View Full Version : Throttle Response = acting weird

03-21-2004, 02:48 PM
in the past few weeks I have added a ported blower, ftvb and accufab throttle body...

i did the TB a couple days ago... and im not impressed...

anyway, I know I need a reburn... im going tomorrow to get Dyno then having PSP reburn my chip... but just curious if that has anything to do with my current problem...

i feel like the power is there, and im seeing about 14+ on my boost guage and the boost is there QUICK!!! but my problem is.... when i get on the gas, the truck doesnt IMMEDIATELY go.... there is kinda a slight delay.... when i just press on the gas alittle... i head this engine whine... kinda like a "wheeeee" and not alot of power.... then if i give it full WOT.... it takes about a full second or so, and then I get that "kick" and im going....

but just curious... why when I press on the gas, do I not just GO... why do I have that delay.... its everytime..... i thought the new throttle body would fix that... but i dont notice any differnce...

any ideas?... other than that, everything seems to be fine.. no weird noises except the engine whine (not the SC)

p.s. i broke the TPS sensor when I installed the TB, so I bought a new one.... but thats good to go now....

03-21-2004, 03:15 PM
get a voltmeter and test the voltage from the tps, its probably over 1 volt, it needs to be around .99 or .98

03-22-2004, 09:58 AM
Ok, I feel like an idiot... everytime I do a new mod, i come here asking 'whats wrong'

anyway, I just recently installed an Accufab Sinlge blade throttle body.. and i didnt know anything about the TPS sensor thing... i thought it just plugged in and you were ready to go... well somehow I messed it up when I was playing with it and my check engine light came on and went to Autozone and they plugged in the computer and said the TPS was bad... so I bought a new one. I plugged it in and everything was good... no light... (whew)

now heres whats weird...

when I start the truck, the RPM guage revs up to a little over 2 and then slowly comes down to about 3/4.... and if I give it a little gas while in idle.... the engine rev and the rpm guage dont match up... there is a delay... the engine is almost done with its rev, and the rpm guage then moves.... and I think the rpm guage actually goes higher than what I actually reved it... weird...

so when I drive it, it acts weird too.... when I get on it, the truck doesnt just GO.... there is a delay... almost like a full second or so delay....

someone yesterday said I have to adjust the TPS... that was the first I had ever heard of that... so I went and bought a volt meter and did exactly what the instructions said.... but with NO LUCK...

i put the positive on the grey/white and the negative on the grey/red and I got NO READING at all... i had the key on, but not started...no matter what, i couldnt get a reading (but i did test on a battery and i know the volt meter works)...

so I dont know where I am, but i can guarntee by the way it drives, im not at .98-.99

so then I was thinking... well lets pretend I did get a reading... how do I adjust it... so I took off the TPS and looked... and I dont see how I can turn it... it BARLEY BARLEY moves... when I put the TPS on, is it supposed to have tension already?? cuz mine just kinda slips on and the spring doesnt move at all... i can turn it a little, but if I line it up with the screw holes on the TB, the spring doesnt really move... so Im confused on how I would adjust this even if I did get a reading...

so heres my problem..

1. cant get a reading on volt meter
2. how do I adjust the TPS anyway??

03-22-2004, 10:11 AM
The TPS has a slight adjustment when you loosen the to screws. Counterclockwise is bringing the voltage down. Like what was already said, if its passed 1 volt with the throttle not open,then there is a problem. My TPS was at 1.15v and it wasn't running good at all. If you where on my side of town you could swing by and I could plug up my predator and adjust it for ya.

03-22-2004, 10:18 AM
ya i think im well over 1

probelm is.. i cant get a reading... i just tried again with truck started... thought maybe that was problem... but still no reading...

also, when I loosen the screws... the thing moves SO little, i dont think it would even do anything.... its so slight of a movement, i dont think it even moves the spring loaded thingy....

btw, here is the meter i got... which setting should I set it at? iv tried them ALL and still no reading


03-22-2004, 10:21 AM
It only about .50 point adj. But its a big deal. You have to adjust it with the key forward and NOT running.

03-22-2004, 10:27 AM
Get your chip reburned and start from there. :cool:

03-22-2004, 10:28 AM
well im going today to get redyno... but kinda wanted to fix this before I went on dyno.... then sending chip tomorrow to PSP

03-22-2004, 02:01 PM
Where the meter is set looks fine to me. You don't see anything or does it measure 0V. Did you use some safety pins or something to stick into the wire to actually be able to measure it?

Just a little movement makes a large difference in the voltage, however I had to file the screw holes out a little on mine to get it below 1V.

03-22-2004, 02:11 PM
Don't know if it needs to be said but make sure it is plugged in when you test. You can test the wires by either nicking them(poking the meter tip through the insulation) or by pushing the point of the meter leads through the wire seal on the plug (it goes in pretty far, maybe a half inch). There are three wires, a common, ~5V supply, and the output. So obviously you are reading between the common and the output for the voltage you are looking for. If you get one of the other combinations you will still get a reading but it just won't be anywhere close to your .99V.

03-22-2004, 02:15 PM
My truck was running bad after getting my throttle body from Joe a couple of months ago. My TPS voltage was too low at .85V, I ended up having to slot the holes to get it to read .99. It's a little better now but it still wants to die when the truck is cold on a cold morning when I'm at a low speed cruise (15-20 mph).

03-22-2004, 03:19 PM
its done... Bobby brought over his meter, mine was bad....

was .88, now .983