View Full Version : Father Past Away

04-13-2004, 08:09 AM
well as if things couldnt get worse... just got a call that my father had a heart attack and past away late in night last night... This same thing happened to my grandfather about 2 years ago... he was only 63 and dad was only 54...

it was kinda expected... he had been having some problems lately.... but bad thing is he didnt have any life insurance... not that i was expecting some big inheritance... but not really sure on what we are gonna do about funeral and all... Im an only child and im sure his wife has a ton of medical bills, cars, house, etc things to worry about....iv never had to really take care of anything like this before... its hard to even think about that right now, but gotta state the obvious... anyone know anything about this... how do most pay for this... about how much is a funeral and all??

probably gonna have to go out of town soon for the funeral and such... his wife is supposed to get back with me later today...

anyway.... just wanted to say.... treat everyone like its your last day with them... cuz it just might be.... :crying:

04-13-2004, 08:41 AM
Hey bolt

My dad passed away about 2 years ago, and im still feeling it,

if you ever need to talk, my phone is always open just pm me and ill get ya my #

it helps to talk, i learned that

04-13-2004, 09:05 AM
See if he has any veterans benefits. If so he is owed a free burrial. Check to see if he had any coverage from credit card companys. My old man has some small 10K policys from JCpennys, Sears and other CC companys.

04-13-2004, 09:19 AM
well as if things couldnt get worse... just got a call that my father had a heart attack and past away late in night last night... This same thing happened to my grandfather about 2 years ago... he was only 63 and dad was only 54...

it was kinda expected... he had been having some problems lately.... but bad thing is he didnt have any life insurance... not that i was expecting some big inheritance... but not really sure on what we are gonna do about funeral and all... Im an only child and im sure his wife has a ton of medical bills, cars, house, etc things to worry about....iv never had to really take care of anything like this before... its hard to even think about that right now, but gotta state the obvious... anyone know anything about this... how do most pay for this... about how much is a funeral and all??

probably gonna have to go out of town soon for the funeral and such... his wife is supposed to get back with me later today...

anyway.... just wanted to say.... treat everyone like its your last day with them... cuz it just might be.... :crying:

Sorry to hear about your loss Scott:( .

I usually wouldn't bring up money to someone who just lost a member of their family, but since you asked.....I will.

A fellow that worked for me a couple years ago lost his two daughters in an auto accident. He discovered that there are two areas that funeral homes screw you in. The coffin...and the headstone. Both can be purchased without the funeral home making a cut. The coffins had a 10 fold mark up...that's right...10!!!!!!!! The headstones where very close in mark up. The head stone was the easy one to save on. He waited to do the headstone for about 6 months and went direct to the supplier. It cost him about 700 bucks for a headstone that the funeral parler asses wanted darn near 6 grand for. This is when he found out that the coffins would have been about 800-1000 bucks instead of the damned 12 grand for 2 that the funeral parler wacked him for.

The funeral parlor business is very lucrative due to the ease of screwing grief stricken relatives. Most people are so emotionally weakened that they don't even think about negotiating the burial costs.

I have not the slightest idea of how to go about finding the bests costs on these items. I just remember him feeling screwed when he found all this out 6 months after the funerals. Do some internet research and see what you can find.

My condolences to you Scott,


04-13-2004, 09:20 AM
Very sorry about your loss...we will keep you in our prayers

04-13-2004, 09:23 AM

Sorry about your loss. I know it must be hard on youyo hear such news. My grandmother passed away last year, but I don't know the specifics on the cost of all the services. I know it is really not cheap to get a funeral taken care of, unfortunately. I believe my grandmother's funeral was upwards of $5-10K, including funeral home services, cost of the casket, burial plot, etc. I would try to find out if he had any insurance that would help cover this, any saving or 401K he had in holding, or anything of that nature.

Again, sorry to hear about your loss. You've got several shoulders to cry on here, if needbe.


04-13-2004, 09:42 AM
sorry to hear that bro. :o I don't know how you feel, but I can imagine. Taking a few days off of work could help things abit.

04-13-2004, 09:49 AM
Im sorry Scott. If you need help with anything just give me a call.

04-13-2004, 09:58 AM
Sorry to hear about that Scott.

04-13-2004, 10:31 AM
Sorry to hear that man, my mother passed away a little over a year ago, which is why I live(d) with my grandparents. Couldn't tell ya about funeral costs because my mother said to cremate her and throw a big party (happened to be on the hail storm day last year.. april 5th). I wear a necklace that holds her ashes at all times..If ya need anything let us know.

Take Care

04-13-2004, 11:26 AM

I'm sorry to hear your loss. We almost lost Mom back in '86 due to a horrible accident. Mom's an amputee now, so I can sort of relate. :(

Take care and be strong! You're Dad's in a more peaceful place, now.


04-13-2004, 11:26 AM
Sorry to hear about your loss. Like Terry said check about veteran's benefits. Everything else can come out of his estate. When my dad passed, the woman he lived with told us that he didn't even have a will. We checked with our lawyer who checked with her lawyer and her lawyer had one that THEY had drawn up. We ordered everything, then found this out and the funeral director said he would bill the estate, not us. She had to pay, we didn't, but it came out of his estate, so actually dad paid for it all.

04-13-2004, 01:13 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss. Very few vets get free burials these days. Unless he was a decorated war hero about the best you can hope for is a free flag and small (2'x3') marker. Contact Dept. of Veteran's Affairs. Social Security pays a tiny portion (if he was collecting SS) Check with his employer. They might have a policy on him as part of job benefits. Cremation is less expensive (usualy) $1800-$2000 as opposed to $8000-$10,000. Having just buried my step-father two weeks ago these costs should be pretty close. Also, I have learned one thing. You can never have to many copies of a death certificate. Everybody and their dog is going to want a copy. Sorry to sound cold about all this, had I known a few of these things before hand............Sorry about your dad, Be strong. John

04-13-2004, 01:15 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss!

04-13-2004, 01:55 PM

Sorry to hear about your loss. We lost both my father and my wife's father two years ago within 6 months of each other. The cost of my father's funeral was ~$15k and I'm not sure about my father-in-law. He lived in Germany and the cost to fly over there on a minute's notice was very high.

Hang tough and I wish you the best of luck.


04-13-2004, 02:45 PM
Sorry to hear it. :cool:

04-13-2004, 03:33 PM

I am sorry to hear of your loss, as are most of the members of TALON - Stay strong man.


04-13-2004, 04:30 PM

It's tough to lose someone close and a parent is even tougher. My thoughts are with you. I don't know you although I may have met you at one of the few events I've attended. I am over the men's ministry at my church, which doesn't qualify me for anything except I've been through this with others. It hurts and sometimes you feel like it's just not fair. If there is anything I could say here I would. Hang in there.

====== Insurance Points ======
As for the costs of the funeral... just do what most of the guys said. You may find something there.

For the rest of y'all out there. Burial insurance is real cheap or it may be called final needs. In either case it's a simple life insurance plan for an amount not to exceed typically 25k. You can use it for expenses like bringing in a family member or whatever is needed once the policyholder passes away. Make sure your parents have it and if you don't have life insurance you should get it.

If any of y'all got questions let me know. I got my insurance license a couple of years ago and my wife and I focus on seniors however we can sell to whomever we want. I don't know all the answers but I can certainly find them.

I can't tell you how many people say I'll borrow the money when it's needed instead of getting a policy like this. That just doesn't make sense. Insurance does not require a credit check (normally) and it is far cheaper than a loan for the costs, plus you don't have to pay on it afterwards.

Enough said. Hopefully you guys have a life and health insurance agent you can call. Just do it if you don't have anything. It is cheap and certainly helps in times like this.


04-13-2004, 05:10 PM
I'm sorry to hear the news also.

TP Derrick D
04-13-2004, 11:26 PM
Sorry to here that. The loss of a loved one is never easy.

04-14-2004, 08:11 AM

I'm sorry for your loss. We will keep you in our prayers.

Take Care,

04-14-2004, 08:25 AM
Scott - Sorry to hear about your loss.


04-14-2004, 04:14 PM
Scott - sincerely sorry for you and your families loss. Trust in God and each other, as all things happen for specific reasons, I believe.

As Terry mentioned above, the VA has benefits for veterans, including burials with military honors and headstones, which can all be arranged through the funeral home. Hope this information gets to you in time, so that you can take advantage of what your dad deserves at a minimum for protecting his country and our rights. Check it out. Best wishes - Mike


04-14-2004, 06:06 PM
my padre passed many moons ago. i was pretty young too, but i remember it vividly like it was yesterday. even though it was over 10 years ago i still miss him, but im ok with it. Time heals all wounds.