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05-22-2004, 08:24 PM
Can't remember what the numbers were, but they were big. :eek:


Mark #2
05-22-2004, 08:42 PM
Can't remember what the numbers were, but they were big. :eek:


You know, you would think that an engineer would be smart enough to post pictures, but I'm not, and I have a hotter chip too. I will send Dennis an e-mail with the charts when I'm not on my home dial up

Thanks Dennis. Too bad we didn't get a video of the death grip of the 427 Corvette owner on the "Oh ****" handle when I gave him a ride.:)

Oh, and I stopped by the Acura dealer on the way home to see if they were trying to rip us off , and I am glad to report that I'm very proud of the SO for breaking all three of motor mounts on her hot rod. See thinks she's bad on the 0 to 60 street race.


05-22-2004, 10:30 PM
That Silver L sounds almost as good as the red ones!!

All kidding aside, that sounds really strongknana

05-24-2004, 01:01 PM
Lets see those dyno sheets!

05-24-2004, 01:40 PM
Trying to post up the sheets.

05-24-2004, 01:42 PM
WOW! :eek:

Mark #2
05-24-2004, 01:48 PM
Trying to post up the sheets.
Number 1 is no chip, CUX2 with a 90MAF :nono:
Number 2 is chip street side, 14 degrees timing.:(
Number 3 is chip race side, 20 degrees timing.:beer:

All comments welcome, especially on the A/Fs and curves.

15 psi boost on all, stock bottom end.

05-24-2004, 02:30 PM
That rich spike in the race program looks a little weird. You can see where the tq and hp start a decline then pick back up on the curve after it goes back lean again.

That street tune is all over the place and its so rich that there is no tellin!

That no chip run is pretty impressive!!

Is that a JDM chip?
Did you decide not to try a Swanson chip?

Mark #2
05-24-2004, 02:41 PM
That rich spike in the race program looks a little weird. You can see where the tq and hp start a decline then pick back up on the curve after it goes back lean again.

That street tune is all over the place and its so rich that there is no tellin!

That no chip run is pretty impressive!!

Is that a JDM chip?
Did you decide not to try a Swanson chip?
Agree, street is weird,
No chip truck actually drives the best.
I think the race program is out of injector or fuel pump.

05-24-2004, 05:52 PM
My dyno vid and graph from last Saturday at Speedworks. Kind of lame compared to Mark's, but not bad for a 4# pulley and 80,000+ miles (stock block/transmission). The A/F is right where I wanted it to be (thanks Danny).You'll notice the torque converter lockup at WOT on the video. Anxious to see how much that 2400 stall helps at the track. :cool:



05-25-2004, 02:37 AM

That graph looks almost exactly like my last set from about 3 months ago. I got a little higher hp and tq but I am about a full point leaner on the race side. Swanson knows his stuff. I am still glad I listened to your advise and switched, I couldnt be happier. :d

05-25-2004, 09:49 AM
Here is a dyno of my truck..


05-25-2004, 10:42 AM
Interesting A/F. Similar to Mark's in that it looks like the fuel delivery system (injectors/pump) are maxed out at about 4800 rpm. Also an interesting comparison at 486 rwhp between a KB blower and nitrous.

Also looks eerily similar to some guy's chart that use to drink these huge margaritas at Bonedaddy's. :cool:

Mark #2
05-25-2004, 11:21 AM
Also looks eerily similar to some guy's chart that use to drink these huge margaritas at Bonedaddy's. :cool:Yeah, that's what I thought too. Is this two stages of nitrous? If we had the raw data we could calculate the area under the curves.

J.D. Blackwell
05-25-2004, 01:42 PM
Mark, nice #'s. Could be a lot better if you had a better air/fuel curve. That 3rd run would be over 500/550 if the air/fuel didn't drop to 10:1.

But for some reason I think the torque #'s should be way higher....like 600+

05-25-2004, 02:27 PM
Also looks eerily similar to some guy's chart that use to drink these huge margaritas at Bonedaddy's. :cool:
Uses the same avatar I think too....

Mark #2
05-25-2004, 03:19 PM
Mark, nice #'s. Could be a lot better if you had a better air/fuel curve. That 3rd run would be over 500/550 if the air/fuel didn't drop to 10:1.

But for some reason I think the torque #'s should be way higher....like 600+

Could be due to the the 3.55 gears for a lower torque #?

J.D. Blackwell
05-25-2004, 04:02 PM
Could be due to the the 3.55 gears for a lower torque #?

That wouldn't make enough difference to tell. I was thinking it might be something else besides the air/fuel curve, but it might just be the whole reason cause the curve.

Do you have a mods list? If I recall you have everything done but a built bottom end, correct? And what who programmed your chip? That fat curve needs to be fixed. Looks like that wil loose you a good .1 + the way it is now.

What was the tempeture and humidity on that run? How long did you let the blower cool down before that run and did you ice your plenum/blower before that run? If not, that is a big reason you didn't see more torque.

J.D. Blackwell
05-25-2004, 04:22 PM

I do not like any of those air/fuel curves on those 3 runs with that stock bottom end. It scares me. I been there done that. This one is ok, but before 4,000rpms, it is to lean in my opinion.

I didn't steer you wrong last year at Hallsville when I told you to change that chip after looking at your dyno sheets did I?:)

Mark #2
05-25-2004, 04:37 PM
That wouldn't make enough difference to tell. I was thinking it might be something else besides the air/fuel curve, but it might just be the whole reason cause the curve.

Do you have a mods list? If I recall you have everything done but a built bottom end, correct? And what who programmed your chip? That fat curve needs to be fixed. Looks like that wil loose you a good .1 + the way it is now.

What was the tempeture and humidity on that run? How long did you let the blower cool down before that run and did you ice your plenum/blower before that run? If not, that is a big reason you didn't see more torque.

This is the same chip I ran the 11.80 on before the long tubes and high flow cats, however on another dyno the air fuels looked much leaner.
Speedworks is the only one I trust now.

About 11:00am on Sat morning Temp about 75 humidity about 60%? 1/2 hour cool down no ice.


J.D. Blackwell
05-25-2004, 04:47 PM
This is the same chip I ran the 11.80 on before the long tubes and high flow cats, however on another dyno the air fuels looked much leaner.
Speedworks is the only one I trust now.

About 11:00am on Sat morning Temp about 75 humidity about 60%? 1/2 hour cool down no ice.


Hmmm, must be different gas or weather change or something cause I am not getting it......Same chip as 11.80 run, the curve is richer now with the longtubes on and was leaner with the stock exhaust? Something isn't adding up, should be leaner now with the longtubes. What chip is it? I would get a reburn.
You got the sheet of the old dyno run to show?

Mark #2
05-25-2004, 04:53 PM
Hmmm, must be different gas or weather change or something cause I am not getting it......Same chip as 11.80 run, the curve is richer now with the longtubes on and was leaner with the stock exhaust? Something isn't adding up, should be leaner now with the longtubes. What chip is it? I would get a reburn.
You got the sheet of the old dyno run to show?
Gas: 104 same.
Dyno: Different.

I'll take some pics tonight of the old dyno's and post tomorrow.


05-25-2004, 08:42 PM

Did you do any data logging on those pulls. I am wondering about your MAF readings. You may be peeking the meter.


05-26-2004, 06:22 AM
Also looks eerily similar to some guy's chart that use to drink these huge margaritas at Bonedaddy's. :cool:

If thats Wayne your referring too then yes it is similar cause I'm the guy that bought his old truck. Thats the truck in the avatar aswell. :)

Mark #2
05-26-2004, 04:20 PM
Dynos with the same chip, but without headers and high flow cats.
Different dyno too.
http://www.talonclub.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=895[url="http://www.talonclub.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=895"] (http://www.talonclub.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=894)

J.D. Blackwell
05-26-2004, 04:48 PM
Hmmm, must be the air and dyno that change it up a bit. I am scared of those air/fuel curves on those 2 links that you just posted too. I guess I didn't look at them good when I saw them last. I was looking more at the power curves.

I would defienetly get a reburn. With this heat and those air/fuel #'s, it looks scary to me. You need a air/fuel curve just like this blue line dyno sheet below. But, if it were me, I would have the air/fuel a hair under 12:1 to be safe. I don't understand the sudden amount of more fuel on your other 3 previous runs and then lean back out. Its needs to fall down to 12 and under and stay pretty much flat after 3,500 or so.

Whoever burns your chip, I would send those previous dyno sheets to them, and see what they say and get their opinion. Might be a glitch in the chip, I had that happen before. Also, it might....might be one or both of the front O2 sensors. I had that happen to me too before too. Sorry I couldn't be more help, but you defintely need that fixed.


J.D. Blackwell
05-26-2004, 04:50 PM
I forgot to say if you are running 100+ octane your air/fuel curve can up at 12.5-12.8 With pump gas (93), It ought to be right under 12 like at 11.7 or so. Just my opinion.

Mark #2
05-26-2004, 05:01 PM
Thanks for the discussion, I've been through so many re-burns, I'm just tired of it.

05-26-2004, 09:38 PM
Just a thought on the variance in MAX torque numbers....aside from the obvious difference in the tune from one pull to the next...

There can be HUGE differences in MAX torque readings from one pull to the next (even with NO changes in the tuning) due to the correlation of the dyno operator's right foot depressing the "GO" pedal in reference to the moment he presses the green "START" button on the remote he's holding in his hand.

The computer(dyno) begins logging the data from the rollers at the instant the green button is pressed. If the operators' foot does not reach the floor until AFTER the button is pressed, then it can easily skew the MAX torque numbers to the low side.

I've noticed that at Speedworks, they tend to depress the accelerator more slowly, so the pull usually comes on more gradually. This method WILL produce LOWER MAX torque numbers, as OPPOSED to taking the engine to around 3200-3300 RPM('01-'04 probably a lil' higher for '99-'00 guys to prevent the dreaded KICKDOWN), levling off, then NAILING the throttle and "Start" button SIMULTANEOUSLY. This produces more accurate MAX torque numbers, because it is measuring the engine's ability to turn the rollers at WOT from 3300 RPM on up -VS- the operator hitting the button at 3300, BUT his foot not hitting WOT until 4000 RPM(well past the engine's peak torque RPM).

This method(Speedworks) does not skew the MAX HP #'s as bad, because the accelerator is at WOT long before the engine reaches its peak HP RPM, so it still has plenty of time to build power.

Finally, I'm not saying that Speedworks is not a good place to dyno. The main reason to dyno is to ensure your A/F is in good shape, and Speedwork's dyno is probably one of the more trustworthy dyno's in DFW for that reason alone, IMHO. Just an observation. Sorry so long.:o


05-26-2004, 10:08 PM
Just a thought on the variance in MAX torque numbers....aside from the obvious difference in the tune from one pull to the next...

There can be HUGE differences in MAX torque readings from one pull to the next (even with NO changes in the tuning) due to the correlation of the dyno operator's right foot depressing the "GO" pedal in reference to the moment he presses the green "START" button on the remote he's holding in his hand.

The computer(dyno) begins logging the data from the rollers at the instant the green button is pressed. If the operators' foot does not reach the floor until AFTER the button is pressed, then it can easily skew the MAX torque numbers to the low side.

I've noticed that at Speedworks, they tend to depress the accelerator more slowly, so the pull usually comes on more gradually. This method WILL produce LOWER MAX torque numbers, as OPPOSED to taking the engine to around 3200-3300 RPM('01-'04 probably a lil' higher for '99-'00 guys to prevent the dreaded KICKDOWN), levling off, then NAILING the throttle and "Start" button SIMULTANEOUSLY. This produces more accurate MAX torque numbers, because it is measuring the engine's ability to turn the rollers at WOT from 3300 RPM on up -VS- the operator hitting the button at 3300, BUT his foot not hitting WOT until 4000 RPM(well past the engine's peak torque RPM).

This method(Speedworks) does not skew the MAX HP #'s as bad, because the accelerator is at WOT long before the engine reaches its peak HP RPM, so it still has plenty of time to build power.

Finally, I'm not saying that Speedworks is not a good place to dyno. The main reason to dyno is to ensure your A/F is in good shape, and Speedwork's dyno is probably one of the more trustworthy dyno's in DFW for that reason alone, IMHO. Just an observation. Sorry so long.:o

RobWhat a bunch of :Bullshit ......:rll:
Love ya bad Rob.

05-26-2004, 11:05 PM
What a bunch of :Bullshit ......:rll:
Love ya bad Rob.

Why ya gotta be hatin' on my edumacatin'?:confused:
