View Full Version : Anybody seen this white Lightning?
07-10-2002, 01:12 AM
Saw it this evening about 10:30 going north on I35 and exiting on Forest Lane. White, lowered with white powdercoated wheels and a red/white/blue flag thingy covering the rear window. Looked pretty cool lit up at night.
07-10-2002, 06:42 AM
Yeah, Ive seen that complete moron. I was driving up 35E on Friday the 5th, just about to the Crosby exit, by Lee Jarmon Ford. It was about 2:00 pm. He was driving like a complete loser. I was doing about 68 in the center lane, just cruising along with traffic. There was a car in front of me about 2 1/2 - 3 car lengths ahead. Wonder boy in the L came blasting up at about 80 in the left lane with another loser in a Chevy 1/2 ton P.O.S. right on his bumper. The L barely cleared me when he dove all the way over to the exit lane, no signal, no wave, almost clipping two other cars. Total fool. The Chevy just motored on down the road. By the way, it's a sylized MEXICAN flag accross the rear window. The truck looked O.K. except for that. I hope I see him again so I can tell him he's an idiot. (I really hope he's on-line reading this post) If anybody else sees this fool, you might want to explain to him that there are quite the few people that get shot around here for less than that. Check out today's Morning News. A kid from T.J. (my old school) just got capped driving down the street. Oh, Mexi-L Boy, you have way too recognizable of a vehicle to be so stupid.
07-10-2002, 06:45 AM
Yo, Six,
Just talked to your nephew last night at work. You gonna swap trucks with him? Red Gen 1's sure look cool as race trucks!!!
07-10-2002, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by TXBLU
Yo, Six,
Just talked to your nephew last night at work. You gonna swap trucks with him?
:burnout: :tongue: I will have one some day however.
07-10-2002, 11:54 AM
I think RaZor is thinking about trading his RED gen1 for one of MY RED gen2s or something:banana:
Sixer could never get rid of GoRila:nono:
07-10-2002, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by TXBLU
Yeah, Ive seen that complete moron. I was driving up 35E on Friday the 5th, just about to the Crosby exit, by Lee Jarmon Ford. It was about 2:00 pm. He was driving like a complete loser. I was doing about 68 in the center lane, just cruising along with traffic. There was a car in front of me about 2 1/2 - 3 car lengths ahead. Wonder boy in the L came blasting up at about 80 in the left lane with another loser in a Chevy 1/2 ton P.O.S. right on his bumper. The L barely cleared me when he dove all the way over to the exit lane, no signal, no wave, almost clipping two other cars. Total fool. The Chevy just motored on down the road. By the way, it's a sylized MEXICAN flag accross the rear window. The truck looked O.K. except for that. I hope I see him again so I can tell him he's an idiot. (I really hope he's on-line reading this post) If anybody else sees this fool, you might want to explain to him that there are quite the few people that get shot around here for less than that. Check out today's Morning News. A kid from T.J. (my old school) just got capped driving down the street. Oh, Mexi-L Boy, you have way too recognizable of a vehicle to be so stupid.
I think his name is Tony
He checks this site occaisonally
Lets ease up on the racial comments. Everyone is entitles to thier taste... Driving like an idiot is to be frowned on though
07-10-2002, 02:16 PM
No statements made by me were racist in any way. The flag on the back window is a Mexican National Flag. I'm sure that 'Tony' is proud of his heritage, as he should be. I'm proud of mine. If you were to put a Sweedish flag on your truck, would you be offended if someone referred to you as Sweed- Boy, or your truck as a 'Sweed L' ? If you want to edit this reply, be my guest. Sorry if you feel this is an un-neccessary flame, but people should have the right to express themselves without being judged on thier morality, as long as they are not discriminating or causing real injury to someone else, or are obscene in thier comments. The facts are; that guy was/is a jerk (sorry if that is offensive), and the flag was Mexican (sorry if that fact is racist).
07-10-2002, 02:26 PM
Sixpipes, Ivanhoe,
I must have misunderstood RaZor about who he was talking about. Sorry guys. I didn't think GoRila would ever be let out of its cage. I would keep that too! I still wish my wife would have let me keep my Black Gen I. Would have made a cool race truck, as I have seen many folks do.
Ah, to dream....:burnout:
07-10-2002, 02:29 PM
How dare Doug assume it is Tony just becasue he is Hipanic and drives a white L:nono: His truck is getting a new motor at Lee Jarmon for the past two weeks. So it is in pieces right now. He has a checkered flag print in the rear window not a Mexi flag. Man Doug you are getting it from every site as far as moderating goes:d Later!
07-10-2002, 02:49 PM
It sounds like it was someone else besides you (Duh!!). I hope you were not offended in any way. My Grandfather was born in Seeden and I am proud to have that heritage. I am called 'Sweed-Boy' and 'The Sweed" all the time. I take no offense to it whatsoever. Being of one ethnic group or another should not make you any more or less suseptible to racial comments, but yes, I know, it does. That is a sad fact. My point in describing the vehicle was merely for identification purposes. I hope someone finds this guy and lets him in on a clue or two about his behavior. This is a dangerous world. There are all kinds of folks out there waitning for someone to irritate them so they have an excuse to use a firearm. We need to be strong and stay calm in the face of fools and their irresponsible behavior, regardles of their ethnic background, and set an example for others to follow, on and off the road.
Just my $0.02.:tu:
George G.
07-10-2002, 03:01 PM
:d He said "Mexi-L":tongue: And whats this about trading a Gen1 for a Gen2 Ivan? Is this for real? Or is it...:bs
07-10-2002, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by L8 APEX
How dare Doug assume it is Tony just becasue he is Hipanic and drives a white L:nono: His truck is getting a new motor at Lee Jarmon for the past two weeks. So it is in pieces right now. He has a checkered flag print in the rear window not a Mexi flag. Man Doug you are getting it from every site as far as moderating goes:d Later!
Based on the description it sounded like it MIGHT be Tony... White L with a flag of some kind on the back and white rims.... Sounds like Tonys...
With the BS like this that has been floating around the sites I am about 2 heart beats away from pulling the plug on the websites and the moderating... Dont need this kind of **** in my life...
07-10-2002, 04:45 PM
Maybe you could just take a few deep breaths and not take it all so serious. I mean, WTF? Is there some one out there checking in on you to see how well you are moderating this board? Are there restrictions for content coming from somewhere else? I obviously don't know how all this stuff works, but it seems to me, you can run the site any way YOU want. If all this kinda stuff personally bothers you, you should shut it down. If it is too much trouble to keep the occasional miscreant from causing the site to have some kind of legal exposure issue, shut it down. If you're being funded by someone else that monitors the site for content, and they find it offensive, THEY should shut it down. As for the rest of us, we are mostly grown-ups (my wife's opinion notwithstanding) and can defend our own honor if it is besmirched by some high-schooler with daddy's computer. We can choose to use the site or not depending on our individual tastes. We can choose to stoop to the same level as the bigoted, mysoginistic, and/or otherwise mean-spirited half-wits that insult everyone on the planet, or we can ignor them. Problems like that will never go away. Humans are just too easily pulled into bad behavior. But we can refuse to let a few loud voices change the way we conduct ourselves. It's up to you. I really think you should do what's right for you and yours. I just would hate to see this site turn into one that thinks the sky is falling and that we should all stay indoors to keep from getting hit by it. I say bring it on. let's talk about all the things we want to talk about. If I'm not interested, I don't reply. Happens all the time.
07-10-2002, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by TXBLU
Maybe you could just take a few deep breaths and not take it all so serious. I mean, WTF? Is there some one out there checking in on you to see how well you are moderating this board? Are there restrictions for content coming from somewhere else? I obviously don't know how all this stuff works, but it seems to me, you can run the site any way YOU want. If all this kinda stuff personally bothers you, you should shut it down. If it is too much trouble to keep the occasional miscreant from causing the site to have some kind of legal exposure issue, shut it down. If you're being funded by someone else that monitors the site for content, and they find it offensive, THEY should shut it down. As for the rest of us, we are mostly grown-ups (my wife's opinion notwithstanding) and can defend our own honor if it is besmirched by some high-schooler with daddy's computer. We can choose to use the site or not depending on our individual tastes. We can choose to stoop to the same level as the bigoted, mysoginistic, and/or otherwise mean-spirited half-wits that insult everyone on the planet, or we can ignor them. Problems like that will never go away. Humans are just too easily pulled into bad behavior. But we can refuse to let a few loud voices change the way we conduct ourselves. It's up to you. I really think you should do what's right for you and yours. I just would hate to see this site turn into one that thinks the sky is falling and that we should all stay indoors to keep from getting hit by it. I say bring it on. let's talk about all the things we want to talk about. If I'm not interested, I don't reply. Happens all the time.
Dont remember if I have met you or not but...
Yes I do take this seriously. As far as this site goes I pay all the bills. The domain names are mine. Some of the members helped with the cost of the Forum software and 2 supporting vendors help a little with the monthly costs. F150online is owned and managed by Steve Eppinger. He has not given me anything but support so far.
It has been an interesting couple days and I am fully aware that i am letting the miscreants and the idiots on the internet get to me. Seems lately no matter what I do on these sites it ****es someone off...
Just needed to VENT. Sorry
07-10-2002, 06:25 PM
As a branded "Post hore", I think I can speak for most and say we support you 100% ....... :tu:
No need to apologize .... s**t happens!
07-10-2002, 06:25 PM
Damn what is a miscreants? I ain't learned me that werd yet:d Ain't you on vacation Doug? What a shame, I worked for free most of my vacation, my brother needed new brakes calipers, lines, rotors and a starter then mom wanted a shower head replaced:rolleyes: Guess I should have left town. I would say stay on the TALON board we'll be good and not give you any $h*t but that doesn't seem true either:hammer: Take a night off the keyboard and on the bottle:banana: Later D.
07-10-2002, 06:28 PM
He needs to consume more alcohol. I'm always alot happier when I've drunk off my ass watchin banana's wiggle...
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
07-10-2002, 06:28 PM
We havn't met, but maybe we should go have a beer or something some time. You sound like you need to let off some steam. I hope that you don't shut the site down, but if it causes too much pain and anguish, let it go. Don't look back. Life is way too short for you to not have fun. You gotta remember though, there will allways be someone to cause problems. Maybe you could set up some threads to be for members only like FLA L Owners site has. It seems to keep the stuff away from folks that don't want to see/read inflamatory remarks and images. Just a thought. Take care of yourself. Nobody else will do it for you. Poeple are basically just too shallow to care sometimes....
07-10-2002, 06:57 PM
I met Tony in Houston at the FFW event. Cool guy, but this was not his truck. I haven't seen the one I described in the original post before. Just thought someone may know the guy and invite him to an outing. If morons weren't allowed in our club, we would have to get rid of half of our members. :p
07-10-2002, 07:04 PM
Peer pressure, eh? I think that's a good idea. But who am I to talk? RaZor says that nobody else has a Blue L that goes to any of the meetings. Well, I'd go if they were on Wednesdays, or even on Saturday or Sunday. I'm just a poor slob that has to work 4 days a week. Geez, if could just scam one more off-day a week......
07-10-2002, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Logan
He needs to consume more alcohol. I'm always alot happier when I've drunk off my ass watchin banana's wiggle...
Glad I'm pursuing a AS400 system right now. Sounds as though the UNIX dude is splashin' ..... lol :D
Logan, I gotta get with you on a good sit down "bull" session with multiple buckets of beer ..... :tu:
07-10-2002, 07:46 PM
Just remember; You can't drink all day unless you start in the morning:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
07-10-2002, 09:24 PM
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer.....:twitc h:
07-10-2002, 09:40 PM
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm... ttwwiinnss... doh!:hammer:
07-10-2002, 09:50 PM
Like the billboard's to twins! I'll drink to that!
07-10-2002, 09:52 PM
If those are going to be his twins he is IN trouble. Of course they wouldn't get the good looks from him:D
07-11-2002, 09:59 PM
And whats this about trading a Gen1 for a Gen2 Ivan? Is this for real? Or is it...
I think it would be really cool to have a gen 1 and a gen 2 --- besides about the only way I am going to outrun Gorila is with a Gen1 --- he has toooooo much experience in the Gen2 so a kenne bell and 437 inches should get me there:throw: :burnout: :burnout:
07-11-2002, 10:37 PM
You're right. It would be too cool to have a Gen I race truck towed to the track with a Gen II!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
07-11-2002, 10:48 PM
damn...the heat is getting to everyone including me :confused:
I agree...the post was totally not necessary...I almost got cut like I almost got a piece of ass....
nothing happened :hammer:
Doug is doing ONE HELL of a job....someone buy him a beer....
07-12-2002, 10:10 AM
And now from the other side of the fence: someone who tacitly condones driving like a complete moron, and giving the rest of us a less than responsible image......(see last post):throw:
07-12-2002, 10:36 AM
Bad Answer!
#1. Sire, I don't know you...and obviously you don't know me...but my excuse for the "racial epithet". I know Tony personally. I don't appreciate it. Keep your dad gum "almost got hit" scenarios to yourself. If you do get ran in the ditch, make sure to post that I can congratulate you on your professional driving skills. :mad:
who the hell is this guy??????????
07-12-2002, 01:46 PM
Boy, for someone who didn't think the original post was worthy of existing, you sure are crying alot. If you would have read the posts carefully, you would have known that no harm was meant to Tony or that any 'racial epithet' was used or implied. I believe you have read into all this what you wanted to so that you could bash someone else. I'm very sorry that you took any of this the wrong way. Chill a little, will you? No offense was intended. By the way, all the cops I know will give you a really sweet set of citations for what that guy did, whoever he is.;)
07-12-2002, 04:07 PM
There's been more than enough said on this subject. Have a beer and play nice.
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