. i will always be glad to help someone make any of their cars faster, and if i have knowledge that will help to that then i will answer any questions. if anything it could have been a wake up call to the rest of us. stick around a while, us Lightning Brotheren must stick together ;)

p.s. sounds like youve had a shitty week, im sure weve all been there at one point. like someone said earlier, roll a phatty and relax a bit.

02-20-2004, 08:43 AM
This thread is :bs

Less :crying: , more :beer: and :nana2 .

Scott, do this :hammer: and then http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/images/smilies/rasta.gif...

02-20-2004, 09:40 AM
Dang. Try anger management. :D

02-20-2004, 11:03 AM
Have a Bowl Of Chili :flaming:

Then about 27 beers!

02-20-2004, 02:50 PM

I understand a little of how you feel, especially after the way some of the guys answer your posts. So what if you ask a bunch of questions, they shouldn't give you a hard time. You are like me, when you get into something new, you want to learn as much as you can as fast as you can. I've asked some of the same questions when I first go into it and got all kinds of messages, like "do a search before asking old questions". Oh well, you live and you learn.

Some of the guys aren't the most friendly and inviting people all the time, that's just the way they are I guess. Terry sometimes comes off a little gruff sometimes, but I really don't think he means anything by it, it's just his personality. I don't know if everybody else is like me and asks him more questions than they give him business, if so I could see him getting a little irritated on a bad day, I know I might.


02-20-2004, 03:34 PM

I understand a little of how you feel, especially after the way some of the guys answer your posts. So what if you ask a bunch of questions, they shouldn't give you a hard time. You are like me, when you get into something new, you want to learn as much as you can as fast as you can. I've asked some of the same questions when I first go into it and got all kinds of messages, like "do a search before asking old questions". Oh well, you live and you learn.

Some of the guys aren't the most friendly and inviting people all the time, that's just the way they are I guess. Terry sometimes comes off a little gruff sometimes, but I really don't think he means anything by it, it's just his personality. I don't know if everybody else is like me and asks him more questions than they give him business, if so I could see him getting a little irritated on a bad day, I know I might.

Its almost a universal response on ANY forum on any subject.

Most forums have a strict "READ this BEFORE POSTING " thread.
The past posts are maintained for a reason so that folks can go look thru them and learn from them. The search tool works great. We have been around a while and have read most of the posts here already. We are not asking ou to go back and read 2 years of posts - BUT like MOST forums we ask that you spend some time lurking and reading and learning. Once you have read some then ask specific pointed questions and you will get LOTS of help.

Think of all of us members as the authors of a great book on Lightnings in Texas. Imagine for a second we are selling that book and have set up a book signing at a local book store. Some of the questions asked that have been mentioned here as a problem are JUST like a Person going up to the Author of the Book and asking basic questions that are answered in the Book. The author would after a while get tired of folks who clearly havent bought the book and are asking questions that would be answered if they had at least read the liner notes on the inside cover. The author in this example would MUCH rather answer specific questions that maybe werent covered in the book. Its not a great analogy but I tried....

02-20-2004, 03:46 PM
Its almost a universal response on ANY forum on any subject.

Most forums have a strict "READ this BEFORE POSTING " thread.
The past posts are maintained for a reason so that folks can go look thru them and learn from them. The search tool works great. We have been around a while and have read most of the posts here already. We are not asking ou to go back and read 2 years of posts - BUT like MOST forums we ask that you spend some time lurking and reading and learning. Once you have read some then ask specific pointed questions and you will get LOTS of help.

Think of all of us members as the authors of a great book on Lightnings in Texas. Imagine for a second we are selling that book and have set up a book signing at a local book store. Some of the questions asked that have been mentioned here as a problem are JUST like a Person going up to the Author of the Book and asking basic questions that are answered in the Book. The author would after a while get tired of folks who clearly havent bought the book and are asking questions that would be answered if they had at least read the liner notes on the inside cover. The author in this example would MUCH rather answer specific questions that maybe werent covered in the book. Its not a great analogy but I tried....
Amen to that. And I'm not pissed at ya either bro. C'mon out to ennis tonite.I'll buy ya a beer or two. Or three. Just clean your truck up. I'm video taping the whole thing. :beer:

02-20-2004, 03:48 PM
Amen to that. And I'm not pissed at ya either bro. C'mon out to ennis tonite.I'll buy ya a beer or two. Or three. Just clean your truck up. I'm video taping the whole thing. :beer:

Beer and racing. :nono: We can drink the beer after the races.

02-20-2004, 03:50 PM
Beer and racing. :nono: We can drink the beer after the races.
hehe yep,And then what?? THE FAIR??? We already talked about that... :eek: :eek2: :bows :twitch:

02-20-2004, 03:51 PM
Its almost a universal response on ANY forum on any subject.

Most forums have a strict "READ this BEFORE POSTING " thread.
The past posts are maintained for a reason so that folks can go look thru them and learn from them. The search tool works great. We have been around a while and have read most of the posts here already. We are not asking ou to go back and read 2 years of posts - BUT like MOST forums we ask that you spend some time lurking and reading and learning. Once you have read some then ask specific pointed questions and you will get LOTS of help.

Think of all of us members as the authors of a great book on Lightnings in Texas. Imagine for a second we are selling that book and have set up a book signing at a local book store. Some of the questions asked that have been mentioned here as a problem are JUST like a Person going up to the Author of the Book and asking basic questions that are answered in the Book. The author would after a while get tired of folks who clearly havent bought the book and are asking questions that would be answered if they had at least read the liner notes on the inside cover. The author in this example would MUCH rather answer specific questions that maybe werent covered in the book. Its not a great analogy but I tried....

I like the analogy. Once you develop your searching skills, it's quite a useful tool.

02-20-2004, 06:15 PM
I can see I haven't missed anything since I've been away. :cool:

TP Derrick D
02-21-2004, 12:34 AM
This post got 842 views , :rll: as you can see the love for soap opera drama :eek:

02-26-2004, 09:21 PM
Have a Bowl Of Chili :flaming:

Then about 27 beers!

I'll drink :cool: to that!!!!!

02-26-2004, 10:50 PM
Oh my......so when I act like a jerk, the evidence hangs there for two years??????????


02-26-2004, 11:51 PM
Reading this thread, it just seems like two years. :cool:

02-27-2004, 08:18 AM

All your posts on a couple of forums seem to get continued reading, continued responses and stay alive for awhile. Groups of people always need certain individuals to stir it up. Keep up the good work :tu:!


02-27-2004, 10:58 AM

Tex Arcana
04-04-2004, 02:16 AM
Its almost a universal response on ANY forum on any subject.

Most forums have a strict "READ this BEFORE POSTING " thread.
The past posts are maintained for a reason so that folks can go look thru them and learn from them. The search tool works great. We have been around a while and have read most of the posts here already. We are not asking ou to go back and read 2 years of posts - BUT like MOST forums we ask that you spend some time lurking and reading and learning. Once you have read some then ask specific pointed questions and you will get LOTS of help.

Think of all of us members as the authors of a great book on Lightnings in Texas. Imagine for a second we are selling that book and have set up a book signing at a local book store. Some of the questions asked that have been mentioned here as a problem are JUST like a Person going up to the Author of the Book and asking basic questions that are answered in the Book. The author would after a while get tired of folks who clearly havent bought the book and are asking questions that would be answered if they had at least read the liner notes on the inside cover. The author in this example would MUCH rather answer specific questions that maybe werent covered in the book. Its not a great analogy but I tried....

Good advice, but in his defense, I"ve been trolling boards recently, and I needed advice on brakes, and got a whole BUNCH of layouts by people who profess to be helpful and knowledgable (not here, other boards). I needed it quickly, because of a track event with DFW SVTOA, and never got it.

So I see his point, but his response to it wasn't appropriate. I"m glad he reconsidered, tho.

Sometimes forum searches don't work, or don't work right (ever try to search anything on Ford Truck World? Doesn't happen). ANd sometimes you do'nt have the time to spend troling and searching and looking, especially whenthe above situations happen.

My brakes? I wasted two whole days trying to find solid info, I even gave in and called my service writer, who recommmended me one of the mechanics, who basically laid out again. :( I ended up rolling the dice on NAPA Ceramix. I hope they work.

Maybe a little patience from both sides is what's really called for. Remember, old-timers: YOU were once NEWBIES, and doing the same damn thing, so have some patience for the rest of us, who are just trying to learn.


04-04-2004, 10:58 AM
I left too. :evil

of course...some day I will return... :bows and it won't be a $od $amned Dodge either...

Ranger Edge is sloooooooooooooooo...but trustworthy... :cool:


04-04-2004, 12:44 PM
Argh! The thread that wouldn't die. :rolleyes:

04-04-2004, 01:07 PM
Argh! The thread that wouldn't die. :rolleyes:

agreed. :Bullshit

04-04-2004, 01:14 PM
Uhh this is over lets let it die...
