View Full Version : S. Arlington Hooters in Jeopardy

04-13-2004, 04:28 PM
The Arlington city council has decided to suspend Hooters liquor license (has been for the last six weeks) because the feel that the skimpy:rolleyes: attire and the sale of beer constitute a "volatile cocktail".:confused:

Alcohol sales as you know is the life blood of any restaurant. If the license is not reinstated Hooters will shut down. The decision goes before the city council this Thursday.

Here's what you can do to save my home away from home and one of our favorite monthly meeting places. Email any of the following and tell them you want a right to chose where you eat and drink and don't want others opposing their beliefs on you. Please respond professionally.

Council member Joe Bruner- brunerj@ci.arlington.tx.us
Council member Bill McFadin- mcfadinb@ci.arlington.tx.us

Council member Wayne Ogle- oglew@ci.arlington.tx.us

Council member Kathryn Wilemon- wilemonk@ci.arlington.tx.us

Council member Steve McCollum- mccollums@ci.arlington.tx.us

Council member Ron Wright- wrightr@ci.arlington.tx.us (wrightr@ci.arlington.tx.us)

Council member Gene Patrick- patrickg@ci.arlington.tx.us

State Representative Bill Zedler - bill.zedler@house.state.tx.us

04-13-2004, 06:22 PM
Emails sent. I heard a radio commercial about this yesterday on the EDGE. What a crock. :bs

04-13-2004, 06:42 PM
WTF!!!:flaming: What am I going todo without my Hooters Girlz!!!:bows I sent an E-mail to all of them!:tu:

04-13-2004, 09:29 PM
Sent, bitches:Bullshit :beer:.
Hank would spit some Beach Nut in that dudes eye:cool:

04-15-2004, 08:03 PM
1st round appeal denied by Fort Worth judge today to reinstate liquor license-:bs

Free beer continues until its gone (Coors, Coors Light, and MGD are left).:beer:

Hooters VP stated he'll take it to the State, District and Supreme courts if needed-they're not backing down:nono:

04-15-2004, 08:31 PM
Man this is all a load of :Bullshit There are so many other places that sell beer in the area.

04-15-2004, 11:50 PM
It's all Janet Jackson's fault. :mad:

She's the one that got all this bible thumping started.

04-16-2004, 12:12 AM
It's all Janet Jackson's fault. :mad:

She's the one that got all this bible thumping started.
That Hooters was in trouble LONG before Janet showed off her pierced nipple

We live in the bible belt - Alcohol is the root of all evil


04-16-2004, 09:42 AM
Does this mean the location on N Collins is next???

04-16-2004, 04:09 PM
Does this mean the location on N Collins is next???
Nope that location or the 31 other locations in Texas are not at risk.

Doesn't really make sense does it:confused:

04-16-2004, 09:48 PM
Russ Martin talked about it today, He had the ex. v/p of hooters on his show. This guy was saying that were going to fight it all the way. And were going to keep on serving more free beer:beer: