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04-08-2004, 06:00 PM
I need a quick answer.

What is the gap set at on the plugs in this built motor?


04-08-2004, 06:06 PM
Rob installed those himself. Should be .36-.38 they are gapped to 11.35 @ 121mphknana

04-08-2004, 06:12 PM
Rob installed those himself. Should be .36-.38 they are gapped to 11.35 @ 121mphknana

Geezus Terry.........you really need to get over it:rolleyes: .

Thanks for the info....that is what I was afraid you where going to say....they are gapped to big....I'll explain later.


04-08-2004, 07:59 PM
Geezus Terry.........you really need to get over it:rolleyes: .

Thanks for the info....that is what I was afraid you where going to say....they are gapped to big....I'll explain later.

They're gapped at .032 sir.:tu:


04-08-2004, 08:20 PM
They're gapped at .032 sir.:tu:


You da man Rob!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness.....I was not in the mood to pull them darn things.


04-08-2004, 10:04 PM
Rob installed those himself. Should be .36-.38 they are gapped to 11.35 @ 121mphknana
:rll: :rll: :rll:

04-08-2004, 10:05 PM
Geezus Terry.........you really need to get over it:rolleyes: .

Thanks for the info....that is what I was afraid you where going to say....they are gapped to big....I'll explain later.

:rll: :rll:

04-08-2004, 11:55 PM
Geezus Terry.........you really need to get over it:rolleyes: .

Thanks for the info....that is what I was afraid you where going to say....they are gapped to big....I'll explain later.

Rocks:beer:You just need to accept that it is setup right and put gas in it and race, leave stuff alone:evil

04-09-2004, 12:43 AM
You just need to accept that it is setup right and put gas in it and race, leave stuff alone:evil

Well....crap Terry...I didn't expect to see you posting on this thread anymore. After giving me :bs information on what the plugs are gapped at, I would think you'd maintain a low profile for awhile.



04-09-2004, 12:56 AM
It was just as guess like I typed Rob installed them at the shop I ddin't see them. No need to lay low especially form your big dumb arse you old pill popping bastard:D . Why can't you be normal and drink like the rest of us. The TALON Online drinkin team could use another member:beer:

04-09-2004, 01:03 AM
It was just as guess like I typed Rob installed them at the shop I ddin't see them. No need to lay low especially form your big dumb arse you old pill popping bastard:D . Why can't you be normal and drink like the rest of us. The TALON Online drinkin team could use another member:beer:

I could do both:eek2: .

04-09-2004, 01:08 AM
I could do both:eek2: .Okay we need to get Wayne away from his wife, You, me, bobby, and some young chicks and have a blow out party! Something that went on for days and broke most laws known to manknana :beer: :D I miss my ol buddy Unsane:( :hammer:

04-09-2004, 01:12 AM
Okay we need to get Wayne away from his wife, You, me, bobby, and some young chicks and have a blow out party! Something that went on for days and broke most laws known to manknana :beer: :D I miss my ol buddy Unsane:( :hammer:

OK....but remember...I get the 18 year old:d .

I can't fricking get to sleep....this is crazy...I may end up taking a pill.

04-09-2004, 01:16 AM
OK....but remember...I get the 18 year old:d .

I can't fricking get to sleep....this is crazy...I may end up taking a pill.Yeah we know your kind of 18, Adam can have the 19yr old. I'll go for the more mature party gal:twitch: . As for the pills I am trying to hold off on those until my 30's if I make it that far. We need to create our own desinger drug and call it claw from the members of TALON:evil . Once you try it , you are hooked... Get it claw-hooked:rll: .

04-09-2004, 01:21 AM
....................... Get it claw-hooked:rll: .

Oh man.........set the bottle down and step slowly away from the Crown:eek: .

You have had too much............:rll: .

04-09-2004, 02:49 AM
Okay we need to get Wayne away from his wife, You, me, bobby, and some young chicks and have a blow out party! Something that went on for days and broke most laws known to manknana :beer: :D I miss my ol buddy Unsane:( :hammer:
I agree I could use some time off from working!!! I can hear the shot glasses calling me!:evil