View Full Version : I was driving around today in the L and ...

04-05-2004, 09:07 PM
was thinking about how powerful the L is in HP/TQ terms... in a Discovery Channel / Extreme Machines sense.

I got to thinking about all the other some-what crazy things I've driven / ridden in the past and thought how kick-#ss it was.

I compiled a short list:


Yamaha Warrior (catching 10ft.+ air) on the sand dunes.

Caterpiller D6 dozer pushing a huge pile of dirt in front of the blade.
Cessna 182 front-seat in the college days (don't tell the FAA). :rolleyes: Fun times!knana

Bell Jet-Ranger Helicopter (pilot's left seat) for a 10-15 minute ride around Will Roger's Airport in OKC. knana

Ruslow's / Stan's '99 L at Hallet, OK. 3-4 times back in the day. He's NUTS! I got out of that L shaking! :bows :D

Countless summers of mud-slinging/bon-fire/partying days-nights with our 4x4s on Texoma back in the day. Gotta' love pasture parties! :D

Your typical 747s/737s/prop-jobs/etc. too here and there across the country. I'm a little B#TCH when it comes to turbulence, Laney knows!

Post up!


04-06-2004, 08:31 AM
Rode in numerous choppers (mostly Blackhawks) in my military days. A few big transports. My only claim to fame other than driving the bolt would be my flights in an F-4, F-15 and F-111. Got to sit in a SR-71 and a F-117 once.

04-06-2004, 05:59 PM

I've seen Blackhawks, Apaches, F-15s, F-16s, F-111s, B-1s, B-52s, etc. up close as in walking around them at airshows and speaking with crewmen.

Walking through a C-5A Galaxy is like walking through a mall. I remember formations of C-130s cruising tree-top level over the house in OK. on maneuvers, etc.

The most impressive thing was seeing the B-2 and F-117 in person. MPs all over the place!

The B-2 is LOUDER than most other mil. jets when they're idling and is a sight to behold. The F-117 is actually a pretty small plane in person, IMO.


04-06-2004, 06:08 PM
haybusa is fastest thing iv ever personally driven!!!

04-06-2004, 06:41 PM
ive driven countless hi-perf, exotics, and p.o.s.'s thanks to my old job.

ive also driven many komatsu forklifts:d and a volvo 10wheel tractor.

also fyi, my mom used to date a guy that worked for northrop and helped develop the b-2, he had some secret clearences

04-06-2004, 11:37 PM
I rode in a Careflite helicopter, but can't tell you anything about it, other than I have the Get Well card from Pete the Pilot.

04-12-2004, 04:42 PM

I've seen Blackhawks, Apaches, F-15s, F-16s, F-111s, B-1s, B-52s, etc. up close as in walking around them at airshows and speaking with crewmen.

Walking through a C-5A Galaxy is like walking through a mall. I remember formations of C-130s cruising tree-top level over the house in OK. on maneuvers, etc.

The most impressive thing was seeing the B-2 and F-117 in person. MPs all over the place!

The B-2 is LOUDER than most other mil. jets when they're idling and is a sight to behold. The F-117 is actually a pretty small plane in person, IMO.

Coolest thing I have ever seen in my life was the early morning (3:00am) deployment of our almost entire airbase, 72 OF 77 F111'S to Desert Storm. They were taking off two at a time, full burner and the whole thing lasted about 30 minutes. I watched that standing on the active runway, getting ready to get on a C-140 thinking.... dayum, I'm glad those things are on our side. And they are one of the "old men " in the sky.