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03-17-2004, 12:37 AM
I need to find a way to get my son home from Padre. His Expedition got nailed in the side by a drunk driver Sunday night. What a way to start Spring Break, he was almost there! Anyway, I need to find a way to get it home. It is driveble except for the fact the driver side door won't close and the window's broken out. Is that too big of a vehicle to dolly, or trailer home, using the L to pull it? I guess we could tryt o get it fixed down there, but we're not crazy about having to deal with someone so far way.
We are also waiting to see if this guy has insurance. Won't know until we get the police report. The guy ran from the scene, but was caught.

Anyway, sorry about the extra BS, i guess bottom line again is is an Exedition too big of a load to haul with the L.

BTW, for all you parents, that's the joy of having kids.. Worrying about crap like this. My other son was rearended by someone else, just over 24 hrs earlier. 2 kids, 2 cars, 2 wrecks, 1 weekend! :crying:

03-17-2004, 01:18 AM
I need to find a way to get my son home from Padre. His Expedition got nailed in the side by a drunk driver Sunday night. What a way to start Spring Break, he was almost there! Anyway, I need to find a way to get it home. It is driveble except for the fact the driver side door won't close and the window's broken out. Is that too big of a vehicle to dolly, or trailer home, using the L to pull it? I guess we could tryt o get it fixed down there, but we're not crazy about having to deal with someone so far way.
We are also waiting to see if this guy has insurance. Won't know until we get the police report. The guy ran from the scene, but was caught.

Anyway, sorry about the extra BS, i guess bottom line again is is an Exedition too big of a load to haul with the L.

BTW, for all you parents, that's the joy of having kids.. Worrying about crap like this. My other son was rearended by someone else, just over 24 hrs earlier. 2 kids, 2 cars, 2 wrecks, 1 weekend! :crying:

Try this: http://www.rentalsite.com . Best of luck!

You're starting to concern me with having children...:D


03-17-2004, 01:26 AM
If its driveable you might have to tell him to turn around and bring it home. It would be cheaper in the end to do that than anything else. Once he drops the expy off at home he can hop a cheap flight back out there to finish off the party if he has someone else down there that can give him a ride back! knana

03-17-2004, 01:31 AM
I just took a 2x take on this thread... what does your insurance policy say in this situation?

Is this covered? I hope it is.


03-17-2004, 02:37 AM
I wish I could help I have a bunch of friends in Padre that are staying til this saturday or sunday..don't know how to get the expy back..i'd say just drive it? Best of luck to him..if you ever have the kids stranded in austin I can help ya ;p

03-17-2004, 06:43 AM
spring break im padre rules, its like mardi gras. sorry to hear about his trouble though

03-17-2004, 08:08 AM
I would call your insurance company first. Most likely they would have it fixed in Padre. I'm sure there is a Ford dealer with a bodyshop there. I wouldn't think it was very safe for your son to drive it back if the door won't close.

03-17-2004, 08:10 AM
Let him drive it back. Kids like to do crap like that and besides, it's the cheapest way out and it will make a cool story to tell his kids when he gets to be my age. :cool:

03-17-2004, 08:45 AM
i called my agent. until we find out if the guy has insurance he said it is best not to call the, it would go as an incident, even if not his fault. As far as him driving home. His mom won't let him. I suggested lots of duct tape and baling wire, but just got bitched at! something about not being funny.
I'm just wondering if the L would take the load for that distance,having teh SC on it.
Oh insurance may pay half teh amt to get it back, probably if it were towed, since it could be fixed down there.
Amd teh last thing. We are waiting until the weekend to let him havehis time down there. Drink and forget? I Just hope he doesn't find a way to drive while down there.
Oh yeah, don't worry Ronald this is only 16 and 20 years in to the kid experience. Theree's probably much better stories to tell to sway you either way. Mine or too old, or I'd let yo have a test run for a while.

03-17-2004, 09:39 AM
Sorry to hear that, man!

If you have an '01(I believe - maybe '02) or later truck, it is rated to pull 7500 lbs. I am sure a 2000 could do it too, just not on the stock tires.

Good luck in whatever you decide...

03-21-2004, 12:05 AM
Well I got down there Friday, to help my son out. The Expedition looked worse than I thought it would. The camaro smacked it with rear about 1/3 of way down the front fender then proceeded to tear the crap outta the side of the truck. The tow yard actually got the door closed for us, and after looking it over we decided he could drive it home, with me following. It made it home. So now the real fun begins. We still don't have the police report, any insurance info, and so on...
And we will need to find a good body shop.

Lucky for me, about 2 miles from where he wrecked, i got pulled over. 70 in a 55. I actually thought it was 65 (it was just a little ways back). The cop asked me if there was an emergency, I told him why i was there, and Viola, he gave me a warning. Lucked out there.

So, any way, i will look in the suggestions area, but if anyone has had good experience with a place that will have to do major work, I would appreciate some tips.

03-21-2004, 12:53 AM
Keep us updated on the insurance deal. If they guy didn't have coverage make sure someone breaks it off in his arse. I hate uninsured drivers:flaming:

03-22-2004, 09:31 AM
I had an accident with major damage to the front end of a 99 f150 Lariat last year. It happened in Irving so the PD had it towed to Westway Ford. I had always heard not to do business with Westway, but, at the moment, the truck had to be towed somewhere. The guy that caused the accident had State Farm ins. State Farm was going to total the truck, but, he didn't have enough coverage to pay for it. So, I had to claim it under my uninsured/underinsured (Allstate). Allstate looked at the truck and said that they could fix it. In addition, Allstate recommended Westway body shop to do the work. Allstate said that if I had the work done at Westway that Westway/Allstate would warranty the work for as long as I owned the truck. So, Westway repaired the truck and did a good job of it. I have not had any problems since the repairs. One of the guys at Westway told me that they run about 250 cars per month through the body shop.

03-22-2004, 11:41 PM
thanks, Tim. I haven't tried the body shop. My ex had bad luck with the service dept, but that's a totallly different group of people. I'll hve my son look there. One other choice he has is bankston Nissan, because we just found that a old frind of our's brother is a manager, or something, there. He said he may hook him up with a couple extra goodies if that guy has insurance.