View Full Version : You need this software!

03-05-2004, 01:40 AM
I found over 100 tracking type items on my computer with this stuff. I reccommend it to anyone and run it twice a week. I found a lot called MyWay and there is a MyWay file in C:/programfiles I cannot delete the damn file!

03-05-2004, 09:03 AM
Ad aware is great - If it wont remove the spyware dload and run spybot (http://download.com.com/3000-2144-10194058.html?tag=lst-0-1)

03-05-2004, 10:42 AM
I found over 100 tracking type items on my computer with this stuff. I reccommend it to anyone and run it twice a week. I found a lot called MyWay and there is a MyWay file in C:/programfiles I cannot delete the damn file!
Thanks T :beer: :beer:

03-05-2004, 11:34 AM
The problem still with that is that both adware and spyware also contain there own adware and spyware and unless you know about important files on your computer you can really mess your computer up and have to reinstall windows. Because some of the files that they say are adware or spyware are actually windows files. The best sollution I have found is get mcafee virus scan and firewall and run virus scan and it will bring up all adware and then delete them then turn your firewall on and it will tell you when one of these programs are trying to use your internet conection then you can deny it. and also it gives to the source destination so you can also delete it

03-05-2004, 11:46 AM
The problem still with that is that both adware and spyware also contain there own adware and spyware and unless you know about important files on your computer you can really mess your computer up and have to reinstall windows. Because some of the files that they say are adware or spyware are actually windows files. The best sollution I have found is get mcafee virus scan and firewall and run virus scan and it will bring up all adware and then delete them then turn your firewall on and it will tell you when one of these programs are trying to use your internet conection then you can deny it. and also it gives to the source destination so you can also delete it
I have used ad aware dozens of time and never had that problem.
We have 1000's of PC's running Mcafee and we have to run ad aware all the time to remove - serach bars and other crap that gets loaded. Mcafee ignores that stuff....


03-05-2004, 01:11 PM
I have used ad aware dozens of time and never had that problem.
We have 1000's of PC's running Mcafee and we have to run ad aware all the time to remove - serach bars and other crap that gets loaded. Mcafee ignores that stuff....

Yep, Same is true with Symantec's Norton Anti-Virus. I run both Spybot and Ad-aware.... They just complain about each other and the log files that ad-aware creates. No windows problems, though!

03-05-2004, 04:29 PM
I agree I run Symantec corporate version daily and it ignored all of the hotbar and save now tags.