View Full Version : Ever dream about your Lightning ?

05-23-2004, 12:59 PM
At the risk of sounding "out there", I've been having some odd dreams lately about the L.

The first one was with Laney and I driving the L in OKC (late at night) and I wanted to show her my first IT job (Hertz Data Center). We drive in the parking lot and notice a whole row of Chevys on the back-side of the lot. It was obvious what they were all doing at a distance with the guy/girl a$$es/elbows flailing around the cabs. :D

We drive on to the other side of the lot and step out of the L. All of a sudden, we hear sirens and a police chase closing in on us. Some guy in a pickup in the lead jumps the curb and tries to drive up a grassy hill and loses it. A squad car closes in on him, an officer jumps out and they start shooting it out HEAT style (downtown LA shootout - rent/buy the DVD!).

Laney and I see all this and I pull Laney to the ground to take cover during the shoot-out and we're watching it all. The officer goes down and the perp. looks around to see if there were any witnesses and he sees us.
I remember thinking "Damn, I don't have my .45 on me!" :hammer: He starts sprinting our way and I grab Laney and almost throw her in the L and we HAUL A$$ outta' there. :burnout:

Second dream opens up with me in this huge maze thing and I'm looking at my L in a big corner with tall, gray, stone walls (I do see that the L is red). I can't get it out - forward or reverse. It's stuck and I'm trying to get it out. I try and try forever it seems and can't get it out of the maze.

The third one, non-L related is I'm looking down as I'm holding my healthy little baby boy. The last one makes me teary-eyed. :)

I'm afraid to hear what Freud and any psycho-analyst would say. :D


05-23-2004, 01:47 PM
i think the dreams about the L are from worrying about it too much. i had a dream that my tranny blew up. i think that one was from my current situation with my tranny.

05-23-2004, 04:19 PM
Sounds like you have a deep seated worry about Losing the L.. since all of the scenarios have that in common..

Or you just have penis envy.. :hammer: :evil

couldnt resist it..


05-23-2004, 08:37 PM
The L isn't going anywhere, Dana. :rolleyes:

I'm not looking to get this thread locked like my Desert Eagle thread recently disproving your "envy" theory. :cool:


Sounds like you have a deep seated worry about Losing the L.. since all of the scenarios have that in common..

Or you just have penis envy.. :hammer: :evil

couldnt resist it..


05-23-2004, 08:59 PM
Yeah, I had a wierd dream about my L a few month or so ago. I dreamed that I was staying at a hotel and my truck was parked in the parking garage. So when I go to get into my L the next day, I come out to the remains of my L. Nobody stole it, but they took it apart. I mean everything, down to the nuts and bolts and even the seats were unstiched! I was so mad. I was yelling at security asking them how they didn't see anybody. I mean it had to take them forever to disassemble my L!:eek: Then I couldn't figure out how I was going to put it all back together, and I knew my waranty wouldn't cover it!

05-24-2004, 01:09 PM
Reminds me of that dream I had where I am in the bed of my truck naked which is filled with mayonase and naked cheerleaders. Ah the memories....

Tex Arcana
05-24-2004, 03:26 PM
I dreeamt that I was standing at the top of a pyramid, with all these beautiful women throwing tiny little pickles at me... then I realized they were throwing them at my L, and not me, and were trying to get me out of the way! :d

05-27-2004, 06:02 AM
You guys have some dreams about your trucks don't you? hehe

I had a dream that I was driving down the road in some little yellow car. I was right next to Ronald who was driving the truck ... on the toll way. We were jammin to tunes and drivin.

I had just baught 50 pairs of shoes and was too excited to wait 'til I got home to put a pair on. So I put a pair on while driving down the toll way. They were light pink 3.5" high heals. And the song that was playing was one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.

Then I dreamed I took an exit and slowed down to see Sharon Ozborne screaming "Dang it! I took the wrong exit!".

heheh Talk about odd dreams.

But we had just finished watching Band of Brothers and they were playing that song on there. lol

Suzie's not goin' anywhere boys! She's my girl too! Love driving her! :) hehe

05-27-2004, 06:05 AM
I dreeamt that I was standing at the top of a pyramid, with all these beautiful women throwing tiny little pickles at me... then I realized they were throwing them at my L, and not me, and were trying to get me out of the way! :d
hahahah that's pretty dang funny ! :rll:

Tex Arcana
05-27-2004, 09:33 AM
hahahah that's pretty dang funny ! :rll:
Eh, it's stolen schtick... :twitch: