View Full Version : Warranty

07-04-2002, 01:12 PM
I don't have any problems yet but would love to know of a mod friendly dealer in this area. If yall could email me I would be very thankful. I would rather know just incase, then try and track one down if I do run into problems. jwpullin@aol.com.

07-12-2002, 10:38 PM
Definitely NOT Middlekauff Ford in Plano! I don't want to go into detail, but please take heed.

07-14-2002, 06:11 PM
Thanks KJ. They seem to be a bunch of a$$es when it comes to SVT's. My girlfriend purchased a new 98 mustang for 4000 off sticker 18,100-14,100. Great deal but I went back and told them I was going to buy a L with the first person got right with me on the price. I'm on the Xplan, They said we can sell you one and even discount it real good since I was an Xplan member. They took 5000 off and offered to sell it to me at sticker. I told them that they would never sell me, my family, or my friends anything agian. So I took a trip to Georgia 2 weeks later to see a friend and came back with my new truck.

Lil Nicky88
07-15-2002, 01:52 AM
middlekauf ford can eat my shorts. :throw:

i don't like those guys. they screwed me on my truck. what was bad was I knew I was being screwed and I was helpless. It made me feel like a quadraplegic prostitute. No offense intended. Unless you work at Middlekauf.:flaming:

I feel better now that I vented. :banana:

07-16-2002, 10:29 AM
Same thing here, except for the quad- part :tu: