View Full Version : Hurst OfficeMax ROCKS!

05-17-2004, 09:36 PM
Today I had a really amazing experience at OfficeMax in Hurst at Pipeline and 820N.
I go in there today to get this digital camera that they had on sale only to find that it was sold out. Instead of letting me walk away, the associate tells me to pick an equivelent camera and she will adjust the price. WHOA! :eek:
So I pick up the only other 5 megapixel camera they had which was an Olympus C-50 and the price was $200 higher. Also included in the deal was an extra 256 meg card. On the "sale" camera it was an SD card but on the Olympus it's an XD card which is a lot more $. So I get a $500 camera and a $120 xd card for $400. But wait, there's more. I had in my wallet a $15 off coupon to office depot (the competition) for any purchase over $100. They took that off too!
So for $385 +tax I got a $620 set-up. :beer:

So I go home pretty damn happy with the deal, hand my better half "her gift" ;) and go sit down at my desk. Then I realize, something is seriously wrong with my chair. It's leaning sideways. I look underneath and on of the welds is tearing apart on the seat plate. :flaming: Damn, I just bought this chair last November. I know I bought the extended warranty because I break a chair about every 16 months, Amstel be damned!
Anyway, I can't find the receipt to save my life. I think this sucker is headed for the curb and I'll have to through down another $200 on a chair today.
I call Office Max where I just was and just happens to be where I bought the chair and they say bring it in. I take it up there, the manager looks at it, asks me what I paid for it and I tell her that I am certain I bought the warranty but the receipt is nowhere to be found.
Based 100% on my word, she gives me a brand new chair. I pay another $20 for 3 more years of warranty and out the door I go.

This is what customer service is all about my friends. If everybody operated like this I would probably have more hair. :tongue:

OfficeMax in Hurst definitely will be getting more of my business in the future.

05-23-2004, 11:37 AM
Wow. :tu: