View Full Version : Go_rila Porting

03-11-2004, 08:37 PM
Got a friend that owns a machine shop so we are experimenting with my extra blower casing. :cool:



Not as radical as some I have seen, but a good place to start. :cool:

03-11-2004, 10:18 PM
wish I had a spare case you could wack on. :cool:

03-12-2004, 07:13 AM
Looks about like the bottom of my Apten :)

03-12-2004, 09:39 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if most of the ported superchargers look almost alike. Looking on the inside/bottom of the casing, there are distinct "lines" where the rotors are in close tolerance with the casing. The compressed air is then released onto the floor of the casing. The floor portion is not polished and has a distinct darker color than the rest of the internal casing. The dark portion is what was milled on the pictures I posted. It is not rocket science and if I didn't have a spare casing and a friend that owns a machine shop, I would have done the Apten thing also, but I did and I do so............

We left enough of the casing intact to make sure we didn't damage the structural integrity. Like I said, maybe not as radical as some of the professional porters out there, but still should make a difference in performance over stock. :cool: