View Full Version : Charity Laps, TMS...

Tex Arcana
05-09-2004, 12:29 AM
...was a great time had by all!! It wasn't as fun as it was last year, at least by most accounts, but we al had fun anyway, and the presence of the SVTTexas crew made it a nice number of true enthusiasts having a good time. We had a great mix of Lightnings, Mustangs, and even a couple of Miatas. On the run with the Ls, we had an SRT-10 lined up with us (and I think it was the one who got pwnd but tliss at the dragstrip, even), who ended up geting pwnd a bit by the L faithful. knana

Yours truly, however, ended up at the front of the line, right behind the pace car, and had little to no fun. :( I got thru 2 laps, when my camera mount dropped off the glass (didn't hurt the camera), so I adjusted the rearview mirror, and saw the gang running back and forth thru the crowd. WHen I tried to slow down to drop back and get myself a bit of fun, the bloody pace car dropped back as well!! Drat! :( But, my sacrifice gave the rest a chance to run and gun, so it was worth it! AS soon as I can find a host (any suggestions would be most welcome) I'll post my vid. It's about 2 minutes of track and the azz-end of the pace car, then it falling off the window, so it's a bit boring, but the fall is fun. :tongue:

I didn't get to break into triple-digits, but the drive was fun, and the camaraderie was excellent. THanks to all who participated, I think we all had a great time. Thanks to the SVT Texas gang who showed as well, we enjoyed your company, and dinner was great as well. :bows

Can't wait to do this again!

Tex, aka John

Tex Arcana
05-09-2004, 12:32 AM
More pics:

05-09-2004, 09:44 AM
Agreed was a Lot of fun, Looking forward to next year.

05-09-2004, 09:52 AM
Agreed was a Lot of fun, Looking forward to next year.
You don't have to wait that long. There's another one in September!!


05-09-2004, 10:01 AM
Tex, it was good to finally meet you! Definitely good to put a face with the name.

For the rest of you, let me tell you a little story.

First, many Lightnings showed up for the event. Not as many as we would have liked, but what can you do??

Lo and behold, the SRT-10 made a guest appearance for a few more Lightning strikes...this time on the big oval...

For two laps he was behind Tex and in front of me...I figured I'd follow the rules, be a nice guy and not pass. So I sat and looked at the ugly ass end of that thing.

Getting tired of looking at the towel rack on the back of that thing, a few of us decided to go, Sayle first, then I went, then Michael....where did that SRT-10 go??

Oh, there it is! Behind the Lightnings, where it belongs!

Moral of the story? You may drive an SRT-10, but you'll be outnumbered and overpowered by the Lightnings. 500HP.....are you sure there isn't a typo in the results??:d

And of course, my thoughts on the matter:


05-09-2004, 10:57 AM
I must say I had a great time, I was grinning from ear to ear :D , but three laps was over in a flash. Next time I will definitely get there earlier and go on at least two runs. We should also try to stage with a bunch of fast cars/trucks and get us a rabbit to throw off the pace car.

Running with the modded L's out there only made my itch to go faster even worse.

THANKS GUYS!!!! :rolleyes: (said sarcastically) Like I needed it to get any worse.

Dinner and the comradarie was fun especially after "outrunning" :nono: the cops radars. LOL Well all of us but one. My sympathy's go out to ya, it could have been any one of us (or ALL of us).

See y'all soon. tommy

05-09-2004, 11:19 AM
We will definetly be there in september it that is the case. You forgot to post pics. of the school bus so here is one in the waiting line.


05-09-2004, 11:24 AM
What rules are you talking about Tom. Are you not suppose to pass another driver?

Who was the lucky dog to get the ticket hung in his ass?

It sounds like everyone had a good time....I wish I could have made it.:cool:


05-09-2004, 12:30 PM
What rules are you talking about Tom. Are you not suppose to pass another driver?

Who was the lucky dog to get the ticket hung in his ass?

It sounds like everyone had a good time....I wish I could have made it.:cool:

There is a rule on the flier they give you that says no passing. We are also supposed to keep up with the pace car, not let him get 1/4 of the track on us to do a little ass-hauling. Oh well, rules are meant to be broken.

As for the ticket, well I'll let that person make the decision on providing their identity.


05-09-2004, 12:38 PM
There is a rule on the flier they give you that says no passing. We are also supposed to keep up with the pace car, not let him get 1/4 of the track on us to do a little ass-hauling. Oh well, rules are meant to be broken.

As for the ticket, well I'll let that person make the decision on providing their identity.


I never recieved a flier! that's my excuse and im sticking to it! lol

05-09-2004, 02:59 PM
How fast did some of you get to go? I saw that Ronald was only able to get to 105 before fear took over:rolleyes: . How about some of you speed demons? Let's hear some numbers guys.


05-09-2004, 03:18 PM
How fast did some of you get to go? I saw that Ronald was only able to get to 105 before fear took over:rolleyes: . How about some of you speed demons? Let's hear some numbers guys.

The highest I heard was 120. I made it to about 110-115.


05-09-2004, 04:33 PM
Uncle Rocks,

That 105 blast was my 2nd lap or so around the oval. I had a Camaro and Mustang on my 6 o'clock and the were weaving back and forth going into the banks - not knowing what they were going to try to pull.

In retrospect, I wish I had stayed on the throttle longer and braked later, but wanted to "weigh the risk/benefit". Brake late - dive deep ! :nana2 I did throttle back on that heads-up video way early when I said I was doing 100~.

Besides, I have it from a VERY reliable source that the first time you were about to go down the 1/4 mile, you could barely hold a cigarette! :eek: :rll: :d


PS: I was that "lucky dog". :cool:

How fast did some of you get to go? I saw that Ronald was only able to get to 105 before fear took over:rolleyes: . How about some of you speed demons? Let's hear some numbers guys.


05-09-2004, 06:44 PM
My first go at the 3 laps, I got up to 110-115 a couple of times and broke 120 on the last lap while passing the SRT10.. But that pace car started to sweat the ford grill getting bigger and bigger.

The second go at 3 laps just sucked cause they were being anal about the speed (tried to keep us under 60). On the last lap I just passed the pace truck (they were for speed control towards the back) and he started giving me some static so i pushed it a lil bit more. Then he started accelerating and yelling at me, so I nailed it coming out of corner #1. He started honking and turned his flashing lamps on. Needless to say I left him feeling insignificant.... and slow

Then he caught up and was yelling for me to get off the track, I guess he didn't count the laps cause it was time to exit anyhow haha.. I suppose he did realize it eventually cause he almost hit my truck several times as I was exiting... Then he told the exiting officials that "I floored it" :eek: OMG, WHY WOULD I DO THAT???

I can go 50-60 on a highway, I didn't pay to drive slower than I do on the highway..

The first run made the trip worth it and I'm glad I went.. But I believe once is enough...until they let loose a little.

05-09-2004, 09:31 PM
There is a rule on the flier they give you that says no passing.
Flyer...we don't need know stinking flyer- I only hit 106 after Sayle pissed the officials off and they started blocking us:rolleyes:

05-09-2004, 09:36 PM
Time for defensive driving Ronald:rll: ................

That sucks about them trying to hold the speed so slow. I was about half way thinking they would do that.

I can see them wanting to keep it safe, but 60 seems a bit silly.


Tex Arcana
05-09-2004, 10:10 PM
Uncle Rocks,

That 105 blast was my 2nd lap or so around the oval. I had a Camaro and Mustang on my 6 o'clock and the were weaving back and forth going into the banks - not knowing what they were going to try to pull.

In retrospect, I wish I had stayed on the throttle longer and braked later, but wanted to "weigh the risk/benefit". Brake late - dive deep ! :nana2 I did throttle back on that heads-up video way early when I said I was doing 100~.

Besides, I have it from a VERY reliable source that the first time you were about to go down the 1/4 mile, you could barely hold a cigarette! :eek: :rll: :d


PS: I was that "lucky dog". :cool:
Dude, when'd you get tagged?? Was that why you never made it to Saltgrass?? :( Man, I'm sorry.. me and Tommy caught up with the group before they got to 121, and we didn't have any hits on the detectors.

05-09-2004, 10:33 PM
cough you and Dru.

2 v1's...see it's a psychological thing, we both had v1's and it just makes the cops vanish.

Dinner was awesome, had a great time at the track with you guys, any pics of the bus?

05-09-2004, 11:30 PM
Flyer...we don't need know stinking flyer- I only hit 106 after Sayle pissed the officials off and they started blocking us:rolleyes:

haha, the officials jumped on you guys cause you and jeff were gettin after it at the end of the first curve. Luckily I was just ahead of you guys and got to play a lil. I didn't get static until the last lap.

05-10-2004, 12:53 AM

About 30-45 min. or so after you left. Yep, that put a BIG damper on the evening. :(

The only indication I got was a white cruiser pulling out of the bushes and the "party lights" in the rear-view.:rolleyes:

I think Laney just found herself a high-tech compass. :hammer:


Dude, when'd you get tagged?? Was that why you never made it to Saltgrass?? :( Man, I'm sorry.. me and Tommy caught up with the group before they got to 121, and we didn't have any hits on the detectors.

Tex Arcana
05-10-2004, 09:42 AM

About 30-45 min. or so after you left. Yep, that put a BIG damper on the evening. :(

The only indication I got was a white cruiser pulling out of the bushes and the "party lights" in the rear-view.:rolleyes:

I think Laney just found herself a high-tech compass. :hammer:

I have two words for ya: DEFENSIVE DRIVING! Those words are your friends, use them well, and when you are done, send the certificate to your insurance for a discount. :D

05-10-2004, 10:11 AM
cough you and Dru.

2 v1's...see it's a psychological thing, we both had v1's and it just makes the cops vanish.

Dinner was awesome, had a great time at the track with you guys, any pics of the bus?
Here is the two that I have of the bus on the tarck :beer:

Bowtie Killer
05-10-2004, 10:25 AM
Wow, what a great time. It was nice to meet some of you L guys. Maybe need time I'll leave the Cobra at home and bring the HD. I must say how Kick ASS you guys sounded dragging down the back straight. :tu: I got the finger pointed at me for blasting by the pace truck and giving him the blast of a Cobra flat to the floor, then weaving through traffic :evil All in All had a great time

Tex Arcana
05-10-2004, 11:33 AM
Wow, what a great time. It was nice to meet some of you L guys. Maybe need time I'll leave the Cobra at home and bring the HD. I must say how Kick ASS you guys sounded dragging down the back straight. :tu: I got the finger pointed at me for blasting by the pace truck and giving him the blast of a Cobra flat to the floor, then weaving through traffic :evil All in All had a great time
Dude, we all thoroughly enjoyed your attendance... thanks to you, Daron and Leah, and <??? I forget his name?> for coming to help flesh out our numbers. Dinner was excellent, and the fireworks show afterward (thoughtfully provided by your Cobra during the run home, as you went thru dips and such :d ) was great as well.

Hopefully, we can do this again soon!

05-10-2004, 12:13 PM

That was my L you left the note on in the parking lot of Walmart and thanks for the invitation although I wasn't able to make it.

Sounds like I missed a lot of fun. :(


Tex Arcana
05-10-2004, 12:21 PM

That was my L you left the note on in the parking lot of Walmart and thanks for the invitation although I wasn't able to make it.

Sounds like I missed a lot of fun. :(


SOrry for the horrid penmanship, but I thought I'd extend the invitation, not knowing you're in the club. (shrug) Wish you could've made it!