View Full Version : Brake advice please

04-29-2004, 03:40 PM
Guys... about 5,000 miles ago I turned the fronts and put new pads on and I have what appear to be hot spots on the rotors and I don't know why. no pulsating during braking so there is no warping but I do get a grabbing sometimes while braking, not always though.

This is the first turn for the rotors and they are Brembo OEM replacement from Tire Rack. Same thing happened when I put them on new but it took maybe 8k - 10k in miles.

The pads are the NAPA Ceramic pads that every says to use.

At this point I am going to have to turn them again and that will be it. I know everytime we turn rotors they heat up faster and warp sooner.

OBTW: Brake in procedures were followed to the letter.

I've been working on my cars for a long time and I am blown away on this. I know I need to flush the brake fluid but that would cause this would it?




Tex Arcana
04-29-2004, 04:43 PM
When you did your brake work, why did you do it in the first place? That information would be helpful.

As it stands, it looks like you've got pad binder material "cemented" into the rotor itself. Some types of pads, especially when you overheat them (say, in a track event), and you hold the pedal down and the pads remain in contact with the hot rotor. Once the "cementite" begins building up, there is pretty much no hope for getting rid of it, because the pad material has actually migrated into the crystalline structure of the iron, and no amount of machining can get rid of it.

If this is the case, the rotors will need replacing.

More information here: http://www.stoptech.com/technical/ Excellent information on brakes in general, including problems, fluids, and pads/rotors and upgrade kits.

04-29-2004, 04:52 PM
I turned them and put new pads on because of the same issue. The only constant here are the pads from NAPA. The rotors were new and this is the first time they were turned. As for prolonged braking... I work out of my home and don't even drive in traffic. So nothing out of the ordinary.I had them turned here in Frisco at Firestone and they do sometype or orbital turn to them... but that wouldn't explain the first time this happened since the rotors were new.

I didn't wash the rotors with soap and water this time and they didn't look like they needed to be. You think that might be it? I guess it could be lubricant left on the rotor... I don't know.

Tex Arcana
04-29-2004, 05:15 PM
I turned them and put new pads on because of the same issue. The only constant here are the pads from NAPA. The rotors were new and this is the first time they were turned. As for prolonged braking... I work out of my home and don't even drive in traffic. So nothing out of the ordinary.I had them turned here in Frisco at Firestone and they do sometype or orbital turn to them... but that wouldn't explain the first time this happened since the rotors were new.

I didn't wash the rotors with soap and water this time and they didn't look like they needed to be. You think that might be it? I guess it could be lubricant left on the rotor... I don't know.

Read up on the link... that can explain it a lot better than I can. How many miles are on the truck? This issue, if it's less than 36k/3 years, should have been a warranty issue.

04-30-2004, 11:10 AM
Nope... 60k on it today and over 40k when I did the first brake job.

Besides, the stock rotors were toasted during an SVT On Track event... well maybe not completely but it sure did contribute to the problem.

Tex Arcana
04-30-2004, 02:12 PM
Nope... 60k on it today and over 40k when I did the first brake job.

Besides, the stock rotors were toasted during an SVT On Track event... well maybe not completely but it sure did contribute to the problem.

Aaaahhh.. now we're getting somewhere... When was the event, what sort of event, and how hot did you get them?? :D

05-01-2004, 02:42 PM
Sorry... not trying to confuse you on the track event. Those rotors were replaced with the Brembo's that I am having the trouble with now.

Tex Arcana
05-01-2004, 04:00 PM
Sorry... not trying to confuse you on the track event. Those rotors were replaced with the Brembo's that I am having the trouble with now.
Where did you get said rotors? From whom? Direct from Brembo, or from a middleman?

05-03-2004, 09:04 AM
Got them from Tire Rack.

Tex Arcana
05-03-2004, 09:21 AM
Got them from Tire Rack.
Where in Frisco do you live? I'd be glad to get together with you and chek them out.

05-03-2004, 10:55 AM
Off the 16th hole on the Plantation golf course. Which is not too far from "quad c"

Tex Arcana
05-03-2004, 01:36 PM
Off the 16th hole on the Plantation golf course. Which is not too far from "quad c"
Wow.. next time I play a round, I'll send a ball thru your... well, nevermind... :p

PM me, and I'll give you a number to call me at, and we'll get together and look 'em over...