View Full Version : Some people have ALL the fun !

04-15-2004, 05:08 PM
Check THESE .mpegs out - better have broad-band! :cool: I "happened" across them today and thought I would post-up:

http://www.talkmilitary.com/mirror/goboom.mpeg (http://www.talkmilitary.com/mirror/goboom.mpeg)

http://content.collegehumor.com/media/movies/vehcicle_barrier.wmv (http://content.collegehumor.com/media/movies/vehcicle_barrier.wmv)

In the first, pay attention to the chunks of the Iraqi tanks/APCs bouncing across the desert after they're hit by the Harriers, etc. with High-Explosives, etc. Kick-ass editing and camera-work, all around!
Hat's off to our military personnel in Iraq! knana I need to go see POD the next time they're in town.

The second, notice how HARD that concrete wall buckles and how HIGH the rear-end goes in the air when that dump-truck hits it at speed!

Crazy sh#t! :eek2: :bows


04-15-2004, 05:37 PM
may 4th POD :) nice vids though

04-15-2004, 07:27 PM
who or what is pod? :confused:

04-15-2004, 08:14 PM
alternative/rock band..they're actually christian...not bad.

04-15-2004, 08:25 PM
who or what is pod? :confused:

It's actually P.O.D. : http://www.payableondeath.com/news/index.php

The P.O.D. tracks: Alive, Rock the Party, South Town, Boom, etc. are pretty good, too. IMO.

The background track is "Eternal" on the url above. Very relaxing.

You taken the Black Beast out of winter-storage yet ?


04-17-2004, 04:07 AM

It's actually P.O.D. : http://www.payableondeath.com/news/index.php

The P.O.D. tracks: Alive, Rock the Party, South Town, Boom, etc. are pretty good, too. IMO.

The background track is "Eternal" on the url above. Very relaxing.

You taken the Black Beast out of winter-storage yet ?


I got the Black One out on the first day of a thaw. It had to spend a few more days back inside due to snow, but everyday that I could drive her, I did. It was in the mid 70s here yesterday and it was nice driving around with the windows down.
I had a doc we are recruiting in the truck and he is a car guy. He just let go of an older RX-7 but it had been modded. We were cruising down I90 at about 100 and he was really enjoying it. Most folks up here havent seen or heard of a L, so its always a new experience for them. I am just about to hit 21k miles and my tires just dont grab the way they used to, so my burnouts are a lot better right now, but the throw you back in the seat quotient is lower due to tire spin.. cant wait to do a hand wash and wax on her. Will prob have to wait until I move into the new house though.