View Full Version : hey Ronald I feel your pain in Roanoke

05-23-2004, 07:13 PM
Yep, I was going through Roanoke, rolling at the killer speed of 65MPH, see a cop and think no big deal, then he pulls out, and follows me for a while, then finally teh lights cam on. He did leave me alone about the front license plat missing, even though he did walk around front for some reason, and let me go on my registration, which I didn't even realize was out. What ever happen to those two year stickers you get when you buy a new car. Anyway, I guess I can say he was cool for not didnging me in those two, but what the hell is up with pulling someone over doing 65 (oh yeah it was in a 55 so I guess i was speeding, but I thought it was 65, it was just before TMS.). Oh well another L shot down by the Roanoke police - Did you guys do something to piss the cops off out there?

Oh yeah one other thing, I got pulled over there last year, too - for having a taillight out on my motorcyle trailer. Got a warning that time. I can't remember if that was in the L, or in my Dakota R/T. Either way that was BS that time, too! :eek:

05-23-2004, 07:45 PM
New vehicles have a two year inspection sticker. Same old annual registration tag though..

05-23-2004, 08:50 PM
At least your wallet isn't $186 lighter! :hammer:

Laney just landed TMS / Bombadier 500 tkts. for us, so I feel like the cross-hairs are on me in that jurisdiction. ;)

Gotta' be good over in that neck of the woods, now.... at least for the next 90 days. :nana2


05-24-2004, 01:37 PM
I work in Southlake and drive through Roanoke a lot. The whole Southlake, Trophy Club, Roanoke area is just bad for that. The speed limits in and through all these towns fluctuate a lot and I rarely drive along the 114 without seeing someone getting a ticket.

Southlake used to be particularly bad for a long time while the 114 was being built. You were on freeway and then had to exit into a 40 mph construction zone which started at the bottom of a hill. When you got to the top of the hill, guess who was on the other side? They could write tickets all day long on that spot and and on some days they did. Since I'm aware of it, I don't speed through their towns. And I also won't spend money in their towns (lunches or lunch errands) either.

The city gets enough money from speeding tickets IMO.
